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OU or not OU with a waterfuelcell

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  • #16
    @ stevie1001

    I'm sorry that h2opower choose to do this, i just wanted him to know that he's tread actually was mentioned on the oupower tread.

    Anyway, lets move on and and start building this water tech.
    - Behold the truth -


    • #17
      Ask Steive about the VIC and me as that was my first post on ionizationx. Again my thinking at the time was unlike anyone elses around me and I did addmit that the words that described the primary coil where still a mistory to me at the time, but now I have solved that too. There is only one part of Meyer's work I don't understand and that is the third way he used to break water down, other than that my undestanding of his work is complete. HMS-776 has a better understanding of the third way Meyer employed.

      When it comes to Stanley Meyer's water for fuel technology am I the king? Perhaps not, but I am someone that finally made sense of his work and as far as I know the first one to use science to describe what was taking place in his work. When I first started to look at the GP I ran search after search trying to find anything anyone had ever talked about concerning the GP so I could read it for I was curious and wanted to learn more about it. My searches all came up empty and it was clear at that point I was the first to ever take a look at the GP. As for the injectors I was not the first to take a look at them but I was the first to put science to it as to how they worked. I am also the first to do any energy content calculations on Meyers work. Even the VIC coil as too figure 6.1 in the SMTB I am the first one to show just what a dual primary bidirectionaly wrapped coil looks like. There are so many parts of Meyers work I am the first to talk about it really stands out. So as you can see things I have talked about with concern to Stanley Meyers work are for the most part a first.

      But the main thing I didn't like about your post on ourpower is you got some things wrong and came off as if the ideas where yours when it is clear they are mine. I gave away the technology for free and all I ask was to tell the world it was me nothing more and I ask that in my very first post in the thread I started. So much for that request, huh? Oh well, guess Mr. Clark was right when concerning any revolutionary ideas. But all the credit goes to Stanley Meyer for it is after all his work I was following plus Albert Bows.

      This is a clear example of different way of thinking, everyone that I have seen with the alternator set ups thus far didn't wire it up right. The first mistake people made was to pulse the rotor field windings when in reality all you do is put a veryable resistor in line with the rotor coil so one can raise or lower the voltage to the rotor field windings. The second mistake people made was to not wire the three coils of the stator like Meyer said to do or shown how to do in the patent. Then the last mistake they made is to not use a PWM on the driving motor for the alternator for it is the RPMs that are used to find resonance with the WFCs it is hooked up to. That's right the RPMs determine the resonance in that set up. Once resonance is found then you raise the voltage to the field windings of the rotor with the veriable resistor and Meyer used only ten watts of electrical energy to the field windings of the rotor. Now watch how many people say that I am full of BS and simply refuse to wire the alternator's in this fassion. With that I rest my case for from what I have seen others do is not like I just described.


      Originally posted by Oneminde View Post
      If you look at page one on the oupower tread you can see that you'r tread is mentioned. For the VIC's, that i finaly figured out for myself. And for the GP i was among the first to mention corona discharge and UV. I stoped writing on your tread becouse you did not want me there, but you keep on following me and starting a fight - but i am not going to fight. If the source information is important LIKE WHAT I DID ON PAGE ONE AT THAT OUPOWER TREAD then i will add it.
      You'r tread is mentioned and the reply was about the capacitors and not the GP, and in this tread i talked about the VIC - that is two different things.

      You'r not the king of water tech and i am not the king of it. I see the information as the important part, the science behind it and i try to understand it and also evolve my understanding. There are hundreds off people beside you that have done similar work like what you have done on your tread.

      I am tired of fighting whit you and that was the reason why i stoped writing (to you) in that tread.


      • #18
        The third way is from he's Stacked Cavity - he use microwaves and ionization.

        First: That Meyrs VIC is a Air Core "E" type Step-up Transformer was mentioned by me here, no one told me this so the VIC was a mystery. The one first talking about them was Nicola Tesla and Meyer based the VIC on he's work.

