Farrah Day
This I will only explain once:-
2HO that is atomic state of hydrogen and oxygen in a free mix, if you supply energy to this in the form of heat or spark you will combine the 2H to the O to form H2O "water" and this is an implosion reaction from a higher state to a lower state, "energy was needed to create this combination" from an external source, volume was changed from a high volume to it's resulting low volume H2O-energy.
Now H2+O2 note, none atomic, will explode to form H2O+energy, that extra energy came from the excess oxidiser O2 because the formula H2+O2 does not make H2O, we would have an O left over. H+H+O on the other hand is the exact molecular makeup of water H2O.
Now just to complicate matters further, if you start adding electrons to gases, for example O2, you have this:- O2+e gives you 2O+e, the oxygen has become atomic. Likwise if you add an electron to H2 you will get 2H+e. Now we have a totally different state of affairs, we have 2H+2O+shared electron, IF, they were produced in the same pot, so to say, as in a single electrolysis cell.
This I will only explain once:-
2HO that is atomic state of hydrogen and oxygen in a free mix, if you supply energy to this in the form of heat or spark you will combine the 2H to the O to form H2O "water" and this is an implosion reaction from a higher state to a lower state, "energy was needed to create this combination" from an external source, volume was changed from a high volume to it's resulting low volume H2O-energy.
Now H2+O2 note, none atomic, will explode to form H2O+energy, that extra energy came from the excess oxidiser O2 because the formula H2+O2 does not make H2O, we would have an O left over. H+H+O on the other hand is the exact molecular makeup of water H2O.
Now just to complicate matters further, if you start adding electrons to gases, for example O2, you have this:- O2+e gives you 2O+e, the oxygen has become atomic. Likwise if you add an electron to H2 you will get 2H+e. Now we have a totally different state of affairs, we have 2H+2O+shared electron, IF, they were produced in the same pot, so to say, as in a single electrolysis cell.
