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None Electrolytic Splitting Of H2o

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  • Originally posted by nvisser
    Try this one

    Wyles, Walter E
    5811 Garden Lakes Majestic
    Bradenton, FL 34203-7250
    (941) 756-5257
    I would love to hear where he got similar material than yours!!
    Thanks for this, I am going to be in contact



    • none-electrolytic-splitting-h2o

      RF zosilňovač S-Modul AV10H TOSHIBA

      [RF Module S-AV10H Toshiba] Tu je zaujímavý S-AV10H TOSHIBA RF Výkonový zosilňovač Modul obvodu. To môže dodať viac ako 14W s tak nízke, ako 100-200mW príkonu. Systém je nastavený pre 50 ohm vstup a výstup. frekvencie môže byť 150-175MHz. To je, ako modul vyzerá.

      [RF Module S-AV10H Toshiba Vnútri]

      Na ľavej strane je sila vstup. Potom príde regulácia výkonu, hlavné elektrické vedenie a vpravo je výstupný výkon. Ako vidíte, existuje veľa prestať komponenty vnútri a ako vstup a výstup je uzavreté na 50 ohm.

      RF Výkonový zosilňovač Modul S-AV10H TOSHIBA Schématický
      Hlavná časť tohto projektu je oscilátor, ktorý nájdete na ľavej strane. Jedná sa oscilátor založený okolo Q1. L1 a C1 tvorí naladený oscilačné jednotky. Jednotka môže byť ľahko nastaviť od 100 do 200MHz s tým, že mení C1 a rozstup / kompresie aircoil L1. Môžete vidieť vzduchovú indukčnou cievkou na botoom ľavom rohu na prvú fotografie na tejto stránke. 2. štvrťrok funguje ako booster a zosilniť silu 150mW.

      [RF Module S-AV10H Toshiba Schéma]

      RF signálu zadajte modulu na pin 1. Pin 2 je sila riadiacej jednotke modulu. Napätie na tomto pinu bude nastaviť výstupný výkon modulu. Stabilizátor napätia LM317 je pridaný ku generovaniu premenné napätie z 1.25V až 12 V. Môžete vidieť, že v stredu PCB a vpredu, ak je to 10 otočenie potenciometra (P1). Induktor bloky od RF Module je rozdávať na elektrické vedenie na LM317. Kolík 3 modulu je hlavné príkon, ktorý je tiež RF blokovaný induktor. Téza induktory nie sú dôležité v každom bolo, uistite sa, že dokáže spracovať veľké prúdy, pretože modul spotrebuje vysoký prúd.
      Pin 4 modulu je výstupný výkon na 50 ohm uzavreté systému.

      Musíte použiť falošné odpor 50 ohm inak zničíš modulu. Uistite sa, že si vyberiete dobrého rezistor, ktorý dokáže spracovať 30-50W. Uistite sa, že ste umiestnili modul chladič pretože to bude horúce.

      RF Výkonový zosilňovač Meranie
      Výstupný výkon z tohto modulu je možné nastaviť od niekoľkých mW až o 18 W do napätie pri kontakte Control. Jednotka bola stabilná až do 145MHz a prúd bol asi 2,2 A pri napájanie


      • I find it interesting that his patent specifically targets only the water's surface.

        I wonder if Mike's system has found a way into the volume as I have alluded to in my previous post.

        Mike, did you have evidence of subaqueous gas formation?

        I envisage a web of nodes and antinodes within the volume where molecular thermolysis occurs essentially converting the power of the RF energy into storage as H2 and O2 waiting to be recombined:

        This is an interesting abstract - where does the extra heat come from?

        Recombination not responsible for 3700% increase in heat

        (note the final sentence in the abstract)

        If recombination produces a release of thermal energy, can we expect the reverse? Does some thermal energy get used during the dissociation process? We know that RF is used to provide quantum cooling, but here we are asking if environmental temperatures can be included in the stored energy product. Then of course, finding an efficient means to extract that extra energy without losing it would be a goal ahead.

        My first instinct is to use the recombination in a thermal reaction, so that any heat it produces only adds to the end result. Burning H2 would do just that, but we would need an efficient conversion of that heat into usable energy (aka free energy).

        If this can be done, then Mike's system would provide the front end, while the goal engine would provide the back end of an OU process whereby energy is extracted from the environment and put to work.

        Sorry if I am getting ahead of things here - I do that sometimes.
        "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


        • Slavic to English

          Originally posted by Wolf234
          [RF Module S-AV10H Toshiba] Here is an interesting S-AV10H TOSHIBA RF Power Amplifier Module circuit. It can deliver more than 14W to as low as 100-200mW of power. The system is set for 50 ohm input and output. frequency may be 150-175MHz. This is how the module looks like.

          [RF Module S-AV10H Inside Toshiba]

          On the left is the power input. Then comes the power control, the main power line to the right and the power output. As you can see, there are many components inside and stop as input and output matched to 50 ohms.

