William Lyne
William Lyne will be speaking at the conference!
It will be a rare opportunity to spend some time with this legend. He is the author of multiple books including Occult Ether Physics and is well known for his work with Atomic Hydrogen Torches.
In several interviews, Eric Dollard has said many of the aetheric concepts that William Lyne shares are valid - much is rooted in the works of JJ Thompson and Tesla. This is a presentation you'll want to see!
You can find his full bio and talk description here: 2014 Energy Science Conference
William Lyne will be speaking at the conference!
It will be a rare opportunity to spend some time with this legend. He is the author of multiple books including Occult Ether Physics and is well known for his work with Atomic Hydrogen Torches.
In several interviews, Eric Dollard has said many of the aetheric concepts that William Lyne shares are valid - much is rooted in the works of JJ Thompson and Tesla. This is a presentation you'll want to see!
You can find his full bio and talk description here: 2014 Energy Science Conference