        That there is a creation of an AMP "wave" in the capacitor was first mentioned by Peter Lindemann (that i know of) and ones I understod that this was the reason for the blocking diod, I figured out the rest for myself.
        Last edited by Oneminde; 10-26-2009, 06:12 PM.
        - Behold the truth -


        • #19
          Originally posted by Oneminde View Post
          The third way is from he's Stacked Cavity - he use microwaves and ionization.

          First: That Meyrs VIC is a Air Core "E" type Step-up Transformer was mentioned by me here, no one told me this so the VIC was a mystery. The one first talking about them was Nicola Tesla and Meyer based the VIC on he's work.

          That there is a creation of an AMP "wave" in the capacitor was first mentioned by Peter Lindemann (that i know of) and ones I understod that this was the reason for the blocking diod, I figured out the rest for myself.
          The VIC transformer is not an air core no where in the patent does it say anything about an air core. Have you ever looked at the way the stator is constructed? Now I am going to compare the VIC transformer figure 6 to the stator of an alternator. First thing you will note is the stator winding has three seperate windings that are made up of a bunch of coil loops in series. Each coil loop has it's very own capacitive reactance so as the magnetic field from the rotor cut through it ends the voltage is multiplied unto the next coil loop and the process continues as the magnetic field rotates about the stator will windings. Now if you look at the secondary and choke windings of the figure 6 transformer you will note they are constructed the same as the stator windings of the alternator. That is to say they both have a bunch of coil loops connected in series. Meyer even tells in his video that he used the alternator as an amp restrictor. Even the primary is wraped in a similar fashion, the dual primary bidirectionally wrapped. In the circuit he used figure 4 to raise & lower the voltage to the primary coil, and he used figure 5 to simulate the rotation of the rotors magnetic field for now it has to be pulsed to get the same effect.

          Now that you see that the figure 6 VIC transformer is the same as the alternator things should start to makes sense as to it's functionality. Meyer changed nothing he simply used a fully electrical means to do the same thing, thus doing away with the motor and the alternator. Can you now see how he was progressing the technology? Now can understand why Meyer says it works when the magnetic field terminates, for each coil loop has a capacitive reactance that when the magnetic field is terminated act like a voltage multipler ramping up the voltage; X1•X2•X3 and so on. Now you know that they are the same the VIC and the Alternator/motor you should have clearer understanding of how some of this technology works. Not even Dr. Lindemann noticed that mainly because he skimmed through Meyers patents. His focuse is on the no back EMF motors where he has been able to show motors too need to evolve. My focuse has been the on the water for fuel technology in great detail and now for the most part I am done with that task. Hope this aided your understanding of the VIC transformer from a comparitive point of view,



          • #20
            I'm Free to do what i want ....

            @H2O Forgive me but it's being a long time you talk about your theories and you never showed your ionization potential calculation and theories to work. You have put the most serious researchers in your ignorance list in your thread, And after 10 months nothing.

            I found this for you in stan memo " Multi-layer Coil
            Inductance of a multilayer coil of rectangular cross section can be computed by below formula
            when optimizing maximum distributed capacitance (Cda xxx Coo) and distributed inductance (Dla xxx
            DIn) of Figure (7-3) to intensify Inductance Field Strength (FLa xxx Fln) to function as a voltage
            multiplier in switch-off conditions (612a xxx 612n), as illustrated in (710) of ~. Figure (7-10) as to VIC
            Coil Assembly (580) of Figure (6-1) and, is expressed:
            (Eq 20)

            An E core have a air gap too and can be easily adjusted just under saturation.

            However I got my cell working! I'm just adjusting it to reach what stan called fracture the water using voltage field but the principle is already working. High voltage and 0 current like all you like to say

            I demonstrated almost all calculation stan described and a working schematic and a working prototype model.

