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Future Energy hydroxy cell

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  • #46
    Originally posted by lamare View Post
    Pulsing DC is in essence the same thing. Meyer had a high frequency block "wave" which was his "carrier wave", and this was switched on/off with another, lower frequency, block wave. So it's just modulation taken to the extreme. It's not "modulated" with a nice sine wave, it's modulated with a "binary signal" so to speak.

    It may be less efficient to use block waves instead of nice sine waves, but who cares if you get more energy out of the thing than you have to put in yourself in order to get it?
    it's important to note here that it's not about electromagnetic waves but the wave is only the definition of the voltage function, like sine wave.

    he probably uses two or more pulsed dc waveforms, maybe with harmonic frequencies, but not something like transversal electromagnetic waves like i first thought when he spoke about carrier wave and so on.

    also the video, .., he says the output goes crazy when it's probably not even a few liters per minute. nothing special in any way.


    • #47
      What we have to seriously consider when statements are made by the likes of Fast Freddy and his mate, is that they themselves may not know exactly what is going on, exactly what the electronics are doing or indeed exactly what processes are taking place.

      Though FF claims to be conversant with electronics, these people are not scientists and therefore their interpretation of things may ultimately not be doing us any favours in trying to access or understand the process.

      I could never make head or tails of what Meyer was talking about, it simply never made any scientific sense, his technical briefs being full of psuedoscience and gibberish, but that is not to say he did not achieve what he claimed. I think the same will apply to these guys if indeed they are on the level.


      • #48
        He he. My homemade UFO runs fine on half a lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda.
        But seriously Farrah? Why on earth did u post this link?YouTube - HYDROGEN - 524 LITERS PER MINUTE

        Surely you must be kidding?

        I am positive most people understand that a hydrogen fuelled car does not use 524 liters a minute! LOL

        Here's an old link for anyone who interested. Its on the internet so it must be true California Hydrogen Highway


        • #49
          Pretty cool Freddy came out with another video. Brought in that Adam guy and gave a little update of what is happening. It appears he is going to be forthcoming. It is beyond me to understand why someone would want to lead us down a dead end road, although it has been done many times.

          I enjoyed the vid FD posted, thanks. It really dose not seem like to many people understand how many LPM's it takes to run a vehicle. I have read if you have a hot cell you will get more LPM than a cold cell. A true test should be taken when a cell is first started with cold water. Hopefully we will all know the answers soon and can stop speculating.

          Vickers I do not understand what your talking about when you refer to a sacrificial anode. I believe all of Freds tubes are stainless and he is clearly using a electrolyte. Are you talking about a different metal, being used up during electrolysis, Nickle/Aluminum. Can you expand on this?

          And on a side note, please put yourselves in check before you type something, no one needs to be insulted here, all should feel comfortable to write and post whatever idea's come to them, without having to worry about being attacked. It is so pointless to demoralize another person. All of us want the same thing: an energy revolution!


          • #50
            Rick, Freddy does indeed mention a sacrificial anode, in other words it gets gradually used up in the process, but he does also state that it's 316L, stainless steel, so as already posted, I can only assume the corrosion is due to the heavy current densities. Stainless steel, though relatively inert, will readily corrode under certain or extreme conditions.

            The point of the you-tube video I linked to was for information purposes and to offer a perspective from the other side. The video is only talking about hydrogen, not hydroxy, and is comparing the BTUs of each. In other words the known energy content of petrol/gasoline when compared to hydrogen.

            If you're educated enough to actually understand what the guy is talking about, it makes perfect scientific sense in as far as the numbers go. The fact that people tend to switch off or simply dismiss such science and numbers does not ultimately help the cause. The way forward it to discover where the disrepancy - if any - between science and seemingly science-fiction actually lies.

            The whole point of this thread and indeed FF's claims, are surely that the laws of known science are somewhere seemingly being bent or broken. Finding out when, where and why this is so would appear to be the key to the whole thing.

            I'm sure that in due course things will work themselves out... one way or another.

