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  • #91
    KiCad project files for SUI rev.B

    Hi everyone,

    Here it is, all the KiCad project files for making the SUI PCB.

    The display is the industry standard 20 chars x 4 lines with 14 or 16 pin connector. There are many sources for a compatible display.

    Rename the .pdf to .zip, and expand into an empty directory.

    As the attachment space is very limited, you have to plot the "films" or Gerber files yourself, so it stays compact. This is also what I like, only 130KByte for the PCB defining files.

    Let me know if you find errors.

    The Code::Blocks project and the SW follows later...


    Attached Files
    Last edited by Tecstatic; 12-12-2009, 01:18 AM. Reason: New sui added with no missing GND plane on component.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
      As I also only write to the display and never read, I can connect the display RW pin to GND and get one more LED on the board.
      Hi Eric,

      I have downloaded the KiCad zip and could find no errors. Itīs a nice and efficient solution, expandable, flexible and versatile

      I have annotations/questions:

      1. Though those displays are industrial standard there are slight differences in initialization sequence (i.e. serial to parallel, 8 to 4 bit). It might be better (at least temporarily for the very first time) to reestablish a read line function to auto-adjust the initialization sequence of the display.

      2. what is a transformer with tank circuit?

      3. As I have seen you are using the DebugWire channel to connect the SUI. Thatīs most efficient .

      4. those unused places for additional connectors on the motherboard seem to be filled with solder. There should be holes until connectors are added I think.

      Using the 3D viewer in KiCad lets me catch a view of the back side of the pcb .

      Very nice progress! Thanks for your valuable contribution.

      Last edited by bussi04; 12-12-2009, 12:20 AM.


      • #93
        Maybe I have found a good IC for current measurement of a VIC primary with a uC:



        • #94
          Originally posted by bussi04 View Post
          Hi Eric,

          I have downloaded the KiCad zip and could find no errors. Itīs a nice and efficient solution, expandable, flexible and versatile
          I did actually, the GND on component layer is missing on the "large" pcb. I have uploaded a new sui.pdf above with the GND layer included.

          What you look at is 2 PCBs, it is cut in 2 pieces at the border between the GND planes.

          I have annotations/questions:

          1. Though those displays are industrial standard there are slight differences in initialization sequence (i.e. serial to parallel, 8 to 4 bit). It might be better (at least temporarily for the very first time) to reestablish a read line function to auto-adjust the initialization sequence of the display.
          Note small adapter PCB, has a "free" RW line. This enables us to make a small "LCD type detection program" using an 8 bit port directly on the motherboard, so we can set a define to compile code for the right display or maybe do it a smarter way.

          We could also do it by trial and error. Remember the uC has EEPROM memory, so a newly programmed chip has no knowledge of the display type.

          We could then run the setup sequence, and blink with a led. Pushing one rotary/pushbutton means we got a "picture" on the screen" pushing the other means "no we got no picture".

          This will make the program run a new setup sequence, and blink with the LED.
          This loop continues until we succeed, and store the display type in the EEPROM with the yes push, or the list is exhausted without success, as the display type is unknown to the program.

          2. what is a transformer with tank circuit?
          You use e.g. a 230V/12V transformer. You use the 12V Winding as primary, and add a capacitor parallel to the 230V secondary. This results in a resonance frequency, and selecting appropriate components, this will enable us to simulate a VIC transformer, so the program can be tested.

          3. As I have seen you are using the DebugWire channel to connect the SUI. Thatīs most efficient .
          The /RESET pin is the only pin used for debugwire. but thats not what I use.
          I use the SPI interface on PORTB0..3. The SS line controls the shift/load line on the SUI PCB.

          And the nice thing is about this 6 pin layout is that I have another solution ready, which has the same 6-pin header layout.

          This is a graphical display solution able to control up to 320x240 pixels. I also have user interface SW (what I normally use) to make a more advanced user interface.

          This is also the reason for adding the RAM chip to the motherboard, as the large display need more image RAM.

          The data flash can be up to 4MByte, so we have the option to data log the operation.
          I also have a file system I coded myself, so we can consider the dataflash chip (in a SO8 package) as a disk.
          4. those unused places for additional connectors on the motherboard seem to be filled with solder. There should be holes until connectors are added I think.
          I have etched, drilled and mounted the PCB myself, so there is no solder in the empty holes. No need to solder all connectors before the PCB has been tested step by step

          Using the 3D viewer in KiCad lets me catch a view of the back side of the pcb .

          Very nice progress! Thanks for your valuable contribution.

          Thanks, you are the only one responding to the thread at this time. I don't know if the remaining members think this is way out, or they are just waiting for a ready to use solution.

          As you have some programming experience, maybe you would like to contribute with some SW, so we can finish this faster ? Maybe determine the display setup sequences for the most common LCD types ?

          Regarding your next post, I don't like the 80KHz bandwidth limitation.

