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Dr. Steven Eaton Fuel Cell

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  • #16
    First off, It is not my work! It is the work of Stanley Meyer, I am just someone that figured out how he did what he did, nothing more. Further more I gave what I know away 100% free of charge, didn't ask anyone for a dime, just doing my part to help my fellow man. For energy independence is the right of all persons that live on the planet, not just those rich fat cats who could care less about humanity. In my view, as well as the view of others, this technology had to be given away, for that is the only way any of us are going to get it.

    All I am reminding everyone about is KOH is very toxic if everyone dumped their waste water down the drains the envirenment couldn't handle it for we are too great in numbers for something like that to be done to our envirenment in mass. Right now the circuit is being completed, once it is complete everyone is set to go

    So give it a good reading for what have you got to loose for I am not asking anything from you, just giving the technology away to all that want it.


    Originally posted by Cloxxki View Post
    If it's not your work, it stinks, right?

    If it works as advertized though, it's the best disclosed OU work, ever. Nice if Meyers did it before, he just didn't disclose to the point of any 100%+ efficient replication.
    The distilled vs unfiltered river water is a matter of evolution. Getting 100% efficiency even with pharmaceutical grade distilled water...yet unconfirmed. One step at a time.

    If your work works, props to you, obviously. Doesn't make you a nice web personality though.


    • #17
      nice work

      Well this is the first fuel cell that I have seen that is right. If anybody wishes to see my video on the jet engine "centraflows channel" you will see nearly the same cell, the principles are the same.

      The one thing that is missing is the electronic drive unit, but that is being changed as I type this. The doc: is using straight DC, the trick is in another form of powering this.

      If you look at my steap thread it will give you an idea of how this cell can be powered with very little energy. The cell becomes part of the circuit "a capacitor" and that circuit is recharging the battery, what happens inside the capacitor is a bonus "produces gas"



      • #18
        H2O go toot your horn somewhere else. We all know about your thread and "Free Gift". Quit soliciting on every related thread to come to "your" thread.
        Last edited by Mark; 11-23-2009, 07:11 PM.


        • #19
          Does everyone else share these two's, Mark, and Cloxxki views about my post here? Is this unwelcome information on my thread?



          • #20
            Originally posted by h20power View Post
            Does everyone else share these two's, Mark, and Cloxxki views about my post here? Is this unwelcome information on my thread?
            Very simple:

            1. This is a thread about something very specific, a new HHO cell design. It has nothing to do with SM HHO production.
            2. This cell (allegedly) is shown in the video producing HHO. Do you have a video showing the same?
            3. Stop thread hi-jacking...



            • #21
              This maybe is not a scam as 200% would not be impossible to be a temperature non consideration along ideal gas laws but however the thing about the 2 amps over night smells a lot.

              I have to say just that our systems needs only or less than 1% of the energy output to work. but it costs a lot...


              • #22
                New Video

                In this update video video Dr. Eaton explains why his cell is so efficient and they run more production tests.



                • #23
                  Well.. Seems prommessing. I would like to see a better bottle test.. With no hands ;-)

                  As far as the system.. It look likes they just force the power straight to the tubes.. Could not make out where the Pos and Neg where exactly connected.

                  The trick seems to be in the length of the tube combined with a 0.1 gaped inner tube.

                  Hope they post some more and better tests.


                  • #24
                    Everyone keeps saying over-unity when it is over Dr. Faraday's results we are basing our experiments on. In that wording he is using lies all of the error. In the video he is using 23.6 amps @ 12vDC, in this video YouTube - HHO Generator HVDC2 the guy is using 4.6 amps @ 140vDC. Now a cars changing system doesn't like to put out 23.6 amps but is has no beef with 4.6 amps do you agree?

                    Now this is a video showing what I am talking about when I say, "Over Dr. Faraday's results." YouTube - My baby crawling. will soon run!
                    And a showing of his production at 14.5L/min: YouTube - 14 5 Liters per minute

                    Now my point is this these two are putting out far more than the one this thread talks about, why is it then not cool to talk about people like these two?

