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Ionization & Water Fuel

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  • Originally posted by FrozenWaterLab View Post
    Hi Arron
    Just a thought about the water
    Got this heathy water unit that puts out various PH Levels.
    The highly acidic end might be useful in an HHO unit.
    Providing higher levels of electrolysis with pure water (No Electrolyte)
    I think the PH is at 2.6 on the acidic end and 10.2 on the alkaline side.
    I would suspect the acidic end is best?????
    Would this help us in our endeavors Tutkanka???????????
    And if we wish to add energy to the incoming AIR the Blue and Red LED's
    Are necessary Right. And a Magnet? So witch is first? OR Can I do both at the same time?????????????
    I Got this Monster N-50 about 6" in Diameter 2" thick.
    Was thinking of puting it Between two 2" diameter tubes, with these 1/2" rings about 3" dia. on the outer sides of the tubes. I'm sure all 3 would point in the same Direction, right? I'm Guessing here But North to the ambient Air????????? We want it Pos Right & South to the HHO ??????????? Or have I got it backwards?
    Need Help
    OR Gosh am I way outa the concept????????
    OK Another concept in "the build" Were gonna take some exhaust gas back in to out Combustion chamber input - Right? How much? Chaneled into our Ambient Air or through the HHO unit? HHO Unit wont suffer much Heat Problem from excessive Voltage cause we keep it below 2V - Got temp monitor with cut off circuit to PWM - Or we monitor temp and turn down duration.
    I'm not clear on mixing of exhaust gas with water - Some further expansion on this subject would be of interest.
    I'm thinking a dry cell could have a nozzle right after the cell exit to bubble into the effluent to the collection vessel. Or maybe into the bottom of the vessel itself??????????????
    Perhapes it would be better to mix it with the air intake, its the Nitrogen were trying to modify or would it happen with the HHO Gas (I don't think so, wrong Polarity)
    This is one factor I'm trying to understand.
    Wana strip Nitrogen of electrons. but wana strip Oxy also. Some Oxy in both channels. Light added to AIR channel and Polarized with Magnet to allow electrons to be excited so as to be striped by HV Screens.
    Other - HHO channel - Polarized By Mag in opposite polarity, Sociometric mix already lacking electrons. Right? So is this channel just being held at level from the Cells disposition? Or are we trying to further enhance the charge of these gases?
    As far as Platinum goes Aaron I would Think it would behoove us to use it in the Combustion Chamber if at all. It's reactive with Hydrogen isn't it?
    Come to think---- Maybe we don't want it messing with our H.
    See I'm more at home with the Do It Side, Youall have to ponder these things. They just Befuddle Me.
    Any Help anyone wants to offer will be considered.
    Those that are real smart will reply. Haha


    • [QUOTE=F
      See I'm more at home with the Do It Side, Youall have to ponder these things. They just Befuddle Me.
      Any Help anyone wants to offer will be considered.
      Those that are real smart will reply. Haha

      By the way While I'm Liquored up and before I go, TO Bed.
      Those of you that have all that academia under yer belts, I want you to consider what might have been hidden from your awareness.
      It wasn't but about 4 years ago that I was laughed at for trying to put an stainless steel winding in a Jar to my car. I was told that I couldn't Produce enough to offset the energy required!!!!!
      Bull! if I get more MPG per penny? Well that opened my Mind.
      Now I take Energy from the void to charge my Batts and run my house.
      The Void that didn't exist???? Our Quantum Physicist's know that an exchange is occurring. It's up to us to fret out the conditions that will allow us to access this potential. If your stuck in dogma, try to realize their are sercumssance that don't hold to the explicit rules you were taught.
      Adorations that require your attention to understand what and how these occur. Seek back to the few things your instructor were reluctant to elaborate on as these were the things they didn't want to confuse you with.
      Perhaps because they were not fully explained to them? Or was it a funding issue???????????
      FrznWtr (Just trying to up my # of Posts value Haha)
      Last edited by FrozenWaterLab; 05-12-2010, 11:50 AM.


      • I didn't meant that tutanka is using platinum...

        I only tried to remember you about the guy who discovered the active nitrogen. One of the experiments witch he did was to put a platinum piece in line with the said "active nitrogen" (witch he didn't knew what exactly what was), and the platinum glowed red hot....

        I said that he were generating NO and Or NO2 because of the fact that platinum glowed red hot, (like the catalytic converter in your car) clear?

        Now what I meant is that NO is a catalyst gas.