          For sensing current I normally use a 50milli ohm resistor and an op amp with 20MHz+ bandwidth, so I can react quickly to protect the transistor from destruction in an over current situation.



          • #95
            Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
            As you have some programming experience, maybe you would like to contribute with some SW, so we can finish this faster ? Maybe determine the display setup sequences for the most common LCD types ?

            What about using one single post for each part taking person as a permanent zip-file library containing those code fragments for push exchange. So we can start without an explicit server system. the post-owner can download the others code and update his own code whenever needed.

            Last edited by bussi04; 12-12-2009, 07:46 AM.


            • #96
              Super idea

              Then we can at least double the available attachment space for this purpose.

              Yesterday and today I'm repairing the engine on my wife's car, hopefully everything will be OK tomorrow. I will be back then to work on the first SW release and make some more PCBs.



              • #97

                Hey are you working on water fuel car?

                Last weekend I was playing with it for first time, but I need to buy more Diodes heheh, ok... Look if we try to make electrolisys you can see non-magnetics materials are highly needed... Then I was trying with Water Spark Plug because this discharging cap system is very intersting to another applications.

                Now my idea... I think Spark Plug MUST TO BE TOTALLY NON MAGNETIC. This can increase the expansion because if the water is descompose on H and O then I believe H can be stick on the Plug....

                Maybe is possible use some Like Towers Plugs machined on Stainless Steel 716 Grade.... I don't know only ideas.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


                • #98
                  Originally posted by patmac View Post

                  Hey are you working on water fuel car?
                  No, I can not claim to do that, that's the business of h20power & Co.
                  What I do is making a generic set of PCBs I think should enable the experiments with new technology, instead of the old 40xx CMOS logic ICs.

                  Last weekend I was playing with it for first time, but I need to buy more Diodes heheh, ok... Look if we try to make electrolisys you can see non-magnetics materials are highly needed... Then I was trying with Water Spark Plug because this discharging cap system is very intersting to another applications.

                  Now my idea... I think Spark Plug MUST TO BE TOTALLY NON MAGNETIC. This can increase the expansion because if the water is descompose on H and O then I believe H can be stick on the Plug....

                  Maybe is possible use some Like Towers Plugs machined on Stainless Steel 716 Grade.... I don't know only ideas.
                  Regarding the physical side of this, IMHO the right person to discus the technology is h20power on the other thread. I made this thread not to clutter the other thread with uController stuff.

                  But thanks for the thoughts and interest, the more trying to make this happen, the better the chance for success.


                  Publishing of the motherboard is near


                  • #99
                    Motherboard for AVR-CAN, TEC 2009 03A

                    Here it is..

                    Remember to rename from .pdf to .zip

                    Last edited by Tecstatic; 08-24-2010, 02:28 AM.


                    • Via pins

                      For the ones making the PCBs at the kitchen table, the vias are made most easily with "track pins" from Harwin.

                      HARWIN|T1559F46K|TRACK PIN, 0.84MM, PK1000 | Farnell United Kingdom

                      Sorry I missed those...


                      I have designed the looks of the simulator interface running on the PC. Now I will proceed to collect code from my libraries to get a working simulator program, and then finish the target program.

                      The first program will do the work equivalent to two synchronized 555's, just much more precise, and capable of higher frequencies.

                      Next step will be a 7 channel application, and the VIC controller. I guess I have to design a PCB for the VIC power stage also.



                      • Installation description for KiCad on MS Windows platform

                        Everyone who wants to watch the library contents schemes (the circuit diagram), wants to change pcb details, wants to get part lists of the circuit or wants to use gerber files for pcb manufacturing has to use KiCad.

                        So here is a simple installation description for KiCad on MS Windows platform:

                        1. What is KiCad: Kicad
                        2. download KiCad:
                        3. expand the zip-archive content, alternatively open the zip-archive with winzip. There should be only one file in the archive
                        4. double-click the executable KiCad-2009-02-16-final-WinXP_autoinstall.exe
                        5. install to your usual program installation directory i.e. C:\Programs
                        6. after installation you find a new icon on the desktop “KiCad”


                        Questions are welcome



                        • Small project for test of SUI HW

                          Hi again,

                          Here I have attached a zip file, which you have to unzip to your hard disk with the directory structure kept.

                          Doubleclick the project file:


                          to start Code::Blocks.

                          The project has two build targets:

                          1. Build the program using only internal uC RAM memory.
                          2. Build the program using 64KByte of external RAM (if mounted)

                          Select your target, and click the build button on the upper panel.

                          The settings are for a Dragon used as programmer/debugger. If you have the programmer and the AVR target connected to your PC, then a successful build continues programming the AVR uC, so you are ready to go.

                          If you don't have an AVR Dragon, but some other programmer, then replace the avarice option "-g" with the option for your programmer, also look if "-j usb" is correct for your programmer. See Project->Build options->Pre/post build steps.

                          Extended fuse byte is "FD"
                          High fuse byte is "1F"
                          Low fuse byte is "FE"
                          for the AT90CAN128 uC.

