Hi Rosie
I see where you are coming from. I remember seeing an electrolyser design that was quoted as using the current 'twice' in something similar to what you are suggesting.
Pulsed current was used and the current flowed through the electrolyser doing it's job of electrolysing, but then also through an inductor which stored the energy as you say. During the 'off' period between pulses, the energy stored in the inductor was re-used to electrolyse.
So like you say, if this is implemented correctly, we get to re-use the energy. In theory I suppose, with the correct set up, the energy could be bounced back and forth indefinately (no doubt your double battery idea). Though there would naturally be losses, it still should prove to be twice as efficient.
Furthermore, if some sort of resonant state could be achieved, then it might only need a little kick every now and again to keep it going.
Very interesting and something worth investigating. Maybe if my current project hits a wall and flops miserably, I'll be looking into something along these lines.
I see where you are coming from. I remember seeing an electrolyser design that was quoted as using the current 'twice' in something similar to what you are suggesting.
Pulsed current was used and the current flowed through the electrolyser doing it's job of electrolysing, but then also through an inductor which stored the energy as you say. During the 'off' period between pulses, the energy stored in the inductor was re-used to electrolyse.
So like you say, if this is implemented correctly, we get to re-use the energy. In theory I suppose, with the correct set up, the energy could be bounced back and forth indefinately (no doubt your double battery idea). Though there would naturally be losses, it still should prove to be twice as efficient.
Furthermore, if some sort of resonant state could be achieved, then it might only need a little kick every now and again to keep it going.
Very interesting and something worth investigating. Maybe if my current project hits a wall and flops miserably, I'll be looking into something along these lines.