            Edit: Incidentally, the fact that the anode is chemically reacting would mean that less oxygen is evolving as gas, as it would be going to make oxides instead, which if anything only deepens the mystery!
            Last edited by Farrah Day; 09-10-2010, 07:55 AM.


            • #51
              New Video up
              YouTube - 100 1560


              • #52
                Thanks for that Eclipz

                But, Oh dear, what are they doing?

                Apart from the fact that the inner and outer tubes were clearly resonating at different frequencies, after they've glued them into the base of the WFC, I'm at a real loss to see how any of this really matters.

                And has anyone noticed that the videos seem to show the tubes with something that looks like nylon spacers near the top any way!

                Very unimpressed. I just wish they show something for us to get our teeth into!


                • #53
                  i really dont know why he havent made a video guide. How hard can it be for him to made a dummy guide? Im staring to lose hope on this.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by eclipz View Post
                    i really dont know why he havent made a video guide. How hard can it be for him to made a dummy guide? Im staring to lose hope on this.
                    I have to say after that last - pretty pointless - video I'm starting to get an uneasy feeling.

                    They've shown us a bench with stainless tubes, a doped cell being powered by straight dc from a lead acid battery, and now someone 'clinking' a couple of stainless steel tubes... well woopy do!

                    They have yet to show anything in any recent video that goes anyway towards replication. What we really need to know about is the electronics powering the WFC. I mean, we all know what the WFC itself looks like and its basic construction, what we don't have a clue about is the electronics - why oh why haven't they shown the schematic yet?

                    If the next video instalment is equally uninformative, then I think we can start to get concerned.


                    • #55
                      I have never seen someone tune their tubes in this manner. I have seen many tune them listening to the electrical audio of there PWM's. I have never seen an outer tube intentionally thinner gauge than the inner tube. All my tubes have always been the same gauge (dammit I just placed an order with all the same gauge) LOL.
                      When he is talking about amplitude peak, that is interesting and new to me. I will get that program or an equal and give that a go.

                      FD: When I took my cell and ran a torch for a couple months (just having fun). I ran the pressure at 15 psi, was plugged into a variac with R.O. water. My cell looked about like Freddy's when I drained it with the rusty color around the tops of the tubes. It cleaned right up and I assumed it was a contaminate from the epoxy at the bottom of my cell. You can see the goop I used in this pic:


                      • #56
                        Not for sure on this, but I think the Adam fellow in the video is one of the three moderators in the Yahoo group. Just a hunch though, and good news if it is true.


                        • #57
                          Hi Rick

                          You certainly do get iron leaching out of SS even at relatively low currents, but the chromium tends to quickly reform a protective oxide coating over the area, so in time the leaching usually lessens or stops altogether.

                          In my opinion, the practice of conditioning SS plates or tubes really just gets all this iron leaching out of the way until a more stable chromium oxide coating is formed.

                          Lovely looking build you have there Rick. I'll bet you can't wait to see Freddy's electronics in order to build a circuit and fire her up!

                          Incidentally, I'm not sure about this Adam guy in the videos. He does not give me the impression that he's making up his own mind about anything or indeed conducting his own independent analysis of Freddy's device. I hope I'm wrong, but my first impressions are that he's simply a 'YES-man' there for show.

                          If Freddy's going to draw this out, showing every detail of the build, we can't now be too far from him gluing the tubes in to the vessel - and I'm dead curious about the rust doping of the epoxy.

                          Come on Freddy... bring it on!


                          • #58

                            I'm curious, do you intend to run your WFC with all the cells wired in parallel, so each is effectively seeing 12v?

                            Or are you going to wire them in series?


                            • #59
                              I agree, the frequency would change quite a bit if everything is attached to each other, wouldn't you want to tune it to the frequency of the setup as a whole?


                              • #60
                                Can't he inner tube just be used to tune, by length? It's thinner, but can be kept longer. Trim as necessary? I can imagine some sort of tuning to be achieved after their's both glued in place.
                                I don't see how a spacer would come in, as if it connects (or seperates rather) the tubes at something else than the ends, the tune will be lost. A longer tube would need to be supported on the top edge, in a brace with the top end of the shorter one. In my simple world where everything makes perfect sense.