                          The test program simply displays the screen previously pictured in a post here.

                          The two LEDs will flash, and the hexadecimal 2 digit number at he low right of the display shows the state of the buttons.

                          With the SUI PCB rotated having the LEDs above the rotary buttons, the bit patterns are as follows:

                          Use the two switched and the rotary buttons to obtain "FF"
                          A bit read zero when the contact is on (allows current to flow).
                          Now the following should be true for the 8 button bits read, assuming starting with "FF":

                          "7F" Right switch in on.....(bit7)
                          "BF" Right rotary pushed..(bit6)
                          "DF" Left switch is on......(bit5)
                          "EF" Right switch is on....(bit4)

                          When slowly turning the right rotary you get values "CF", "DF", "EF" and "FF" (bits 2+3)

                          When slowly turning the left rotary you get values "3F", "7F", "BF" and "FF" (bits 0+1)

                          Even though you don't have the HW, this is an opportunity to try the Code::Blocks development environment.

                          Good luck :-)


                          For the first right application I need some more time. Choosing the cheap alpha numerical display, when I had SW for a (more expensive) graphic display has a time penalty. I think I now have a solution, so the SW can run on both displays hopefully, but I need some more time to finish that work.

                          Attached Files


                          • sui and motherboard assembled

                            Hi tecstatic,

                            now I have assembled the motherboard and the sui board. at the moment I donīt know how to test the electrical function of avr-can connected to the motherboard and that connected to the sui-board and display. Up yet there is no external flash storage installed.
                            How did you step by step test the functionality?



                            • Hi Bussi,

                              You can start checking that the motherboard has no shorts on independent pins for the AVR-CAN.

                              You check with 5V OK, that the power supply pins for the AVR-CAN all are 5V, also the AD converter supply.

                              Disconnect the supply.

                              You need a 6 wire flat cable with connectors mounted on the cable. Be sure you have the arrow pin1 marking on the connector at the same side as the color marking on the flat cable.

                              Check you have pin1 one end to pin1 the other end, better safe than sorry.

                              Please note the header pins7 and 8 of the motherboard (MB) header connector P66 is not there, as seen on the diagram. This enables you to mount either a 6 wire cable or a 10 wire cable.

                              Mount the 6-wire flat cable to P66 on the motherboard and P3 on the SUI board.

                              Mount a jumper between pin3 and 4 on P65.

                              Do not mount the display on the SUI board yet.

                              Add power to the MB, check the 5V is OK, also on the SUI PCB.
                              Remove the power.

                              Remove the SUI cable from the MB.

                              Be sure to mount the AVR_CAN correctly, the 2-pin "PWR" must be to the same side as the connector for the motherboard power input.

                              Then connect power, you should see a flashing LED on the AVR-CAN. (only for first use of the AVR-CAN, remember you have loaded your memory test programs).

                              So for you Bussi, first connect the Dragon to the AVR-CAN, add power and program the internal memory target build for no external RAM, only the internal 4KByte RAM. This should be no problem, as you have checked for no shorts and power pins OK.

                              Note: The internal RAM target build is named: Build target "AVR standalone". Select the target in the tool bar combobox.

                              When programmed OK, continue further.

                              Disconnect power and Dragon.

                              Connect the SUI PCB again, no display. but be sure the SUI LEDs are mounted.
                              Add power, the LEDs should flash.
                              Remove power.

                              Be sure to have a 14 or 16-pin header soldered on the display. Mount the small display adapter PCB. Be sure pin1 is to pin1.

                              Use a permanent ink marker to put a dot close to the header pin1 on the adapter PCB and P4 on the SUI PCB.

                              Mount a 10-wire flat cable that has been checked for correct orientation and connect the display adapter P4 to P5 on the SUI.

                              Add power and adjust the contrast potentiometer on adapter PCB. You should now see the text.

                              If not check the 5V again.

                              Let me know if you get problems, or I missed some info here.

                              With display text on you can do the test of the switches mentioned in my previous post, also test the two externally mounted SW1 and SW2.

                              Maybe you could take a few photos of the process, and maybe take this instruction with your additions and put in a document to ease the road, if others chime in later.

                              And thank you for the precise KiCad install instructions

                              Good luck with your HW test.

                              Last edited by Tecstatic; 12-31-2009, 10:51 PM. Reason: Connector number correction. Build target more detailed described.


                              • short term substitution of components

                                Hi Eric,

                                thank you for your ultra-fast response

                                At the end of assembling I have noticed that I forgot to buy L1=4.7ĩH and R11=10R .

                                I think I wonīt get those parts today but I want to proceed.
                                My question: as an interim solution can I substitute both parts by jumpers?
                                For L1 Iīm quite sure but for R11 Iīm not.

                                Please help.

                                One more question: in your part list there is a 74VHC573, V means very fast. And V means difficult to get. Can it be substituted by 74HC573?

                                Best wishes for the new year


