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Oz Nitro Cell

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  • #31
    Brit Patent Appliation

    Originally posted by Murlin View Post
    Hi Slovenia,

    Unfortunately I am in the same boat as you and stopped testing the cell because of all the gunk. It is dangerous to one's health because it is concentrated chromium from the SS.

    There are those who say that all the sediment does not hurt anything and leave it in there. The cell will start to hold a charge like a battery after a while.... I dunno...I failed to get it figured out with all the disinformation out there also.

    If I remember my stories correctly, there were Brits that took the cell back to England and someone tried to get a patent on it. But the British government put a gag order on it and told the applicant that it would ruin the economy and they "could not have everyone driving there cars around for free"...


    Hi Murlin,

    I never heard that story before. Do you have any more details related to that story? We might be able to run down some folks if they are still living. I know a lot of people out there. You probably know me by another name.

    Best Regards,


    • #32
      Is it called by another name?


      Is the cell known by other names also. That would be very helpful to know. I only know it as the Aussie Nitro Cell. Some referred to it as the nitrogen hydroxide cell.

      Best Regards,


      • #33
        Originally posted by Slovenia View Post

        Is the cell known by other names also. That would be very helpful to know. I only know it as the Aussie Nitro Cell. Some referred to it as the nitrogen hydroxide cell.

        Best Regards,
        That is how I heard about it. I know it as the Nitrogen Hydroxide cell. From a Yahoo group. It was in that blog I believe that I heard about the stories on where it came from.
        No one on there could get it to work either and it was finally pulled on most of the blogs as a hoax. But I still believe it will work, just don't know how at the moment...

        I cannot remember where I read the blog, but the cell was suppose to have been brought back to Australia by a soldier who inspected it and understood what he saw. It was used on farm equipment and such.

        Remember it came from the 40's so it didn't have complicated electronics.

        But other than that I don't know anything else. I believe everyone has seen the red car pics...there were also some drawings used to experiment with.

        I made it like the drawings but couldn't get it to work on computerized engine.




        • #34
          True Name of Nitro Cell

          I was contacted by someone who was very knowledgeable of this cell. They said the true name of the cell was nitrogen hydroxide cell.


          • #35
            nitrogen hydroxide

            It requires ionized nitrogen.

            If the chemical name nitrogen hydroxide was actually from an analysis of
            the gas from the oz cell with all the mystery behind it, then it is not
            ammonia but nitrogen hydroxylamine. I posted reference in the Ionization
            & Water Fuel thread.

            If that name was just made up from speculation, then I don't know.

            The whole mysticism behind the oz cell could be one big misinformation
            campaign to throw people off when people start to catch on that nitrogen
            is just as important as oxygen and hydrogen.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #36
              Oz Nitro Cell Tube Config. Query

              I was given some dimensions several years ago for the cell, but since a lot of the information I got was misinformation, I thought maybe I should publish what we were given and see if any of you are willing to tell me if it is correct information or not.

              We were told that the outside cylinder / anode should be approximately 4" OD and that the inside cylinder / cathode should be approximately 3" OD. I used 1/8 thick 304L stainless. The spacing was not that close and and the electrolysis was not that good either, so I added a neutral cylinder between the inner and outer cylinder and it was 3.5" OD. Upon adding the extra cylinder and getting my plates closer, the reactivity within the cell got much better.

              We were told to leave a gap of 3/8" at both ends of the cell between the perspex end plate and inner cylinder.

              Also, we were told to utilize a central threaded rod for our cathode connection and this was joined to the inner cylinder by bent tabs with holes in them. By cutting the cylinder and bending up the tabs to connect with the threaded rod we were losing a lot of surface area which I highly questioned.

              The red car in the picture circulated all over the internet with the nitrogen hydroxide cell didn't appear to have a threaded rod coming out the end of the perspex. It appeared to have some other device at the center of the perspex.

