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Tokyo OU Electrolysis

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  • Tokyo OU Electrolysis

    The inventor is claiming engines can be run on HHO this we know, to a degree, so has he discovered a new efficient way to crack it?

    "By stirring with a low frequency prevents bubbling"?

    "However with electrolytic plating"??

    Not sure what they are trying to say but towards the end

    "This gas will become the ultimate fuel to save the planet"

    YouTube - Ohmasa Gas

  • #2
    Not new

    Originally posted by Karl View Post
    The inventor is claiming engines can be run on HHO this we know, to a degree, so has he discovered a new efficient way to crack it?

    "By stirring with a low frequency prevents bubbling"?

    "However with electrolytic plating"??

    Not sure what they are trying to say but towards the end

    "This gas will become the ultimate fuel to save the planet"

    YouTube - Ohmasa Gas
    Man...nothing is sacred!

    This guy is calling it "Oxy-Hydrogen Gas" and then uses it to cut a piece of steel and run a IC engine. The fact is, the technology is decades old and goes by the name of 'Hydroxy' or 'Browns Gas' (equal parts O2 and Hydrogen). When you burn them they recombine and form back into water. The flame is very 'cool' but alters according to what metal you cut with it which means you can blast through concrete or titanium alloys at +4k.

    What IS a TINY bit different is his electrolysis agitator but it is nothing special.

    Read up on Brown's Gas and don't get too's not new.




    • #3
      Yes Rhodes, Puarich, Brown and Meyers... Karl good find man thanks for posting, ill try and sniff them out.



      • #4
        Originally posted by teslaproject View Post
        Man...nothing is sacred!

        This guy is calling it "Oxy-Hydrogen Gas" and then uses it to cut a piece of steel and run a IC engine. The fact is, the technology is decades old and goes by the name of 'Hydroxy' or 'Browns Gas' (equal parts O2 and Hydrogen). When you burn them they recombine and form back into water. The flame is very 'cool' but alters according to what metal you cut with it which means you can blast through concrete or titanium alloys at +4k.

        What IS a TINY bit different is his electrolysis agitator but it is nothing special.

        Read up on Brown's Gas and don't get too's not new.


        I don't think you have read or understood my post properly, I have little doubt this fella thinks he has invented HHO ffs like I said

        "so has he discovered a new efficient way to crack it?"

        That was my point,
        Last edited by Karl; 06-16-2010, 12:13 PM.


        • #5
          I was impressed to see that he had liquified the HHO !!

          IMHO he uses normal electrolysis, as he says, but with his vibrating device he reduces the gases to small nanobubbles that makes the HHO mix stable.

          Amazing old man ! What a nice lab he has !


          • #6
            OK what i got from that video, is that his claim to fame is safe storage of hydroxy gas (brown's gas, in that he is claiming true "2-to-1" ratio of H and o). He even used ultra-low temps to liquefy the gas... That must be a new one, lol. And is kinda weird when u think about it.

            If this is correct, he is going after the "centralized infrastructure" route which appears to be prerequisite to getting these things to market.

            Of course, "on demand" beats the living hell out of stored in nearly any way we can think of... So either he is attempting to get by suppression that way, or using it as an angle to Patent something "new".

            I've often thought about Japan... Here is a highly industrialized country that imports 100% of its oil, and most of its coal. It is the perfect nation to embrace Free Energy first, as it would benefit most (and it has the manufacturing power to fully benefit from the huge boom it would bring). I don't think any Japanese oil corps are in the "7 sisters". They do have huge mining corps and conglomerates, the biggest in the world tho. For instance at least 2 of these mining conglomerates formed a cartel with Chinese mining interests (u really cant call them "corporations" in China as they are usually really more like feudal fiefdoms run by Communist party hacks who have more in common with JP Morgan than they do Mao or Lenin lol); to corner the market in Neodymium and Selenium (and a large part of Cobalt).

            I think the reason they are not there yet, despite having a lot of history with magnet motors, and the Genepix 2 years ago (which btw was completely compromised and somehow took over by the C.I.A. or N.S.A. or at least their web site was), is that their corporate culture is all about close alliances, and they are in these alliances with Western corps who benefit from the status quo and who want to fight disclosure of FE "to the death"; as they are cowardly afraid of losing their current market shares, and having to scramble on a level playing field.