        Please read: talk about catalyst thread for more info...


        • Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
          I didn't meant that tutanka is using platinum...

          I only tried to remember you about the guy who discovered the active nitrogen. One of the experiments witch he did was to put a platinum piece in line with the said "active nitrogen" (witch he didn't knew what exactly what was), and the platinum glowed red hot....

          I said that he were generating NO and Or NO2 because of the fact that platinum glowed red hot, (like the catalytic converter in your car) clear?

          Now what I meant is that NO is a catalyst gas.

          Please read: talk about catalyst thread for more info...
          Experiment mentioned from you is about NH3 and platinum wire with oxygen bubbled inside.. however inside meyer injection system isn't present an important stage, an reactor that transform water mist/air/nitrogen into hydrazine.. regards


          • Hi tutanka
            I'm Editing thread to gain understanding
            in your post to H2oP

            Hello H2OPOWER,
            We are using an own WFC cell including automatic adaptive electronic circuit, this for understand better the process of thermal explosive energy but with an different scenario including new air processor. My concept is similar but not the same of meyer. With my team we have created new plasma circuit an new tungsten plug (created from me, Moose53 and Rosco), I attach here photo with UV filter working with plasma (actually we are writing patent for that) that we have called nascent plug,

            I can't access this Photo
            Can you repost it?



            • Hi tutanka

              I meant this:

              Lord Rayleigh also studied the effects of increasing and reducing the concentration of nitrogen, injecting active nitrogen into inert nitrogen, temperature change, other gases and metals, and the "wall-effect".

              In 1946, Rayleigh published a sequel study on "The surprising amount of energy which can be collected from gases after the electric discharge has passed." In the abstract of the article, he stated:

              "A new form of experiment is now described... in which... a platinum strip is kept hot by periodic discharges... [B]y making the experiment (1) with the Pt exposed to the gas and (2) with the Pt protected by a thin glass sheath it is possible to determine what part of the total energy is to be attributed to catalytic action of the discharge products. This amount of energy was found to be very great. Reckoning in electron volts per molecule of gas present it increased rapidly as the gas pressure was lowered and at the lowest pressure used it rose as high as 223 eV/mol. Results of the same order were obtained with other gases, so it is not clear that the glow of active nitrogen is the essential condition. This great liberation of energy much exceeds what can be explained by dissociation of the molecules and single ionization of every atom which results, which would only afford 36 eV." (Figure 1)

              "To produce the electrodeless discharges, the same oil condensor was used as in my previous work. It was charged with an induction coil with a slow mercury break... An ebonite wheel with a conducting segment is mounted on an axle which is inclined at 45o to the horizontal. This wheel is immersed in Hg and makes and breaks contact once a revolution. The Hg is covered with a layer of alcohol...

              "Along the axis [of the discharge vessel] there is stretched a Pt strip, over which a glass sheath can be slipped. The Pt can be heated by a current from a battery, and the tube is wound with a wire coil, which is used to excite the electrodeless discharge. When the discharge passes, the Pt strip gets heated, and its resistance increases. This is attributed partly to the direct-heating action of the discharge, and partly to the action of the Pt strip in catalyzing the discharge products (ions and dissociated atoms?).

              "During an experiment, the Pt strip is kept at an arbitrary but constant resistance of R ohms. For this purpose it is made one arm of a Wheatstone's bridge, and the current is adjusted to heat the strip until the given resistance is attained. The current (C1 amp.) is measured. Then the glass sheath is slipped into position, so as to screen the wire from dissociation products. A larger current (C2 amp.) must now be passed to restore the resistance to its standard value of R ohms. The energy given up to the Pt wire by the dissociation products is (C22-C12) Rt W-sec., when t is the time interval in seconds from one discharge to the next.

              Lord Rayleigh: Active Nitrogen

              Thanks for the clues
              Best Regards


              • something very cool:

                Just Add Water | Educational Science Videos for Kids | Math, Engineering & Science Teaching Resources | LabTV

                and other very cool

                1° conversion from para to ortho hydrogen patent. (look how many citations he got)
                PROCESS FOR THE CONVERSION OF HYDROGEN - Google Patent Search
                PROCESS FOR THE CONVERSION OF HYDROGEN - Google Patent Search

                2652925 magnetic treatment device

                more about prior art:
                Application of Simon L. Ruskin - 347 F.2d 843 - Justia US Court of Appeals Cases and Opinions

                Why hydrazine?
                "Platinum-group metal catalysis such as platinum black and Raney nickel are incompatible with hydrazine, causing exothermic decomposition. A hydrazine-oxygen mixture in the presence of platinum ignites at a mere 30 C, while hydrazine-air mixtures on an iron rust surface ignite at 24 C and on a metal burner ignite at 130 C. On glass surfaces, auto-ignition temperature is 270 C. Contact with many porous substances such as rusty surfaces, earth, asbestos, wood, or cloth can cause oxidation or explosion.

