Originally posted by bussi04
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You also need to instal WinAVR, see AVRFreaks for how to do that.
I will do the initial exercises on the PC, and for that you also need wxWidgets installed.
You are on your own on how to install wxWidgets on M$, search the net.
Besides these major tools the Ubuntu toolchain includes other programs that may be needed later.
If you assume you had a magic box measuring all signals necessary, and providing all timing pulses to the complete system, then what you need is the power circuits.
If you could give that a thought, you dont need to draw diagrams for the power switchers, just make a 3 terminal component with control in and the two power lines which is connected or disconnected. Then we get that overview.
Initially you have to decide whether you are a downloader or a SW co-developer for the electronics.
Just need to install the USBprog program, and buy the USBprog HW and AVR-CAN.
You have two choices. A cheap preliminary solution, or the end expensive solution.
With this you can both program and debug the AVR-CAN prototyping uC.
The final solution will probably have both an AT90CAN128 uC, and a XMEGA uC.
The avr-usb-jtag can not work with the XMEGA, for this you need a JTAG ICE costing 400$+ or maybe the cheap AVR Dragon can be used, I have no Dragon, so I can not tell for sure.
I recommend the co-developer buys the avr-usb-jtag + AVR-CAN and have a regulated 5V 2A power supply. + 12V (battery OK) + whatever power the remaining circuits may need. I have no Olimex JTAG, but on their website they claim their JTAG to be identical the the old original AVR JTAG, which will do for the first prototyping.
With the prototyping work done, the final board can be designed, and at that time a few need the expensive JTAG-ICE (maybe we are lucky a cheap clone will be available at that time).
That concludes the initial HW considerations...but before buying look a bit further.
For the SW, I expect we need some exercises to get accustomed to using the tool chain, and learning quick and easy a very limited set of C++ skills, which will do for 90% of the programming. Remember I will supply the project setup and some basic framework, so it will be jump started.
So until you feel comfortable with the SW tools you don't need buying any HW.
Further install instructions for the tool chain on Ubuntu 9.10 alternate install will follow in a few hours.