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Car Hho Modified/new Idea! Will It Work?

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  • Car Hho Modified/new Idea! Will It Work?

    I BEEN doing some thinking and researching in my chemistry book from college! Tell me what you think? This idea sounds crazy but it may work! Most people and mechanics laugh at it, but well...the lesser minds won't embrace it!

    This is the concept!
    The problem with these HHO failure projects that I've been reading is most people are trying to use the hydrogen that is generated from their home built HHO generators as the assistance fuel for burning with there main gasoline! But I say, let the HHO from your generator only serve as secondary fuel and let water serve as the main fuel! I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CRAZY BUT BARE WITH ME!

    This is what I will be attempting, but those who want to attempt it feel free!
    Modify the water so it can be somewhat easily combustible along with the ease of spliting water into HHO brown gas via the sparkplug! How can you make water somewhat combustible? I say mix a bottle of 80% isopropyl alcohol along with your basic bottle of hydrogen peroxide you get at walgreens to your car tank's capacity of water! I have a 24 gallon tank so... i will mix 2 bottles of 70-80% isopropyl alcohol.. with 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and fill the tank up to 24 gallons! I'm not gonna waist time to the solution concentration calculations here.. but i just want to communicate the concept. Before I place the solution into the tank, I will for 30-40 minutes charge the 22 gallon of water solution with h2 gas. Then i will pour my 2 bottles of isopropyl alcohol and 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide into the charged h2 gas water solution.

    Why these ingrediants? well the alcohol will serve as an octane contributor as well as serve as a compound to increase the resistivity of the water because it's not an ionic compound but molecular compound,thus decreasing the chance of the sparkplug shorting out (killing the spark).

    The hydrogen peroxide will serve as an O2 donor. Also, the hydrogen peroxide will yield H2 gas when it's exposed to heated silver, or platinum catylist! Which is why I'm using a Silver tip electrode sparkplug- these sparkplugs are used in racing cars but you can buy some for your basic sedan!

    The sedan must have a fuel injector for fuel delivery, so a mist of H20:Isopropyl:Hydrogen Peroxide will be injected into the combustion chamber of the engine, along with my external hydrogen generator hho gas routed to the combustion chamber via the intake manifold. So basically i have HHO GAS and water solution (isopropyl, hydrogen peroxide, and water)

    The heated silver sparkplug will be splitting the hydrogen, from the hydrogen peroxide mixture within the spray as well as natural spliting of hho gas from the water molecule itself from basic electrolysis between the electrodes, and the isopropyl will contribute to combustion. All this will be going on within the combustion chamber.

    This is my basic concept?
    here are some references

    Halfbakery: Hydrogen Peroxide Injection

    Directory:Hydrogen Peroxide as Fuel - PESWiki

    keep in mind guys,

    H2 + O2 yields 2H2O

    SO we don't need that much hydrogen percent wise, like your regular gasoline!

    I will stop boring you now! But someone please give your input! Let's make this work

  • #2
    Originally posted by sparticus View Post
    I say mix a bottle of 80% isopropyl alcohol along with your basic bottle of hydrogen peroxide you get at walgreens to your car tank's capacity of water! I have a 24 gallon tank so... i will mix 2 bottles of 70-80% isopropyl alcohol.. with 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and fill the tank up to 24 gallons!
    Carbon in the alcohol do boost electrolysis efficiency. However I don't that's enough to make the water burn. You need a reactor too. And so far GEET system is the most replicated system for water and hydrocarbon mix (including alcohol too).


    • #3
      Geet system? can u post a link


      • #5
        Hi sparticus

        1° platinum or silver catalyses the hydrogen peroxide but liberates only oxygen not hydrogen.

        2° the alcohol idea is good. Once i did the following:

        Took water lets say 100ml 1 spoon Sodium hydroxide and alcohol about 1 spoon..

        I electrolyzed this mixture and when i tried to light up the bubbles with fire a big flame came out of the water... However when i turned the power off, the big yellow flame died...

        a very strong smell came out of it, i guess it were because the fire was touching the water... the electrodes were inside a tube inside a tube than inside a plexiglass tube and were getting quite hot... but i don't know where the smell came from... The electrode were steel.

        anyway i lighted up the fire and to compare it i lighted up at the same time about the same amount of alcohol...

        The alcohol finished in about a minute and the flame lasted for about 20 min, because i turned it off ...

        Hope it helps!!!


        • #6

          according to Directory:Hydrogen Peroxide as Fuel - PESWiki website, hydrogen peroxide will derive hydrogen too, but recombines to water quickly. so i was hoping to ignite the hydrogen before the recombination! anythoughts? also i am weary of using Na OH, due to the ionizing affect in water, which may leave a Na (s) within the engine! i was thinking to mix sugar with the isopropyl alcohol! i know i need an oxidant to react with the sugar molecule for combustion but i was hoping maybe the imperfections contaminants within the engine can act act as an oxidizer.. what's your thoughts?
          Last edited by sparticus; 06-12-2010, 02:19 AM.