          RF Power Amplifier Module S-AV10H TOSHIBA Schematic
          The main part of this project is an oscillator that can be found on the left side. This oscillator is based around Q1. L1 and C1 is tuned oscillating unit. The unit can be easily adjusted from 100 to 200MHz with by changing C1 and separation / compression AirCoat L1. You can see the air induction coil on the left corner of the shoe on the first photo on this page. 2. quarter works as a booster to amplify the power of 150mW.

          [RF Module S-AV10H Toshiba Scheme]

          RF signals enter the module to pin 1 Pin 2 is a power controller module. Voltage on this pin will set the output module. LM317 voltage stabilizer is added to generate the variable voltage from 1.25V up to 12 V. You can see that in the middle and front PCB, if it is 10 turn potentiometer (P1). Inductor blocks from the RF Module is handing out the wiring on the LM317. Pin 3 is the main power module, which is also blocked RF inductor. Argument inductors are important in each was sure, that can handle large currents, because the module uses a high current.
          Pin 4 output module is a 50 ohm matched system.

          You must use a 50 ohm resistor false otherwise destroy the module. Make sure you choose a good resistor, which can handle 30-50W. Make sure you've placed the module heat sink because it will be hot.

          RF Power Amplifier Measurement
          Power output from this module can be set from a few mW up to 18 watts to voltage at pin Control. The unit was stable up to 145MHz and the current was about 2.2 A at power Listen
          Read phonetically
          "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor


          • Reply to Wolf234

            Вы Wolf234. Славная цепь. Вы попробовали эту цепь? Я нашел поставщики которые могут поставить на $25. Думайте что я прикажет сегодня. Я надеюсь что вы понимает это так же, как я понял твое. Смех вне громко.

            Could you please post a higher resolution picture of the diagram?
            Last edited by nvisser; 10-17-2010, 06:12 AM.


            • I sent a request to someone to find the S-AV10L for me. They sent it out to lots of suppliers and the quotes are streaming in. The best so far is $25 and $10 for shipping to SA. I will let you know who got the best prices as soon as I ordered. LOL
              Last edited by nvisser; 10-17-2010, 06:20 AM.


              • I had time to look at the diagram Wolf found. It seems like it has its own oscillator in. Wonder how stable it is?
                This will surely make this project much cheaper. Maybe not easier if we don't know about RF pc boards.
                Wolf234 would you be so kind to post the website where you found this?


                • Hi Harvey – I’m afraid I posted that patent before I had actually downloaded the PDF and studied it. I posted it rashly with a couple of clicks of the mouse.
                  Had I studied it a little more I would have realized that it is a direct copy of Mikes work.
                  (I hadn’t even looked at the artwork before I posted) had I moved with a bit more caution I would have PM’d Mike with the information before posting it, It must have been a horrible shock for him to find out that his work had been stolen, cloned, copied and patented in that manner (sorry Mike)
                  It is however far better that he is aware.
                  Anything Mike developed from the system would have involved a well timed very costly crippling legal challenge from Walter and TPTB, We have already moved away from the original late 80s design, I suggest we can now actively engineer (with Mikes help) and improve on that original concept, When every design factor is out of recognition with Mikes original (and trust me ham’s love antenna design) I would suggest It be open sourced perhaps via Panacea I’m sure Ashtweth would be happy to advise in that regard. In that state its open for everyone to use and Mike retains the intellectual rights he obviously deserves whilst avoiding the legal mine field which had been prepared for him.
                  It being a copy of work originally stolen from Mike Harvey I doubt if this has ever been built or developed by Walter It’s had a patent granted in order that it could be “buried” and put out of the Mikes development reach. I think Walter would know nothing about the surface of the water (or anything else much for that matter) years of development and work stolen and patented by someone else! Mike’s got to be really pissed off Harvey.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                    I had time to look at the diagram Wolf found. It seems like it has its own oscillator in. Wonder how stable it is?
                    This will surely make this project much cheaper. Maybe not easier if we don't know about RF pc boards.
                    Wolf234 would you be so kind to post the website where you found this?
                    RF Power Amplifier Module S-AV10H TOSHIBA | RF Transmitter
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • I also post this as the artwork is there and it MAY prove useful as a cheapish burner for the Moto 14W UHF TV RF Amplifier 470-860 MHz | The Broadcast Electronic
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • Duncan thank you for publishing the pages from which I copied text


                        • Originally posted by wolf234 View Post
                          Duncan thank you for publishing the pages from which I copied text
                          Skutočné potešenie Wolf svoje užitočné informácie! S prianím všetkého najlepšieho ....
                          Majte pomoc!
                          (A real pleasure Wolf its useful information! Best wishes ….
                          Keep helping!)
                          Last edited by Duncan; 10-17-2010, 10:20 AM.
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • Originally posted by Harvey View Post
                            I find it interesting that his patent specifically targets only the water's surface.

                            I wonder if Mike's system has found a way into the volume as I have alluded to in my previous post.

                            Mike, did you have evidence of subaqueous gas formation?

                            I envisage a web of nodes and antinodes within the volume where molecular thermolysis occurs essentially converting the power of the RF energy into storage as H2 and O2 waiting to be recombined:

                            This is an interesting abstract - where does the extra heat come from?