            @Steve I need to thank you a lot for the space you gave me in your site and for you direct help i just received your email. I Thank you a lot.

            I also made this same experiment and found it amazing its able to work like charge pump making the capacitor to accumulate more voltage or charge to a higher voltage than the input voltage if i understood well what you described.

            Meyer used more than one diode
            1 was the blocking diode between the secondary and charging choke
            2 were the switching diodes that allow the current to pass in only one direction thru 2 cells.

            Forgive about connecting the vic as stan described to the cell you need a resonant cavity to connect it to or a tank circuit hope is quite clear...

            Remember under resonance current is alternated.

            When he said voltage is not consumed in a electronic circuit he meant:

            When a voltage field pass thru a diode or a resistance it wont dissipate energy by heat like current does.


            • #21
              Well, this is enough teaching on someone elses thread, but if anyone would just read what I just posted and what Stanley Meyer said that sebo just posted you will noticed what I said is the same thing. And an air gap is not the same thing as an air core.

              The one person in didn't want to put on the 'IGNOR' list, but for you if the shoe fits by all means where it, was onemind. When I reveiwed all of the post that showed a total lack of understanding of science an a pure hardened stance in their line of thought no matter if someone showed them an explaintion through science the Italian team had to be put down. Oneminds post did nothing but pit one against another at the time so he gave me no choice but to lump him in the same group.

              Sorry for taking up so much of your thread without asking your premission, okay? As for why I left ionizationx was due freedom of speech issues as on that site I clearly lost my freedom of speech when it came to asking questions to h2opowered, aka, Tad Johnson. Feel free to read my thread on this site and if you have any questions feel free to ask. What most people like sebo want is for me to put on a show for them and I clearly will do no such thing for I am a man of science not a video producer. When it comes Stanley Meyer's water for fuel technology all I can do is show everyone the door, they have to choose to walk through it. Again sorry about taking up so much space on your thread,

              Last edited by h20power; 10-27-2009, 04:01 AM.


              • #22
                Hi H2Opower

                I dont mind that others are sharing info here in this thread.
                Its nice to read about others vision on the same subject.
                Hopefully, some one will succeed in finding a smarter and more efficient way in splitting water.

                I do hope that you make the GP work and that you will share that info with other people. Any idea on when you can show some test results?


                Nice is it. You see the meters change in a direction you wouldnt expected.
                Its indeed a chargpump. It makes amp from volts.

                At this moment, nobody has shown a wfc making lots of gas with just volts.
                Even the proces of JN was just amps.

                Well, thats all.



                • #23
                  Okay Steive,
                  @Onemind I have read your whole thread on ourpower and other than letting people know who did what you did at least give them me thread to read. Example, when you say "I've done the math" you should have said I was shown the math by h2opower and going over the information in the patent I have to say I agree with his findings. He showed energy content calculations that fall right in place with what Meyer says in his patent talking about ionizing oxygen 4 or more, or something like that. But I have taken you off of the ignor list. Don't take my kindness as a sign of weakness, okay? Thanks.

                  The one thing I wanted from you Steive is for you to establish a time frame for me and/ or back me up. That is one thing I notice a lot is the total lack of people that I think are on my side showing a total lack of backing me up. I went out of my way to show everything I have posted with real science and no one backs me up. But like Meyer said, " you have to be a loner" and I am getting use to standing on my own.

                  Right now when I say I am done with Stanley Meyers technology that is exactly what I mean. I know how it all works with the exception of the stacked cavities ask HMS-776 about that, I don't know only because I didn't care to know. Why? Once I solved the way the injectors work I saw no need to go back to older Meyer technology. Both the water fuel capacitor and the water fuel injectors is all one needs to becoming energy independent. As for showing a video I don't think will do that as I know who the enemy is, so everyone is going to have to trust the science I gave to back me up. For now that is the best I can do.

