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My proposed theory on how Stanley Meyer made use of water as a source of fuel.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by sebosfato
    I bough a 40kv diode from ebay. If you want to buy a diode you can go there and try to find what you want. Is a good tip.

    Yes it rectified 40Kv very well was from china and didn't had a datasheet...

    i want you to understand that over unity comes from recycling energy input smartly, i Described how a resonant tank in my thread and give to you all free schematic of how to construct it.

    I have video in my youtube channel where i explain how you have to proceed to obtain over unity, the working prototype,....

    I just ask you to think

    look for patent from 1930 up to 2008 and you will find easy like i find.

    Do you know how a battery works or how was the invention of the battery?

    look for salt battery patent

    look for thermal energy patents

    Look for all the patents cited in every patent you read, is easy with google patents...

    You will certainly find well description of over unity devices correlated to h2 and energy

    My youtube channel have a very important info everyone overlooked

    i tried to tell anyone who wants to know more about to frequent ionizationx forum because i released many points there. ..

    Over unity will hardly comes from the sky and hits you inside your brain for magic like happened to me... ok but i'm trying to show ways to make you think and find the right way

    I don't care to be unwanted here, i care for being the one who changed the world and i care that you all can make part of the dream.

    is hard when we have so much competition

    When i talk i talk about what i know not about what i think. what we think is not important in this moment, the goal o a forum that connects people to share ideas, and users can't be so close mentally to not see one inch ahead of the nose. The goal is to find overunity i can't give you but i can let you know that exists and that if you read what i read and try it you will be amazed.

    The gas processor is the door for energy to come in not the energy generator. What energy? READ
    Words, words.

    Your posts IMO says a lot more than you are aware of.

    Sebosfato, I think you are very successful, successful at wasting my time.

    You could have posted hard experimental evidence here, that others could use and value and give a link to a replicated experiment of yours, but you have not.

    If you really are as smart as you claim to be, you have bad skills in communicating your wisdom.

    I don't care to be unwanted here

    Yes I see that. you don't respect other members.

    I have used more than enough time on you, now you stay put on my ignore list.



    • #32
      Originally posted by Tecstatic View Post
      Words, words.

      Your posts IMO says a lot more than you are aware of.

      Sebosfato, I think you are very successful, successful at wasting my time.

      You could have posted hard experimental evidence here, that others could use and value and give a link to a replicated experiment of yours, but you have not.

      If you really are as smart as you claim to be, you have bad skills in communicating your wisdom.


      Yes I see that. you don't respect other members.

      I have used more than enough time on you, now you stay put on my ignore list.


      I was sure that you don't know how a battery works


      • #33
        Originally posted by sebosfato View Post
        350$ one diode

        i bought on ebay 40kv 1amps for 35$
        The diode you got from ebay is the slowest on the market and can't be used with Stanley Meyer type technologies. As I said the ones I brought are ultra fast. On ebay they wont give you the speed of the diode. I am not talking school boy equipment but some like these: from here: High voltage rectifiers, high voltage diodes, high current rectifiers, high current bridges, Metal Oxide Varistors, Selenium, full wave bridges & electronic components.

        The ones I got are 2CLG30KV 1.5A 35 nS as, unlike you, I am not playing around. I check, double check, and check again for the things I need to make sure I am doing things right.



        • #34
          Nice diode characteristics, hope it works for your application. good luck


          • #35
            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            I see. I am not surprise if you have to use such expensive diode because usual HV diode restric amp so much that radiant oscillator can't light up CFL if we use it.

            However, I don't quite understand the picture. My opinion if diode is placed at LV part it would be useless. Diode must be put at HV output part because I believe transformer will change pulsed DC input to AC output since the output load do not know where the zero is, even if it share same ground.