                    Another thing I would like to point out is with out Stanley Meyer's Gas Processor one can never get the high energy flux density needed to run an internal combustion engine, let alone a jet or rocket ship. I am not trying to take over anyones thread, just trying to point people in the direction they are wanting to go with their experiments already. Unless this action is what they really want =>



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by h20power View Post
                      Everyone keeps saying over-unity when it is over Dr. Faraday's results we are basing our experiments on. In that wording he is using lies all of the error. In the video he is using 23.6 amps @ 12vDC, in this video YouTube - HHO Generator HVDC2 the guy is using 4.6 amps @ 140vDC. Now a cars changing system doesn't like to put out 23.6 amps but is has no beef with 4.6 amps do you agree?

                      Now this is a video showing what I am talking about when I say, "Over Dr. Faraday's results." YouTube - My baby crawling. will soon run!
                      And a showing of his production at 14.5L/min: YouTube - 14 5 Liters per minute

                      Now my point is this these two are putting out far more than the one this thread talks about, why is it then not cool to talk about people like these two?

                      Another thing I would like to point out is with out Stanley Meyer's Gas Processor one can never get the high energy flux density needed to run an internal combustion engine, let alone a jet or rocket ship. I am not trying to take over anyones thread, just trying to point people in the direction they are wanting to go with their experiments already. Unless this action is what they really want =>

                      Hi h2opower,

                      Looking at the videos you've posted in the info section of video that cell uses just over 3 times the power of the prototype Eaton Cell @ 283 watts putting out 4-5 lpm.

                      "My gas production after more than 500 hours of conditioning! It now does 14.5 liters per minute at 185V and 5.2A (962W total input power)"

                      I would imagine at some point someone will run higher voltages through the cell and don't forget there is only 1 gram of KOH per gallon of distilled water in the Eaton prototype.




                      • #26
                        H20 that guy is creating 15lpm of water steam do you know that???

                        try connecting 220v thru a 30 amps bridge rectifier and straight to two plates 10cm X 20cm stainless steel inside any kind of water. you will see about 4 liters of water being consumed in about 1 hour this give you about 120 liters of hydrogen and steam per minute. using only about 600watts or 3 AMPS ... At the start up will consume about 10 amps for about 1 minute and than the amperage drops when water boils.

                        THATS NOT THE CASE

                        IF you want to make a car run on water you absolutely need to consume maximum about 20 amps because this is very possible at 12v

                        at 110 volts is much harder since from the alternator you alredy have 12v and you would need an inverter.


                        • #27
                          The one with an output of 14.5 L/min is using a boyce hex controller and is a personal friend of mine. This was done when the cell was cold. He just wanted to show me his output. So no steam okay? The other video I don't know the guy so I am not sure of the temps he has there.

                          One thing I do like about the cell is it's unique design, and when the circuit is done I think he can put it to good use with his design. I don't think I have ever shown you or anyone here my WFC design. Take a look:

                          It's a render of it, but looks the same except a few changes I had to make on the fly as it gave me problems fitting the tubes in right.

                          Once the circuit is done perhaps I will fire it up and make a video as I think I found a good use for it, Meyer's old technology is not dead, .

                          Right now the guy is using KOH and I would say stop using it for it is vary harmfully to our environment. 1 gram per gallon will kill you if you drink it, in fact you can't even put your hands in it for it will discolor them and start pealing your skin off over time. It's used to clean drains for a reason, it's toxic to living matter.

                          The design he has is a good one but without a Hex controller or the Meyer circuit it will never see it's full potential. I am sure if he used rain water he wouldn't need any KOH. All of our end goals are the same and that is to become energy independent, and to do that all of us will need the Gas Processor.
                          Got Mine:

                          If a hydrogen making device is being planned for use with an internal combustion engine we all need it.

                          Best wishes to all,


                          Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
                          H20 that guy is creating 15lpm of water steam do you know that???

                          try connecting 220v thru a 30 amps bridge rectifier and straight to two plates 10cm X 20cm stainless steel inside any kind of water. you will see about 4 liters of water being consumed in about 1 hour this give you about 120 liters of hydrogen and steam per minute. using only about 600watts or 3 AMPS ... At the start up will consume about 10 amps for about 1 minute and than the amperage drops when water boils.

                          THATS NOT THE CASE

                          IF you want to make a car run on water you absolutely need to consume maximum about 20 amps because this is very possible at 12v

                          at 110 volts is much harder since from the alternator you alredy have 12v and you would need an inverter.
                          Last edited by h20power; 11-26-2009, 05:04 AM.