            It's useful to remember that the American corporate executive gets to the top by being good at that one particular "game". He may "stink" at another game, and be totally useless. They realize this This is one reason for them resisting change... Selfish and self-centered P.O.S.'s


            • #7
              This is why I found the clip unusual, it appears as though he is just talking about electrolysis but he states the H2 O2 are electrolysed combined?
              Is he saying he is removing HHO as a gas with out breaking the molecular bond?

              Edit, to clarify what I am saying, has he got H2O gas?
              Last edited by Karl; 06-16-2010, 01:32 PM.


              • #8
                Well I for one am more than a little bemused by this. Frankly I'm surprised Japanese scientists are not all sitting around laughing at this guy.

                I see nothing different to William Rhodes's common duct electrolyser... Oh, sorry, other than he wafts the gas bubbles about a bit.

                The very fact that Oxy-hydrogen is a popular term for common duct electrolyser gases, should have made him question his so-called discovery. I get very annoyed when I see people re-inventing the wheel and claiming it as their own idea. Remember Denny Klein also re-discovered common duct electrolyser gases fairly recently and tried to patent his 'new' electrolyser invention... what is wrong with these people? They obviously do no background research or worse (and more likely) are simply trying to pull a fast one to claim the glory!

                He does not even compare like for like. He talks about his nano bubble gases then compares a container of H2 against a container of Oxy-hydrogen.

                What I did find rather strange is that there is no reference to possibility of atomic species within the gas. He does say that he is unsure of the structure, but why he does not simply believe it to be a stoichiometric mix of H2 and O2 is a bit of a mystery. Seems to me that he needs to do a little more research all round.

                All in all though, there is nothing new here, we've seen it all before.

                The mind boggles!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Farrah Day View Post

                  He does not even compare like for like. He talks about his nano bubble gases then compares a container of H2 against a container of Oxy-hydrogen.

                  The mind boggles!
                  Well I must be looking at this totally wrong, as it seemed clear to me that his gas had no loss of H2 after two years compared to a cylinder of H2, suggesting some structural change?
                  Last edited by Karl; 06-16-2010, 02:11 PM.


                  • #10
                    Well I must be looking at this totally wrong, as it seemed clear to me that his gas had no loss of H2 after two years compared to a cylinder of H2, suggesting some structural change?
                    This too has already been established long ago by William Rhodes... again it's nothing new - in fact it's very old news.

                    My point was that Ohmasa was comparing his common duct electrolysed gas to H2 and not to the electrolysed gas of another common duct electrolyser.

                    The mysteries of common duct electrolyser gases are well documented. Indeed the structure, behaviour and properties of hydrogen and oxygen from common duct electrolysers are not yet fully understood and open to much debate and discussion.

                    Much of this has been covered in the Hydroxy, Oxyhydrogen, Rhodes' Gas, Brown's Gas, HHO, thread:


                    • #11
                      It is useful for us to remember, that less than 1% of the world's population know anything about hydroxy. Maybe 5% to 7% of the western computer-using world, i reckon (prolly growing at 0.5% a year). So what seems old hat to us can be new and exciting idea to millions of others.

                      Frankly i don't care if a guy claims to have invented "molecules"

                      Marketing ploys are meaningless really.

                      ...As long as he can get something "real" and verifiable into the mainstream, that would be all matters in the end. If 50 million Japanese decide to look into hydroxy because of this (.... and ask what the hell happened to Genepix), so much the better. Eventually it will come out this guy is holding ticket number "4,341" in the "discovery of new fuel" department, yet if he can get an EFFICIENT system to market, that greatly raises public awareness for the general technology, that would be a big deal. Whether it be Japan , UK, or US, there is a cusp point of public awareness that forces universities to study it seriously and stop ignoring it as they have for 30 years... Basically they will have to be shamed into doing it, when they finally realize they could go to prison if they don't... if comes out anyway (as it will).

                      And then they will start doing these missing studies openly, and not have to hide behind "Solar" to get grant money like Dr. Daniel Nocera of M.I.T. had to do Dr. Nocera's recent statements of "increases in efficiency of 100 fold" using his new catalyst electrode materials means he has "Peer-Reviewed Scientific Proof of Free Energy" right now, in his M.I.T. lab (especially when using caloric value of burning H verses watts in). But of course there is no mention anywhere of that in the very sparse and anemic articles we see about it

                      And having a university openly state that water is a fuel means the jig is up for the oil corps, and in a couple of years they are selling sexual lubricants and plastics, and not pretending to be King of the World any more


                      • #12
                        I realize that he does not want to really show what or perhaps how he is making his gas, but I do not see him running the bubbles through a second tank of water which is what HOH folks are doing.
                        I see a second tank of water, but it seems that he is keeping all the gas in the original tank where it was formed. (the second tank appears to be unused, but is it?)

                        So, if I have this right, he is making H2 and O2 by electrolysis, then shaking it and for some reason, instead of rising to the top and escaping, the bubbles stay in the water.

                        What I do not get is where the gas is that is being used?
                        He seems to be saying that it is within the water.
                        Then how does it get used as fuel?
                        Is he keeping it cold or under pressure until it can be used?

                        Do you just pour some of this liquid into the gas tank, cut off the air supply and start the IC engine? ...Or light the flame tip and the gas burns?
                        Do you put the water into an oil lamp and light it?

                        thank you,



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jeanna View Post
                          I realize that he does not want to really show what or perhaps how he is making his gas, but I do not see him running the bubbles through a second tank of water which is what HOH folks are doing.
                          I see a second tank of water, but it seems that he is keeping all the gas in the original tank where it was formed. (the second tank appears to be unused, but is it?)
                          I don't think there is really any mystery here. I think you are talking about bubblers that people experimenting with common duct electrolysers use to prevent flash-backs when igniting the gases. Not really too relevant here.

                          Originally posted by jeanna View Post
                          So, if I have this right, he is making H2 and O2 by electrolysis, then shaking it and for some reason, instead of rising to the top and escaping, the bubbles stay in the water.

                          What I do not get is where the gas is that is being used?
                          He seems to be saying that it is within the water.
                          Is all he is claiming to do is break up the size of the gas bubbles coming off the electrodes in the water and by doing so holds the gases suspended in the water for longer.

                          The fact that he seems to be treating the gas bubbles as units is a little puzzling as really all a bubble is, is a pocket of gas within the water, bigger bubbles more gas, smaller bubbles, less gas. The amount of gas ultimately rising to the surface will be the same irrelevant of bubble size, and of course combines with the rest of the evolved gases as it leaves the water, so why he would think bubble size makes any difference is also puzzling.

                          The gas is of no use suspended in the water. Only when it rises out of the water is the gas useful. He later states that he cools (or pressurises) the gas to liquid state, but it would be evaporated via a vapouriser to be used in combustion, just the same as LPG (liquid petroleum gas) - unless he intends to power the space shuttle that is!

                          Originally posted by jeanna View Post
                          Do you put the water into an oil lamp and light it?
                          According to Vickers on the other thread this is a possibility, but Ohmasa is not working along those lines, it's simply the gas he's after.

                          Some things that are said on the video I'm not entirely comfortable with, for example, there really is nothing to suggest that the O2 and H2 combine to form anything strange... as he seems to suggest. But this is where vital information is lacking in all common duct electrolyser technology.

                          There is a possibility that the smaller bubbles (he calls them nano bubbles, but of course we wouldn't be able to see nano bubbles), might mean that when the gases evolved out of the water that there are greater proportions of atomic species and/or the hydrogen and oxygen are better mixed, but I'm just clutching at straws.
                          Last edited by Farrah Day; 06-16-2010, 05:56 PM.


                          • #14
                            Thick water

                            Hi All

                            just thought I would post this here as this is a form of storing hydrogen and oxygen together at source. THICK WATER, yes water that has density, you just mix gelatine into water to form a mix that will suspend the gases in it directly in the electrolyser. You have to get the density just right and move the thick water in a loop around the cell and in the end you will have burnable water.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                              Hi All

                              just thought I would post this here as this is a form of storing hydrogen and oxygen together at source. THICK WATER, yes water that has density, you just mix gelatine into water to form a mix that will suspend the gases in it directly in the electrolyser. You have to get the density just right and move the thick water in a loop around the cell and in the end you will have burnable water.

                              Can you provide a link for more info?

                              @Farrah Day
                              Thanks for clarifying.

                              thank you,