            I will answer with longer post later after I read the latest work in a whole, since previously I read the wrong one . For now it is about Pantone reactor combined with sharp plasma cluster.
            Here in the US that is what one would pay for such a diode, but outside of the US I got them for a fraction of the cost, but I will not post where I got them for the companies where I got my LEDs from I can no longer get the LEDs. Once company folded, and the other discontinued the LEDs even though it was a new product on the market with very good demand for the items. It took me a long time to find those LEDs as did it take me to find the diodes I needed and I don't want what happened to the LEDs to happen the diodes as I will be needing more in the future. On the LEDs I have to find another supplier when these burn out and hopefully they are of the same wavelengths and output spec's.

            The one thing I find funny about all of this is the concern those that want me to stop working on the technology have about my pocket book in wanting to save me money and lost time. They want me to stop working on Meyer technologies and I guess just sit around waiting for them to come up with a unit for sale as a lot of them have NDA agreements. I will finish what I started and they best believe it.



            • #36
              I believe you will success sooner or later because you have what required for full replication. Even if you fail, you may only need to tweak less thing than everyone not building any .

              My version of WFI theory:

              This is only based on water fuel injection system mentioned in Stanley Meyer WFC Technical Brief.

              The method is converting hydrogen into something else that is safer than natural gas and burn at the same rate as gasoline. Instead of producing and using hydrogen, the system produce hydrogen diluted in non-combustible gas to prevent early reaction with oxygen. Instead of electrolysis of just water, in WFIS Meyer do electrolysis on the mix of water droplet, ambient air and exhaust gas.

              By doing electrolysis of water mist with the existance of ambient air Meyer try to obtain slow burning hydrogen mixture just like shown on Figure 2-3. The hydrogen and oxygen will bond with non-combustible gas instead of forming hydrogen and oxygen bond. The result is hydrogen that burn as slow as gasoline and safer to handle as shown on Figue 2-11.

              On Figure 2-10 it is shown that reaction can also be done by heating the ambient air. In WFIS heat is replaced with Voltage Ignitor Stage like shown on Figure 2-11.

              Mixture of water mist, ionized air gas and exhaust gas:
              First water mist (47) of Figure (4-4) is injected into fuel-mixing chamber (35) of Figure (45) by way of water spray ports (41a xxx 41n) of Figure (4-4); Secondly, ionized air gases (46a xxx 46n) of Figure (4-4) (laser primed ambient air gases having missing electrons) produced by Ambient Air Ionizer (80) of Figure (4-6) as to Figure (4-1) and non-combustible gases (45) of Figure (4-4) are intermixed with expelling water mist (47a xxx47n) to form Water-fuel mixture (48) by way of gas mixing disc (34) of Figure (4-5) as to (30) of Figure (4-2);

              The mix then processed in voltage igniter state (may happen not inside combustion chamber)
              thirdly, the resultant moving Water-Fuel mixture (48) of Figure (4-5) enters into Voltage Igniter Stage (180) of Figure (4-5) and exposed to hjgh intensity voltage fields (33/36) (typically 2,000 volts or above @ 10 Khz or above) of opposite electrical polarity (E7 / E8) ... which, in turn, not only performs electrical polarization process (160) of Figure (3-26) undergoing Dielectric Resonant (240) of Figure (3-31); but, also, sets up and triggers Hydrogen Fracturing Process (390) of Figure (3-42) as to Figure (3-6) under control state (on demand) via electrical-static spark ignition (49/51) of Figure (4-5) .... releasing thermal explosive energy (gtnt) (16) passing beyond gas exit port (32) of Figure (4-5), as further illustrated in Figure (4-2) as to Figure (4-1).