                            Recombination not responsible for 3700% increase in heat

                            (note the final sentence in the abstract)

                            If recombination produces a release of thermal energy, can we expect the reverse? Does some thermal energy get used during the dissociation process? We know that RF is used to provide quantum cooling, but here we are asking if environmental temperatures can be included in the stored energy product. Then of course, finding an efficient means to extract that extra energy without losing it would be a goal ahead.

                            My first instinct is to use the recombination in a thermal reaction, so that any heat it produces only adds to the end result. Burning H2 would do just that, but we would need an efficient conversion of that heat into usable energy (aka free energy).

                            If this can be done, then Mike's system would provide the front end, while the goal engine would provide the back end of an OU process whereby energy is extracted from the environment and put to work.

                            Sorry if I am getting ahead of things here - I do that sometimes.
                            Hi Harvey, thanks for this input, all is welcome and this has sparked my thoughts on an occurance that happened in the early stages of testing the RF in the container, which was copper. That occurance was condensation on the outside of the container. At that time it was put down to the temperature difference in the warehouse in Wrexham and the water temperature, but now it is possibly RF cooling, or the effect of bond breaking. I can tell you now that the container did not warm up untill we put nitrogen from the exhaust return into the bottom of the container.

                            Different frequencies of radio waves have different reactions with water, VLF will pass through water and is the form of communication in the past with subs, as you go up in frequency the water molecule starts to absorb the RF and when you hit Ghz, well you know that answer.

                            My take on this is that there is needed a catalyst from HF up to Ghz, it seems that any sulphate will work as a catalyst, I used copper sulphate, salt can be used as well but had a reaction as can be expected with the copper container that was used. Tap water works but gives a much lower effective bond breaking, and distilled water does very little, we used distilled water with copper sulphate, around 2% solution.

                            As far as penitrating into the water molecule, we are creating what I call designer frequencies by heterodyning the two primary signals with a 6X spacing. The smaller the water droplet the greater the penitration and this heterodyning takes place within the water molecule, distorting the molecular bond angle and vibrating the bond until it breaks.

                            I have set out earlier the importance of the frequency spacing X3 does not work, X6 works the best, and at that time the best way to create thoughs frequencies was starting with a common 20Mhz cristal oscillator with multiplying circuits.

                            Looking at Puharich, he amplitude modulated his carrier wave with an audio oscillator, I think this is a valid way also as it worked for him and is an avenue that I plan to go down as well. He used two frequencies in the bands of 20 to 200Hz for the AM and 200Hz to 100Khz for the carrier, evidently he did not want to divulge the frequency split!!!! I would take a stab at it and say it was 200Hz and 1.2Khz .

                            Because he was using such low frequencies his antennas would have to be very big, this he did by coil loading the extra length and his feed was a "current" balun transformer.

                            I have to go to do some chores.



                            • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              I also post this as the artwork is there and it MAY prove useful as a cheapish burner for the Moto 14W UHF TV RF Amplifier 470-860 MHz | The Broadcast Electronic
                              Duncan, don't get into very complicated RF design at this stage as it is not needed, let others do the complicated designs such as Mini circuts.

                              Yes things can be done a lot cheaper but at a cost of not getting the result that is needed. All that is needed is a proof of this concept, the rest will follow in a simple chip, so as to say.

                              @ all, I am not doing this to gain any reward, in fact it cost me money, a lot of money. I am thinking of going to the US for the conference of which I would like to give a one hour talk on this subject, even if it is in a small select group, and I have calculated that it will cost me 2000 US at least and I have to decide next week, I would love to be there and give the whole aspect to this tech:



                              • It would be interesting to see what would happen when applying the system to superheated or supercooled water.


                                Could it be that the sulfates are providing an improved surface tension?

                                I am wondering if the droplets serve as resonant spheres where the RF energy becomes concentrated at the center and induces the reaction. Wouldn't it be great to watch the process on a high speed camera and see how the gases form? I am trying to ascertain why this is considered a surface reaction and what that reaction has to do with the surrounding gases.

                                I really like the idea that the solution may be stealing thermal energy from the environment and storing it for future use in the dissociated gases. That would be a win/win - reduce global warming while offering a COP > 1 (for the complete cycle)

                                But what if we place the water in a vacuum and chill it just at vapor pressure so we get continuous vaporization above the water body without actually boiling. Then apply the system to those droplets, will we still get dissociation? If the principle is bond angles, then it should. But if it requires external kinetic energy provided by the environment, then the vacuum will isolate the vapor from the environment and the only place dissociation will occur is along the chamber surfaces where external energy is transferred by thermal conduction. If this is the result of such a test, then we can conclude that energy is being added by the atmosphere which is primarily Nitrogen.

                                The next test could be to try vapor pressure in a nitrogen only environment and see if this improves things. Perhaps the RF is interacting more with the Nitrogen on a kinetic level and that energy along with the pre-existing thermal energy in the nitrogen is getting transferred to the water to aid in the dissociation. Unless these types of tests have been done before, the only way to find out is to do them

                                Looks like I need to add a few more items to my Dream Lab wish list
                                "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor

