An update on the HHOi and Rick's cell from HydrogenSolutionsCenter.
Sterling makes a jump on the Rick cell technology and its almost like the Freddy Cell in some instances.
Good reading and more information.
It seems there may be a link to pressurizing the cell to 60PSI.
Also noted are some easy tests on the HHOi type, balloon tests to see if the balloon will float or drop.
Pay attention to the warning of sharp edges where static charges can build up.
Care must be taken, but it seems a door is opening a little wider.
Sterling makes a jump on the Rick cell technology and its almost like the Freddy Cell in some instances.
Good reading and more information.
It seems there may be a link to pressurizing the cell to 60PSI.
Also noted are some easy tests on the HHOi type, balloon tests to see if the balloon will float or drop.
Pay attention to the warning of sharp edges where static charges can build up.
Care must be taken, but it seems a door is opening a little wider.