              First mix is water mist and ionized ambient air. Then later mixed with exhaus gas:
              Energy-Flame density is enhanced and sustained by causing ionized gases (46a xxx 46n) of spray port (42) to be deflected into liquid spray path (41), together water mist (47) and ionized air gas (46) are, now, directed toward and deflected through non-combustible gas spray path (43) ... producing uniformed water-fuel mixture (48), as illustrated in Figure (4-5).
              The rate of burning is controlled by controlling ambient air and exhaust gas ratio, and/or ionizing voltage:
              Energy-Flame temperature is regulated by controlling the volume flow-rate of each fluid mediums (47 1 451 46) in direct relationship to applied voltage intensity (33 136), as further illustrated in Figure (4-2) as to Figure (4-5). To elevate Energy-flame-temperature still further, simply increase fluid-displacement (46/47) while maintaining or reducing the volume flow rate of non-combustible gases (45) during an increase of applied voltage amplitude (V 0 xxx Vo) of Figure (4-2) as to Voltage Intensifier Circuit (110) of Figure (4-9) and Electron Extraction Circuit (120) of Figure (4-10). To lower Energy-flame temperature simply increase the amount of non-combustible gases (45a xxx) or reduced the fluid flow rate (45 146/47)) uniformly while lowering pulse voltage amplitude (xxx VO). To establish a predetermined or given Energy-flame temperature adjust fluid-medium (45 1 46 1 47)) and applied voltage amplitude (V 0 xxx) independent of each other to obtain the desired results.

              It mention that by electrolizing water mist in the existance of ionized ambient air will transform hydrogen to something that has more stable combustion:
              Water droplets (28a xxx 28n) escaping from spray-mist (47) and exposed to high intensity voltage fields of opposite polarity 33/36) are stimulated to undergo Electrical Polarization Process (160) of Figure (3-26) ... which not only separates and splits the unlike atoms of the water molecule but also causes the unlike atoms (hydrogen atoms 77a /77b and oxygen atom 76) to experience electron ejection (230) of Figure (3-30) as to (71) of Figure (4-10) since voltage intensifier circuit (110) of Figure (4-9) inhibits and prevents electron flow to enter into gas ignition process (180), as further illustrated in Figure (4-8).

              The newly liberated water molecule atoms (oxygen 76 and hydrogen atoms 77a/77b) immediately interact with laser primed ionized ambient air gases (7a xxx 7n of Figure 1-15) (see WFC memo 420) to cause the resultant highly energized and mass destabilized combustible gas atoms (93a xxx 93n) of Figure (4-10) to perform Hydrogen Fracturing Process (80) of Figure (49) when electrostatic force (14/16) thermally ignites (kinetic agitation) destabilized water-fuel mixture (93a xxx 93n) under gas compression ... preventing the formation of the water molecule during thermal gas ignition…satisfying Energy Gas Detonation Equation.
              The new resulting gas mix has more explosive energy since it has lower mass
              That, whenever the mass-size of a combustible gas atom is decreased (Md), thermal explosive energy-yield (gtnt) is increased (Ein) during thennal gas combustion (Gas // Detonation.), as so illustrated in (100) Figure (4-8) as to (90) of Figure (4-7).
              In terms of performance reliability and safety, ionized air gases (46a xxx 46n) and liquid water (47a xxx 47n) do not become energy activated (volatile) until water-fuel mixture (48) reaches voltage Igniter Stage (180). Injected non-combustible gases (45a xxx 45n) retards and controls the combustion rate of the Hydrogen Fracturing Process (100) of Figure (4-8) during gas-ignition.
              Figure 4-4 show the nozzle:

              Figure 4-5 Show the resonant cavity / voltage ignitor cavity, electrolizer for water mist, ionized ambient air and exhaust gas.

              Figure 4-6 is confusing, do ionized ambient air gases apply to both nitrogen and oxygen?

              Figure 4-7 Show illustration of the resonant cavity / voltage ignitor cavity, electrolizer for water mist, ionized ambient air and exhaust gas.

              Figure 4-10 show voltage ignitor cavity circuit.

              Something I found weird is the signal shape at the resonant cavity output. That kind of output can be only attained with full wave bridge rectifier, 4 diode version of rectifier. A half wave rectifier, single blocking diode, create gapped half sine because the diode cut the bottom part of the output sine wave instead of adding it in reverse. No matter what the input is, the output will try to shape like a sine wave because this is transformer native behaviour, electricity will transfer from primary to secondary if there is changing magnetic field.

              I also found it weird that input is not square wave. I think the input is square wave and blocking diode is actually FWBR.