              Anyway, have a look at the information I have shared and let me know if I need to change anything. I want to make this cell as close to the real cell as possible.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                I got my start into the alternate fuel arena back about 6.5 years ago with the Oz Nitro Cell. I ran into a fellow who was helping a hydrogen cell inventor by the name of Frank Roberts from Kansas City. My contact, who was the helper, had heard of the Oz Nitro Cell out of Australia but there was not that much information available on the cell. He said I should look into that cell and try to get more information about the cell and how it works from the Australians. I started researching the cell and made several contacts with guys who said it was a well known and useful cell down under. They said it was illegal to run your car with the device on it and that many fellows were having the devices confiscated off their cars during routine checks. While doing my research I finally made contact with a bloke who said he could put me in touch with some very interesting chaps who had made and sold the cells. I collected a lot of information on the cells and gave it to Patrick Kelly who later named it the D18 Cell and wrote a booklet on it in pdf format. Anyway, the cell became very popular indeed since it was easy to make and so there were many groups trying to get such a cell going. As far as I know, none of the group members I knew of were able to get the cell to work properly. According to my many contacts in Australia the cell was a viable cell with many folks using it over there. I was told by numerous fellows that threats had been made to guys who knew how to make the cells work and that they would not come forward and help us because of the fear factor. A story was told of one Mercedes dealership who converted several of their new Mercedes to run on the Oz Nitro Cell as part of a publicity stunt. Anyway, the stunt worked well. They got a lot of attention because the converted Mercedes got much better mileage. The owner of the dealership was paid a visit and told to remove the cells from the cars right away. A few days later the owner of the dealership disappeared and was never seen again. It was a small town and everyone knew everyone pretty well and nobody could figure out what happened to him. He hadn't been planning to go anywhere according to his friends and family. Anyway, stories like this were really exciting to me and so I decided I was going to figure out how to get these cells to go and start making them myself. I talked to many guys and learned many different things but was never able to get the cell performing properly. It's my belief that some very important information was left out of the details we were given on how to build the device.

                Anyway, I have all the information I was ever given on the cell and would still like to get it going. If you have interest in the cell and/or know how to make one run properly, please either pm me or post on this thread. If you are afraid, use a fake name and pm me. I'd sure appreciate any information you would be willing to share if you know how to get this cell running properly.

                If there is interest in this cell, I'll share all the information I was given on this cell.
                Slovenia and thread....Here is all the technical information on the cell you speak of including instructions on how to build it. Once at this pdf file link go to page 20 and start reading where the title says "A different Fuel" most of the points you have mentioned in the thread are contained here, this seems to be a fantastic cell.
                A friend and I are going to build it as soon as the materials are rounded up. Anyway enjoy...good things come to those who ask.....Good Day 24!!!



                • #38
                  oz nitro cell - nitrogen hydroxide cell

                  Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                  The red car in the picture circulated all over the internet with the nitrogen hydroxide cell didn't appear to have a threaded rod coming out the end of the perspex. It appeared to have some other device at the center of the perspex.
                  That site is down but is still in the archives.

                  That red car also had a lawnmower carburetor on it.

                  So perhaps it did get hundreds of miles to a gallon - but maybe it was also 20 horsepower with a top speed of 5 miles an hour. That was never revealed but it did have a lawnmower carburetor on it that nobody really talked about.

                  The Opel that went 327mpg or whatever on the old Shell test also had a lawnmower carburetor on it I believe. And that was 327mpg without any water cell at all.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #39

                    Thanks Aaron!!

                    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    That site is down but is still in the archives.

                    That red car also had a lawnmower carburetor on it.

                    So perhaps it did get hundreds of miles to a gallon - but maybe it was also 20 horsepower with a top speed of 5 miles an hour. That was never revealed but it did have a lawnmower carburetor on it that nobody really talked about.

                    The Opel that went 327mpg or whatever on the old Shell test also had a lawnmower carburetor on it I believe. And that was 327mpg without any water cell at all.


                    • #40
                      oz nitro cell

                      Minus the pics, the original website is gone but is still in archives. You can see the red text. Maybe the claim is 1000mpg and not just a couple hundred. But that Opel on the Shell company test that did 327mpg or whatever - in that Shell book also stated there was a car over 1000mpg. So using very small carbs can increase mileage but the power will be about as much as a lawnmower too! lol But if the nitro/water gas really is that much more powerful, perhaps there is real power. I never noticed that it said it had a lawnmower carburetor on that red car until last night. So, this whole thing is possible but maybe it had a top speed of 10mph. Anyone have access to those people to ask?

