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What is the best way to obtain electricity from browns (HH0) gas?

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  • What is the best way to obtain electricity from browns (HH0) gas?

    I am studying the wfc from panacea pdf.

    I would like to know what you think is the best way to obtain electricty from the browns gas.

    How do you think genepax did it?


  • #2
    According to reports, Genepax used Hydrogen to run an electric fuel cell... Their "secret" Catalyst method produced the H efficiently (i guess the O was discarded).

    In these ways it is somewhat similar to Dr. Daniel Nocera of M.I.T.'s envisioned system; except that he uses a meld of electrolysis AND all-new catalyst nickle-boride materials based on natural principals (mimicking how plants do it), and he likes "Solar" for the electrodes' voltage power source (but any source could be used).

    A steam boiler heated from the burning of the Brown's Gas running a turbine generator would be the obvious method i guess for large centralized power production. Since this is not a very efficient system (even now when coal, natural gas, or oil-fired); you will need a BIG amount of efficient gas production.. but this efficiency can be helped greatly by using some heat creation / exchange method that uses "sacrificial" metal ingots or pellets somehow to create a much hotter flame.

    But the above method is not very "scalable" in the "down" direction... better generation methods using the heat from direct burning may need to be found for single home-sized applications (and vehicles).

    Or possibly, since we know beyond doubt that John Kanzius got a flame of over 1,500 deg. C from salt water (by bombarding it with less than 200 watts of RF energy at 13.567 MHz)... maybe "sodium"... sea salt... can be used to obtain the hotter flame (the idea there being that hydroxy flame heat is dependent on the substance the flame is in contact with). Salt is cheap, but we don't have any figures on how much is used-up in the process "per watt" yet. But make no mistake, 1,500 deg.. C is one HOT FLAME

    A really clever system could USE "raw" seawater to begin with as the water source... and either use the Kanzius RF method directly; or disassociate the seawater via some "Meyer" or other hydroxy method, and then use the concentrated salts left over, as the hotter-burning "fuel" (its not really a "catalyst" as it is consumed by the process, don't know exactly what to call it lol.. and neither does mainstream science, who has consistently refused to Study this phenomena).

    Once the secrets of running ICE and Diesel fully and efficiently on hydroxy gas alone are known; obviously Diesel gen-sets will be popular for this. What will eventually happen i believe, is all-new engines design made from the ground-up specifically for burning hydroxy.

    The problem with the current designs of electric fuel cells is, that they are very expensive, and maintenance-intensive (they suffer from frequent contamination problems). If these very tough problems can be solved, and mass production greatly lowers the cost, they would have an obvious advantage with no moving parts (or "very few" moving parts depending on their pressurization method).


    • #3
      Thanks for the answer.

      I am disappointed cause it seems that wfc are expensive and give frequent problems for what you say and even if they were perfect nobody seems to be using them to obtain electricity or any other valid use.

      Can hho gas be used directly, some how to feed the house heater?


      • #4
        You're welcome.

        Ok, your last post was a little confusing to me so let me explain a bit in case there is a misunderstanding (or for those not "up" on this yet).

        An "Electric Fuel Cell" has nothing at all to do with Hydroxy production ( H and O disassociated from water), or with pulse waveform generators used with hydroxy systems for more efficient H-H-O production.

        It is essentially a passive membrane that when Hydrogen is passed through it, electrical current is directly produced. Up until recently, it had one big problem... The H had to be "The 5 Nines of Purity" : 99.999% pure.... Or the membrane would become contaminated quickly and lose power. I have heard that there are advances to make this a little better (somewhat less prone to contamination), but it is still an issue with them as far as i know. Electric Fuel Cells have been around for many years, even used in the Apollo space missions. But as i said, they are damned expensive.

        So there may indeed be some considerable drawbacks with Hydroxy (lol i believe there certainly are, as with any tech), but they are not related to what i said in the previous post about Electric Fuel Cells (the "electric" part of the name tells people it is the direct electron-producing "membrane" device, not the commonly used name "fuel cell" for HHO production chambers... which often causes confusion i've noticed).

        There are at least 2 companies selling H-H-O heaters that i know of (or at least there were last year when i researched it). One of them claims a COP of "4" when comparing the caloric heat value to the electrical watts needed to produce the gas.
        Last edited by jibbguy; 09-08-2010, 03:27 PM.


        • #5
          Special Water Gas doesn't explode under pressure. It is very stable.

          Directory:Ohmasa Gas by Japan Techno Co., Ltd. - PESWiki.

          YouTube - 酸水素ガス