              VIC vs EEC. VIC has no amp limiting lamp, EEC has amp limiting amp and also laser injection. EEC is used to prevent recombining, amp limiting load prevent explosion of water fuel mix by spark, LED or laser are supporting ionizer. VIC is used when spark is not a problem or maybe required.

              One way to mix it is by using carburator with additional hole to allow exhaust gas. Carburetor input is ionized ambient air and exhaust gas. Fuel is replaced by water.

              In short, input:
              - ambient air processed with non amp limiting VIC and laser injection for full ionization
              - water mist
              - exhaust gas

              Water mist, ionized ambient air and exhaust gas can be reacted using pulsed HV, Laser/LED and/or heat to generate new mix that burn slower and safer than hydrogen. To prevent them from recombining, amp limiting HV (to prevent spark) with additional Laser/LED can be used, other alternative is quenching circuit, a small pipe of at least 1/8 inch long and having a .015 diameter.
              Last edited by sucahyo; 02-08-2010, 04:00 AM.


              • #37
                It is interesting to see you ideas sucahyo,

                I took the science approach with my intuition of coarse. Studding the water dropper experiment and the Taylor cone, I was able to see that the water droplets will split into two smaller droplets once a certaint voltage was reach, typically 10k or more. These split water droplets split the voltage placed on them when they do split. This reaction inside of Meyer's water injectors is fast, due to the whole thing having a pulsating power supply. Water as a dielectric has the ability to pick up an image charge and since it is a polar molecule acts as a capacitor when free floating in air. This process of dividing under high electrical stress is well known, but no one ever took it down to the critical volume of water until Stanley Meyer did so, at least as far as I can tell no one else did it like this before.

                For once the water droplet divides inside of the injectors voltage zone it has half of the area it did before thus taking half the time to recharge the water molecule back to the dividing voltage, plus it starts off with half the voltage to reach the dividing voltage. As you can tell the process is accelerating with respect to time. Once the critical volume is reached the image charge placed on the water droplets will short it out, but due to very low current it will just separate into hydrogen and oxygen. The reason they don't like to use water in Taylor Cones is it appears to evaporate before it reaching the place of opposite polarity. No one has ever tried to put a match to this reaction so no one knows that hydrogen and oxygen are being produced.

                I the water battery experiment you can see the water reaching the dividing voltage and even starting to defy gravity. Now that experiment uses the water and the earths magnetic field to generate power. Even though I use intuition I always bring things back to science for science doesn't have all the answers yet.

                As I see it the non combustible gases are placed in there to get in the way of the reaction thus slowing it down. The reaction would have to go around the non-combustible gases to get to the atoms it does want to be with.

                Well, again I find myself very busy so I will leave you with that.



                • #38
                  The voltage suggestested are the range of 30kv to 40 kv. only mentioned briefly though. Will you use single diode of FWBR?

                  I think you already have this document and there is explanation for sunlight. It also explain when the process happen. and separate spark ignitor is not needed.

                  Water Fuel Cell - News Release (Stan Meyer).pdf
                  The Water Fuel Injector, where the water droplet are instantly converted in hydrogen and oxygen gases and are ignited in a pulsing voltage field, is also being improved. The Injector is a variant of the WFC Resonant Cavity which enhances the energy output of the WFC process. The WFC Resonant Cavity takes on different physical and electrical characteristic to meet the various energy need. For example, in the automotive transportation area, the Resonant Cavity becomes a WFC Water Fuel Injector. It replaces the standard spark plug in a conventional gasoline or diesel engine without the need of engine change.
                  WFC Development of the WFC Air Reclaimer is now being perfected to eliminate the possibility of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or other undesireable gases from being expelled trough the vehicle exhaust system. If a nitrous oxide molecule is formed, the Air Reclaimer simpy separate the nitrous oxide molecule back into its original airborne gases, nitrogen and oxygen.
                  The two to one mix of hydrogen to oxygen in the water molecule is continued troughout the Water Fuel Injection process, thus insuring only negligible amount of nitrous oxide will be formed. The by-product of the WFC Water Fuel Injection process is water mist. Thus water mist goes back ino the environment, and is reenergized by the sunlight (photon energy absorption). Then it can be caught again as rain water and recycled trough the engine. This can be done as either an open or closed loop system.