                      Date: 1/15/03 1:06:10 AM Pacific Standard Time
                      hi kent
                      Here is a real operating unit still need a percentage of fuel to keep the carbon around the rings. That's why you have to run a car in for a few thousand miles. Without the carbon the engine will not last . That's the only reason the system in the previous file will fail. The fuel this unit generates is not hydrogen oxygen; it's nitrogen hydroxide, nitrogen hydrogen and oxygen combined. If you look the motor is a 253 v8 with a lawn mower carby 1 inch bore.

                      Date: 1/15/03 1:30:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
                      kent: Here is another of the same vehicle. The system is fairly basic: 316 stainless 100mm pipe anode ,80mm pipe cathode inside the other one roughly equal surface area anode and cathode perspex end caps 1 12 volt relay 1 bleed valve to allow atmospheric air in . This is how the nitrogen is replaced. The atmosphere is over 70% nitrogen; the real work is done by the vacuum generated by the engine plus the 12 volt current . The only catalyst is a grain or two of rock salt. When you turn the thing off it generates 13 to 14 volts for a while. The car in the picture did 3000 mile on $20 fuel [petrol] [roughly [2 gallons] and two liters of water. More pictures if you want of other systems

                      Date: 1/15/03 1:59:30 AM Pacific Standard Time
                      hi kent: Here are a couple of a generator systems for a house power supply. They run on straight nitrogen-hydroxide generate from water. The same system on the v8 car. The generator has been running as the main supply of electric to a house for over ten years to my knowledge. Well there are no power lines were this unit is. I myself drive an old f100 Canadian engine. It's a 360 cubic inch six cylinder. I have run it on the fuel system for over four years, so far with know ill effect except on my fuel bill round town I get about 140 mile per gallon. On a good run a lot more, but I stopped checking the mileage years ago. Because I know I cannot produce them without getting unwelcome visitors. But there are lots of them privately built in Australia; they are quite common. Even the guy that does my road-worthy certificate has one [we have to have are cars checked every year here for any mechanical faults before we can re register the vehicle]. They are not legal but the guy doing the check has one on his car as well. So registration not really an issue. There are better toys to play with.

                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #41
                        Wasted Time & Effort

                        I wasted about a year and a half on the Oz cell, me and about 200 or so others. We had an inside contact who turned out to be not such a nice guy and we were all misled. A lot of time and effort went into that project. We made a lot of friends but that was the only good thing that came out of this project.


                        • #42
                          high mileage with lawnmower carburetor - but low power

                          I remember you going into all of that.

                          With this old car:

                          376 miles per gallon Opel - had a lawnmower carburetor, was stripped down to bare essentials and actually did 376 miles per gallon. This test was done by Shell Oil Company. It was very low power but did prove the point about vaporizing the gasoline.

                          We don't have the details, but I'm sure gasoline vaporization is part of the red car but they don't discuss that. They make it look like water fuel, but 2 gallons of gas an 2 liters of water - sounds to me more like a very efficient water vapor injection system and all the nitrogen part of it could be a red herring.

                          I understand that nitrogen can play a key role but looking at the fact that the red car has a lawnmower carburetor, I'm inclined to believe it was a snail using gasoline vapor and water vapor supplement.

                          In the Shell tests, it was posted in this book:

                          And in that book, the relevant page gives the miles per gallon achieved:

                          You can see that B.W. Beattie achieved 1141 MPG in some special car that isn't mentioned on that particular page. But this was in 1976.

                          1141 beats the red car with the "nitrogen hydroxide cell".

                          And those Shell tests didn't even use water injection that I know of. The Opel certainly didn't. That was a lawnmower carburetor with vaporized gasoline.

                          Are there any videos of this red car idling or driving at all?

                          There is a member here that hasn't posted in a long time but knows the person that has the red car supposedly.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #43
                            Hi Slovenia/Aaron

                            I know this thread is old but I would like to know if you could send me any information on the nitro cell. I live in Australia and I am only an hour away from natural flowing spring water from the spring source. I am very interested and I know you have posted lately that you wasted a lot of time on this cell. I believe it can work and I have been in touch with a couple of other people who thick it can work. I would really appreciate if you could pm me with some info.




                            • #44
                              OZ Nitro Cell

                              I posted everything I know about it right here in this thread, which is mostly taken from the websites that I could find discussing it. I never noticed the lawnmower carburetor part of the story until relatively recently.

                              Slovenia is the one that has spent a lot more time on it.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #45
                                Try this link for more info

