Originally posted by FrozenWaterLab
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I'm not clear on mixing of exhaust gas with water - Some further expansion on this subject would be of interest.
I'm thinking a dry cell could have a nozzle right after the cell exit to bubble into the effluent to the collection vessel. Or maybe into the bottom of the vessel itself??????????????
Perhapes it would be better to mix it with the air intake, its the Nitrogen were trying to modify or would it happen with the HHO Gas (I don't think so, wrong Polarity)
This is one factor I'm trying to understand.
Wana strip Nitrogen of electrons. but wana strip Oxy also. Some Oxy in both channels. Light added to AIR channel and Polarized with Magnet to allow electrons to be excited so as to be striped by HV Screens.
Other - HHO channel - Polarized By Mag in opposite polarity, Sociometric mix already lacking electrons. Right? So is this channel just being held at level from the Cells disposition? Or are we trying to further enhance the charge of these gases?
As far as Platinum goes Aaron I would Think it would behoove us to use it in the Combustion Chamber if at all. It's reactive with Hydrogen isn't it?
Come to think---- Maybe we don't want it messing with our H.
See I'm more at home with the Do It Side, Youall have to ponder these things. They just Befuddle Me.
Any Help anyone wants to offer will be considered.
Those that are real smart will reply. Haha