                  The WFC Voltage Intensifier Circuit (VIC) was especially developed to restric amp flow hile allowing voltage potential of opposite polarity to perform the work of separating the bipolar electrically charged water molecule by way of opposite Electrical Attraction Foce known as "Electrical Stress". The distributed self inductance of each coil inherently prevents amp influxing (retards current flow) accross the water gap; while, simultaneously, the distributed capacitance of each coil causes an increase of applied voltage potential of opposite polarity of equal intensity to be placed on opposite sides of the water molecule... performing the Electrical Polarization Process. Each coil further functions as resonant charging choke coils to tune in to the dielectric properties of water, when the applied pulse frequency is adjusted to incur minimum amp flow, while voltage potential attempts to surge toward infinity if the electronic circuit would allow this to occur. Increasing the number of turns of each coil in direct relationship to increasing applied pulse voltage amplitude increases the electrical stress accross ater gap.

                  Subjecting water droplet(s) to pulsating electrical stress induced by way of voltage potential of opposite polarity can cause the water droplet to instantly convert into thermal explosive energy (gtnt). The addition of non-combustible gases derived from ambient air can adjust the gas combustion rate to coequal fossil-fuel burn-rate; using ionized gases from ambient air can aid energy enhancement of the flame projection; and photon energy absorption sustain the atomic dwell time to allow sufficient spark-ignition of the combustion gases (Hydrogen/Oxygen from water) undergoing and being subjected to pulsating electrical stress.
                  Various, independent university laboratory testing has confirmedthe importance of high voltage at low-current in releasing energy from the water molecule. For example, Gary L. Johnson, Kansas State University, in his report titled "Electrically Induced Explosions in Water" discovered that the loudness of the explosion increased as the voltage increased and the volume of water decreased... (30 to 40 kilovolt range).

                  The tapered or "spike" design of the center positive oltage probe intensifies the applied voltage pulse train to continually increase electrical stress across the liberated gases of the water molecule along the entire length of the resonant cavity functioning as a voltage compressional circuit... thereby, activating the energy priming stage known as "Voltage Tickling of State Space".

                  Typically, the WFC Water Fuel Injector performs many sequential functions is an instant of time: liberates the hydrogen/oxygen gases from the injected water droplet; oscillates the free-floating combustible gases under pulsating electrical stress to cause "particle oscillation as an energy generator"; and lastly ionizes the combustible gases by electron ejection prior to the point where the pressurrized gases is expelled from the nozzle port of the WFC Water fule Injector. As the stretched out (elongated) expelling gases return to stable state of equilibrium, the flexing gas atom, releases the trigger energy that starts and propagates the gas ignition process for energy utilization.
                  - exhaust gas need to be exposed to sunlight to recapture the water mist as rain water (condensing).
                  - main HV ionizing process happen before the water fuel exit nozzle
                  - EEC process step needed after that to keep water fuel from stabilizing
                  - ionized water fuel will self ignite once exitting nozzle, when leaving voltage trickle zone
                  - the VIC circuit have to be amp limited by a two coupled self canceling inductance choke coil.


                  • #39
                    It took me a long time to back track all of Meyer's little grouping of terms back to the real science. What I have written down is, in a word, translated Meyer talk into scientific and everyday mans talk. I had to take each and every word grouping term and go back through the patent for their real meaning in order to do that. What you see in my writings is that work done for you. I got rid of all of the made up words and replaced them with real words, that is how I was able to see just what Stanley Meyer had done.

                    If you study Stanley Meyer technologies one really needs to create a definition of terms as to read everything correctly. Those last injectors with the tapered voltage zones is a way to get voltage to perform work. Voltage will preform work when the area physically changes from large to small, and that design takes advantage of that fact. One has to understand just about all the aspects of capacitance to understand what is taking place with these new injectors. The energy field is always perpendicular to the charged surfaces and that is why Meyer calls it "The tapered or "spike" design of the center positive voltage probe intensifies the applied voltage pulse train to continually increase electrical stress across the liberated gases of the water molecule along the entire length of the resonant cavity functioning as a voltage compressional circuit..."

                    I will not be building this type of injector but just adding on a voltage zone to an existing fuel injector and let that injector pump water instead of gasoline. This is why I payed no attention to the water spark plug thread as they don't have a clue that these injectors have valves, springs, and everything thing else found in a typical injector, not just some hole drilled into a spark plug and pour water down through the hole. The water is atomized or Meyer calls it metered, but it is one and the same. Everything I wrote about the injectors has been translated back into words that mean something to the everyday man, and not just for Meyer's to understand. That is the part of his work where he lost people on purpose as the truth is there but now in the words of Stanley Meyer's which are meaningless to everyone else reading it. So make a definition of terms and you should come up with the same meanings I got from them and have a better understanding of how it all works with respect to real science and not some conjured up words from the mind of Meyer's meaning something only to him.



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by h20power View Post
                      I will not be building this type of injector but just adding on a voltage zone to an existing fuel injector and let that injector pump water instead of gasoline. This is why I payed no attention to the water spark plug thread as they don't have a clue that these injectors have valves, springs, and everything thing else found in a typical injector, not just some hole drilled into a spark plug and pour water down through the hole.
                      Yes, agree that the principle is different from just exploding water with HV. Water spark plug is different from Meyer plug. The explosion in Meyer plug do not happen when the HV being applied. Moreover, Meyer plug incorporate amp limiting device where Water Spark plug need amp.

                      However, Meyer plug is much more complicated to replicated, where water spark plug may only need to cut the ground and apply a mix of HV and LV. Both use water but have different basic principle.


                      • #41
                        Hi Sucahyo,

                        I'll give you an example of needing to make definition of terms with Meyer's words. What does Meyer mean when he talks about "amp leakage?" I will give you a chance to answer it before I post the answer.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by h20power View Post
                          Hi Sucahyo,

                          I'll give you an example of needing to make definition of terms with Meyer's words. What does Meyer mean when he talks about "amp leakage?" I will give you a chance to answer it before I post the answer.

                          Are you saying that we should not take anything meyer said for granted? My conclusion/interpertration are based from exactly what meyer said., however his word can have many meaning. Where each interpertration can lead different conclusion.

                          For example, NH3 is also called hydrogen fuel because it store hydrogen too. In fact it was once promoted as "another hydrogen".

                          "amp leakage" = Unnecessary current when performing molecule cracking. I assume that Stanley Meyer crack molecule with only HV without current. This is confirmed with the existence amp inhibiting unit like lamp, load, or choke. This is take it for granted interpretation of me.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by h20power
                            Hi Sucahyo,

                            Meyer's true meaning of the words mean arcing taking place between the voltage zones.
                            Sorry, I don't understand. From where you conclude this? Why would it need choke?

                            Do you think Meyer perform similar way of wording on technical brief too?


                            • #44
                              Hi Sucahyo,

                              Everytime you see Meyer group terms is Meyer putting things in his own personal words.

                              Amp Leakage: Arcing between the voltage zones or I think Meyer called it between the tubes.

                              I don't remember which patent I got that out of, but you can read just as good as I can right? I have read just about all of Meyer's patents and kinda get them cunfused as to which one says what exactly. But all one has to do is make up a deffinition of terms of Meyer's words. Trust me it is a needed step to understanding what is actrually in the patents. Oh, and yes the technical brief is put together the same criptic way as each grouping of terms takes the technology into the mind of Meyers and away from the real world. It was a clever trick but it takes more than that to pull wool over my eyes.

                              Hope that helps people to finally see the information contained in the patents as it's all in there. Well, not all of it, but enough to get started if one does their homework and ask the right questions.



                              • #45
                                Ok. thanks.

                                Is there a way to know that we got the correct translation?