                Hydrazine spontaneously explodes upon contact with calcium oxide, barium oxide, iron oxides, copper oxide, chromate salts, and many others. Calcium is a possible metal tank alloy ingredient, the oxide of which forms on tank surfaces. Metallic manganese, lead, and copper alloys also spontaneously participate in violent reactions. It is incompatable with ammonia and with organic compounds containing easily reduced functional groups. Hazardous polymerisation does not occur, however.

                All flammable liquids, inclusing hydrazine, are incompatable with chemicals such as nitrates, permanganates, chromic acid, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, sodium peroxide, halogens, or halogenated chemicals such as phosphorous tetrachloride, oxidizing materials, and highly oxygenated or halogenated solvents.

                Hydrazine is sometimes listed as incompatable with metals and combustable materials, as its presence greatly increases burning rates in an oxygenated environment such as Earth."
                Artemis Project: All About Hydrazine
                Last edited by sebosfato; 05-12-2010, 02:54 PM. Reason: more


                • Originally posted by FrozenWaterLab View Post
                  Hi tutanka
                  I'm Editing thread to gain understanding
                  in your post to H2oP

                  Hello H2OPOWER,
                  We are using an own WFC cell including automatic adaptive electronic circuit, this for understand better the process of thermal explosive energy but with an different scenario including new air processor. My concept is similar but not the same of meyer. With my team we have created new plasma circuit an new tungsten plug (created from me, Moose53 and Rosco), I attach here photo with UV filter working with plasma (actually we are writing patent for that) that we have called nascent plug,

                  I can't access this Photo
                  Can you repost it?

                  That is photo requested..
                  Last edited by tutanka; 06-07-2010, 10:45 PM.


                  • Tutanka.

                    Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                    That is photo requested..

                    You were notified prior to 30/1/2010 that we were no longer in agreement, and that our current arrangement was formally concluded.

                    At that time you were also advised that you no longer had permission to use our design, yet you still seem to consider it appropriate to publicly discuss IP which you have no legal claim upon.

                    This is now a legal matter and as such, it's not appropriate for us to make the full details of our parting of ways known publicly, other than to express our dismay at your apparent ignorance of the legal status of this matter, by what appears to be your intention to continue to exploit IP which you have no legal claim over.

                    We note that we are still awaiting your lawyers contact details, and as soon as we know who is acting for you, we can then set the wheels in motion and bring this matter to a swift conclusion.


                    • comon


                      • Originally posted by sebosfato View Post


                        • Originally posted by rosco1 View Post

                          You were notified prior to 30/1/2010 that we were no longer in agreement, and that our current arrangement was formally concluded.

                          At that time you were also advised that you no longer had permission to use our design, yet you still seem to consider it appropriate to publicly discuss IP which you have no legal claim upon.

                          This is now a legal matter and as such, it's not appropriate for us to make the full details of our parting of ways known publicly, other than to express our dismay at your apparent ignorance of the legal status of this matter, by what appears to be your intention to continue to exploit IP which you have no legal claim over.

                          We note that we are still awaiting your lawyers contact details, and as soon as we know who is acting for you, we can then set the wheels in motion and bring this matter to a swift conclusion.
                          INSTEAD TO WRITE FIRST READ " I can't access this Photo
                          Last edited by tutanka; 05-13-2010, 06:34 AM.


                          • Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                            Experiment mentioned from you is about NH3 and platinum wire with oxygen bubbled inside.. however inside meyer injection system isn't present an important stage, an reactor that transform water mist/air/nitrogen into hydrazine.. regards
                            How did you determine you were making hydrazine? Did you do a Gas chromatography?



                            • platinum

                              Originally posted by FrozenWaterLab View Post
                              As far as Platinum goes Aaron I would Think it would behoove us to use it in the Combustion Chamber if at all. It's reactive with Hydrogen isn't it?
                              IF platinum were to be used, where in the combustion chamber would
                              it be?
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                IF platinum were to be used, where in the combustion chamber would
                                it be?
                                Maybe use platinum spark plugs?