                  Everyone should read the thread on the Ruling Class to gain a perspective of what I am talking about.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by h20power View Post
                    Okay Steive,
                    @Onemind I have read your whole thread on ourpower and other than letting people know who did what you did at least give them me thread to read. Example, when you say "I've done the math" you should have said I was shown the math by h2opower and going over the information in the patent I have to say I agree with his findings. He showed energy content calculations that fall right in place with what Meyer says in his patent talking about ionizing oxygen 4 or more, or something like that. But I have taken you off of the ignor list. Don't take my kindness as a sign of weakness, okay? Thanks.

                    The one thing I wanted from you Steive is for you to establish a time frame for me and/ or back me up. That is one thing I notice a lot is the total lack of people that I think are on my side showing a total lack of backing me up. I went out of my way to show everything I have posted with real science and no one backs me up. But like Meyer said, " you have to be a loner" and I am getting use to standing on my own.

                    Right now when I say I am done with Stanley Meyers technology that is exactly what I mean. I know how it all works with the exception of the stacked cavities ask HMS-776 about that, I don't know only because I didn't care to know. Why? Once I solved the way the injectors work I saw no need to go back to older Meyer technology. Both the water fuel capacitor and the water fuel injectors is all one needs to becoming energy independent. As for showing a video I don't think will do that as I know who the enemy is, so everyone is going to have to trust the science I gave to back me up. For now that is the best I can do.

                    Everyone should read the thread on the Ruling Class to gain a perspective of what I am talking about.

                    First, please spell my name right, please. Its Steve or Stevie but not Steive....That looks silly...

                    You can have any timeframe you want from my part. Thats why i asked you to give one. Thats because its not up to us, is it.
                    I know you a long time now and i told this more or less before. You have a lot of theory in you and you share it, which is good and very much appriciated.
                    However, if you do not show anything working you will become one of the many, who are telling that this and that is the thruth of Stans technology...
                    Thats all.

                    If you want people to replicate your work, then show them the way, i would say. You have it in you. Maybe time for the next step... ?



                    • #25
                      The work of Dr Ronald Stiffler.

                      Now i dont know if this is the right tread to debate he's electrostatic electrolyser, but i think that he's setup is interesting if we compare it to Meyers work. I just wanted to mention that and watch for responces on it.

                      take care
                      - Behold the truth -


                      • #26
                        It's not my work it's Stanley Meyer's work! I am just the one who was able to make sense of it all.


                        Originally posted by stevie1001 View Post
                        First, please spell my name right, please. Its Steve or Stevie but not Steive....That looks silly...

                        You can have any timeframe you want from my part. Thats why i asked you to give one. Thats because its not up to us, is it.
                        I know you a long time now and i told this more or less before. You have a lot of theory in you and you share it, which is good and very much appriciated.
                        However, if you do not show anything working you will become one of the many, who are telling that this and that is the thruth of Stans technology...
                        Thats all.

                        If you want people to replicate your work, then show them the way, i would say. You have it in you. Maybe time for the next step... ?



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by h20power View Post
                          It's not my work it's Stanley Meyer's work! I am just the one who was able to make sense of it all.

                          Do you really think you are the one?


                          • #28
                            PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE... stop this fight, i think we all are getting a bit tired of it - be constructive instead. Even Meyer whould say that he was not the one. The history is full of people leading Meyer to he's understanding of the tech. Even he was inspired of Nicola Tesla for he's energy source and VIC and how know's, even the GP may be a part of it. There is nothing to fight over exept. And the history is full of people that made there car run on water and hydrogen. 1968... a year that you should know of and i think Meyer did to.
                            - Behold the truth -


                            • #29
                              Sorry if it seems offensive but is just very sincere question. I just want a very sincere answer.

                              I have it working around here and I saw is not like how is he saying I would just like to know if I would give him 1,000,000 dollars tomorrow if he really believe that he is capable of replicating what he claim to have discovered.

                              No time for fight here you might imagine...

                              Best Regards

