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Discussion. Best way to use heat from HHO to generate electricity

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  • petar113507
    I will edit the above posts for grammar, and to look "nicer" to read tonight, when I get home.

    But for now -- my parents are paying for my college and I have a cruddy chemistry class to do homework for.

    I only wanted to add -- Powerme said that using magnesium would give a much better resulting HHO production -- it would seem that could be part of the "secret sauce" we're looking for the extra energy gain from to make it run more efficently. I need to look for where he said exactly how to throw the magnesium in the mix.

    Slovenia -- the 30% Ammonium Hydroxide can be distilled rather easily -- to make it even easier, you should be able to get up to 15% concentration at a janitorial supply center, and can distill it quite easily.
    I am working with refrigerator tubing, and two masonry jars -- works pretty well for being a "budgeted" buy.

    On a final note, I also would like to apologize to anyone on this board, or another for not replying quickly enough. I would indeed like to "mingle" with others bout this topic -- but have quite a full school load!

    I will be as transparent as possible in my work.
    I ask that everyone else do the same to the best of their abillity.


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  • petar113507
    The above -- is in part, why I am so adamant about chasing this tangent of powerme --
    he is trying to show us the POTENTIAL of what he may, or may not have done.

    I beleive he has done it. I beleive this, because --
    if I were in powerme's position, I would be trying to show me the exact same thing.
    When I learn something -- I try to pass it on.

    If you read walter russel -- he has a pretty good description of how everything is simply MIND.
    You are simply spirit, with a human body --
    It is your choice as a human to learn how to communicate by means of what resonates with you at your core.

    If anyone else would like me to try to expand on other tangents of powerme --
    I will do the best I can. Just steer me in the right direction --
    these things make a LOT of sense to me -- but only do because of my life experiences so far.
    I will try to be as clear as I can, and offer the fruits of what my own work input has produced.
    I know not everyone has those experiences, so sometimes some things can get "lost in translation".

    Most people don't have life experiences to match, I can see how it might seem like he's a little off in left feild.
    I sure know I've had some people look at me reall weird-like when I tell them about energy-healing,
    or an experience of kundalini rising, or seeing "free energy" machines that WORK. (Thanks Mr. Bedini! )

    Not having the experiental knowledge to match,
    is kind of like speaking a second language to someone who doesn't
    understand you very well -- sometimes you need a translator.

    Even then -- what I am saying is not set rules of how to do any of this stuff --
    it is just how I have seen it work for me. This has been MY experience --
    I emphasize that you take with you what makes sense --
    and TEST what I am saying -- or what power me is saying before coming to any conclusions.

    To anyone reading, I would sometimes suggest a shift in mentality away from skepticism.
    It's allright sometimes -- but until you have been similarly experimenting -- I can only see you are playing with mental models, and not reality.
    Instead of looking for how something doesn't work --
    you need to look on the positive side -- how things might work --
    and thereafter try experiments accordingly.
    Those experiments (Trying to work with it) will show you how it might further work -- you only need to remain focused, and observe carefully.

    Powerme, if I am wrong in interpreting any of your words -- please let me know. I am only trying to bridge the communication gap.

    I am being as honest as I can be -- and I beleive that everyone else is too.

    I beleive that it will be through this honesty that we may yet find our solution.

    Best wishes to all,

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  • petar113507
    I also recall plato saying something along the lines that if you thought about a given subject "hard" enough, you could understand it.
    To me -- if you think about something long enough with your eyes closed --
    you begin to go into a trance.
    If you think about it hard enough, and long enough means you have put in the effort --
    AND THEN you get the answer.
    To me, this implies the focused state is nescessary element of getting an answer.
    This also means there is no substituting hard work for it --
    there is no easy path -- there is no cheating here folks. (Sound familiar? )

    Focus, is something that most people are not diciplined in --
    especially in today's day and age of television and "pop" music.
    Those new mainstream tracks have a faster oscilating rythm --
    If you haven't yet -- you should see some brainwave scans of people when they listen to those tracks and match their inner rythms with the music.
    Scary stuff.

    What those brain scans show, is a cultural mentality. (At least, in America, as I've observed in my generation.)
    Their focus dwindles, and darts between topics and ideas.

    It's all about going for the newest flashiest thing -- I've often heard young college students say "it just caught my attention."

    Waitaminute. WHAT?
    Did anyone else notice that presupposition?
    Where was the attention being thrown in the first place?
    Did that throw have an aim?
    If you think about it carefully, That statement has an embedded pre-supposition,
    that reflects the inner thought process.
    If it was being thrown -- they were not inherently in control of it in the first place.

    It has been my finding that the presuppositions that powerme makes in his statements, that resonate with me.
    It is because of a nitpicking abillity with language (having worked as a hypnotist)
    which helps me sometimes reveal the underlying thought processes.

    Self control, dicipline, and focus.
    If you ask anyone out of martial arts who got anything out of it --
    it would probably be one of those three values.
    If you ask anyone who is a lucid dreamer, or a TRV'er, or an inventor of any kind --
    I would also suspect you would find similar values.

    Self guided (Lucid dreaming) --

    The more "natural" alternative involves you waking up in your dreams.
    This was practiced the earliest by tibetian monks, as best I know.
    This is a dicipline that essentially requires someone to be very present
    in any given moment -- to notice the clarity of colors, or the peculiarity
    of outside events. When you realize that you are dreaming -- you gain
    a potential of tremendous IN-SIGHT.
    (Inner-vision, sound like pineal gland must be activated -- anyone?)

    When lucid -- You can do anything you want!
    Most, when presented with the potential to do anything -- will pick sex.
    Yepp. This is where powerme made more sense -- that he was a DOG?
    Was he really physically a dog? I don't think so.

    What he was reflecting -- I beleive was the expression that we ARE human --
    we ARE primal creatures. Many people think they're "more than apes" --
    but what they don't realize, is it's only about 2 cm Of brain tissue on the top of their head,
    that makes us "more human" than those fuzzy primates we keep
    behind bars in a zoo.
    It is when we realize that we have animalistic tendencies --
    that we can calculate, and compensate for them. One of these being greed, another, arrogant egotism. The list goes on.
    It when you realize that you ARE mostly an animal, that you can grow Past that limitation in the first place.

    Most people, do not slow themselves down enough to make their
    monkey-brain thoughts "stop" enough to get out of their head to
    appreciate the scenery in their dream world. Even the outside world for that matter.
    "Stop and smell the roses" -- Sound familiar?
    In my experience, it is about being PRESENT in the moment enough to see the clarity of events "outside" yourself --
    that you gain insights about yourself.

    It has been through lucid dreaming, that I have been most consistently shown that the outside dream world,
    was actually showing me answers in many different forms relevant to my life --
    I just wasn't "listening" well enough to notice that those events
    were slightly out of place, that they were actually reflecting
    a symbolic answer of some sort.

    Symbolic interpretation of dreams is a whole different post.
    But in essence -- you are your best interpreter. >.<

    In my experience -- Sometimes when lucid, you can get very clear, self-evident answers --
    I.E. -- Someone showing you exactly how a device works.
    Often times -- the clearer the answer you get --
    the more effort you have already put in to get it.
    Note:Posing a clearer question will often times get you a clearer answer.

    It is also through lucid dreaming -- that I've learned vaugely how to use "precognition" --
    presumably a mental abillity. (I don't like the word psychic, because it has such a slandered reputation in modern day's societies)
    I'm not trying to prove this to anyone here (I'm pressed for time here as is ) --
    I simply wish to share my experience, as that may open new research tangents,
    or give light to new ideas for anyone who reads this.
    It is through the internal world of dreaming that I see that the outside world is only a reflection of my internal world.

    Since vaguely learning this -- I have sometimes simply had the abillity to arrive at a conclusion that was not my own --
    just before someone else said it --
    or that I would be thinking something in my head, and someone blurts out the rest of the sentence for me.
    (These are people who I've never met before in my life)

    I don't know if I'm "listening" or "pushing" thoughts --
    I just know it happens too often to be "just" a coincidence.

    I have found that lucid dreams are nice and often give me very extensive answers,
    but I cannot reliably depend on them to get consistent answers.

    I have more recently been practicing recording my own voice and playing it,
    as I am falling asleep to give me a better chance to remember the question I
    wanted to get the answer to.
    Keeping a dream journal helps.

    If you've ever done photoreading -- or speed reading to the point where you get mentally tired --
    I suggest that you fall asleep.
    Your unconscious is just trying to help you process the information faster.
    I have found I can read entire volumes of older books --
    upper limits of 20 pages/minute -- and then simply have DREAMS
    where I talk with the authors, and figure out what they were trying
    to show me. It literally feels like really intense THINKING --
    while your body is "disconnected" or "powered down" for a moment.
    This has been another form of "dream thinking" in my experience.

    Anyone who has taken some kinds of psychoactive stimulants, or had a near death experience --
    or OBE -- or who can TRV -- knows this kind of dis-association.
    It is knowing bi-focality. I beleive this kind of bi-focality is also using parts of your brain (or third eye).

    If anyone would like, I can point towards programs where I learned this stuff from -- the internet is a big place, and I often am willing to make copies of the CD's I have.

    The bottom line though -- is still what powerme has been saying all along --
    I cannot teach you how to EXACTLY do it, and neither can these programs which I would point you towards.
    I can only show you that the possibillity is there in the first place,
    and at best -- suggest techniques which have worked for me.

    Then, you must find the ways in which this is a natural process for yourself,
    which already happens internally, or externally in nature --
    and then you can mimic it. "Nature" will show itself to you if you look carefully.
    Learning from books should only show you the possibillities --
    the potential of what to look for.

    This is also why I find reading older texts wonderful --
    the authors present you with a sense of wondering, and show you what they thought happened --
    as best as they could explain it. Newer books, seem to be geared towards being more authoratative, telling you WHAT to think.
    As I've said -- I don't like this.

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  • petar113507
    Unguided (Self-initated)

    The thing is -- you don't need to have a hypnotist to do this --
    you can access this by napping during the day as you get drowzy
    in the afternoon. (works real good for me)

    If you voluntarialy "awaken" a little bit in that dream state -- you can
    yourself ask the question, and listen for the answer that comes.
    It will come in similar "image stream" or movie/dream format, just like
    with the hypnotist, except YOU are the one behind the steering wheel
    -- no one else. You need to be disciplined, and remain focused in attention.

    What is very interesting here -- is I have had great success using
    bineural beats to access these kinds of trance states.
    I started using 30 minute bineural beats to access the "imagestream",
    and progressively was able to shorten the time to about 10 minutes
    (through fractionation) where I could receive a solid answer.

    The only downside I see with bineurals -- is that it is time-sensitive. Sometimes my imagestream isn't finished when the bineural forces
    my brain to race back to "waking" consciousness.

    Like I said -- you don't need a hypnotist to guide you there --
    You can also do this by mildly waking yourself up in the morning with a first alarm --
    and then falling back asleep into REM sleep (where you dream mostly).
    You ask the question (If you can remember) -- and listen for the answer.

    You naturally access these states to contact your "higher self" all the time.
    I think this may be why powerme held this to be self evident --
    it is a NATURAL human thing to experience.
    The only way you can miss these kinds of signals is by DOUBTING your self.

    I think this to be one of the thought crimes of modern living society (at least in america).
    The media, music, magazines and other technological information inputs --
    seems to be geared towards programming your habitual behavior to be that of self doubt.
    If you're always doubting, you won't be listening.
    I have not yet decided if this is intentional -- or simply a mis-understanding between humans.

    I have more recently put a mp3 recorder with my headphones on my bedside --
    and push play whenever I need to "sleep" again aftermy first alarm.
    I'm literally "asking myself" -- Sometimes I "hear" my own voice when I am dreaming,
    and follow the question -- other times I don't hear it at all.

    It's not whether you get the result that often times counts the most --
    it is whether you put in the effort to do the excersize on a regular basis,
    that seems to influence the quality of results you'll receive.

    The matter of remembering your dreams, is another issue entirely.
    I suggest the "GMS Phenomenal Memory" course for developing a
    photographic memory.
    Once again, if you do the work -- you'll get a result.
    As a note, I did not ever fully complete the course --
    I simply used the fundamental techniques to improve my memory,
    and applied it wherever I could.
    I've found it works much better to adapt techniques to my own internal system for
    "whatever works" for me.
    I keep tweaking something until it works better.

    This is probably what anyone who has been a "loner" has done --
    they needed to generate their own conclusions, without limitations of
    their older beleif systems. (Think -- Plato, Tesla, Keely, ETC.)

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  • petar113507
    Long Reply here

    Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
    Power1 was always telling us that we had the power within ourselves to answer any question and to guide ourselves without the help of any outside help from other persons. Today, I saw where he offered a hint to this personal connection with your inner self. He told us to dream think.

    Does anyone know what he is referring to and/or how to do this? Thanks in advance.

    I'd never heard of doing this before.

    Time to take a break from schoolwork.
    I realize more and more that the people in school are telling you
    HOW to think -- that you should repeat exactly what they said,
    and not think for yourself. This has become conflicting enough
    internally for me recently, that I do not know if I can keep going
    with this instutionalized learning, when there are truly so many
    more ways to learn, and gain understanding.

    To answer your question Slovenia -- I've been doing this for years.
    I'll try to explain a little bit as to how I do it --
    there are some technologies/techniques that I use to help me with it.

    I have two seperate "schools of thought" for doing it.

    As a hypnotist, I know you can suggest that people physically/mentally
    relax enough to be in a "deep" enough trance that they can
    create very vivd mental images. When people relax enough,
    you have access to dream-like states.

    Win Wenger and Paul Scheele developed a technique/named a technique
    they called "image streaming". I learned it from an 8 CD program called
    "the genius code". I view these kinds of programs as rough guidelines
    -- ways that I can explore new things and see what works for me.
    This is one of those which has worked well for me.

    Basically -- you access the same alpha/theta trance states, and
    they found that people get flashes of images and impressions while
    they remained focused. Interestingly enough -- the information
    people were receiving from their "unconscious" at the time was
    often highly relevant to personal problems, and helped to answer the
    problems which were at the forefront of the person's focus (at the time, or in the past).
    Regardless, Staying focused seems to be a key ingredient in remaining "lucid"
    in your dreams, or thinking like plato described.
    I'll go more into this shortly.

    (Powerme made a note of plato's thinking --
    I have the feeling he may have encountered the phenomena
    of "speaking" with the higher self -- and then looked for other
    people who had also experienced a similar phenomena.
    He certainly seems to make many references which I am
    already familiar -- and this is the exact thing which I felt
    I have been doing for the past few years.)

    So, you can be guided into this state by an external source,
    or you can guide yourself internally into this relaxed, focused state.
    Some call it trance, some call it meditation. It's all the same to me --
    because it involves listening -- not using your monkey brain to
    produce habit-loop thought tangents. It is from the stillness of mind
    that the imagestream emerges from.


    It has been my experience that if you are either guided into this
    kind of state you can have a question suggested to you.
    When you are guided into this state Your "unconscious" feeds
    you an answer that is very dream-like -- either like a movie, or
    an active experience -- maybe even a series of images --
    It is different for every person. The answers I have seen people get
    through clinical hypnotherapy astounds me -- It is as though they had
    their best answers for themselves inside themselves all along.

    Having worked as ahypnotist, I have also seen a strong co-relation to
    the person's predominant thinking habbits and learning patterns -- and
    the type of input they get from their unconscious.
    (I.E. -- Feeling = kinsthetic learning pattern, "Seeing" = visual learner, ETC.)
    Most people are not a SINGLE type of learning,
    and will receive a variety of stimulus information.
    The key is to be observant as possible.

    When I say "unconscious" -- I really mean -- whatever it is,
    feeding you all the dream details and events --
    I've heard names like "Soul/oversoul" "gaurdian angel" "higher self" --
    the point is -- it's a part of yourself, is vastly more
    intelligent than your monkey brain -- and it WANTS to help you.

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  • Slovenia
    Tibetan Yogas of Dream &amp; Sleep

    Scribd has a real good book on this subject if anyone is interested in what Power1 was trying to share. Run a search for the following book on Scribd:

    by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

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  • Slovenia
    Dream Thinking

    This may be what Power1 is making reference to, (i.e.: lucid dreaming as practiced by Tibetan Buddhists for over one thousand years as a means of approaching enlightenment).

    Tibetan Dream Yoga Experiment

    Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
    Power1 was always telling us that we had the power within ourselves to answer any question and to guide ourselves without the help of any outside help from other persons. Today, I saw where he offered a hint to this personal connection with your inner self. He told us to dream think.

    Does anyone know what he is referring to and/or how to do this? Thanks in advance.

    I'd never heard of doing this before.

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  • Slovenia
    Dream Thinking

    Power1 was always telling us that we had the power within ourselves to answer any question and to guide ourselves without the help of any outside help from other persons. Today, I saw where he offered a hint to this personal connection with your inner self. He told us to dream think.

    Does anyone know what he is referring to and/or how to do this? Thanks in advance.

    I'd never heard of doing this before.

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  • Slovenia
    Potential Anhydrous Ammonia Hazard

    I've been going through Power1's notes to Over Unity today and he hinted in one response to someone that you needed to be extremely careful while making the crystals so that anhydrous ammonia wasn't mistakenly made because of it's extremely hazardous properties.

    Anyway, we need to read up on how anhydrous ammonia is produced to make sure we don't make it by mistake. This anhydrous ammonia is some seriously dangerous stuff. I'm not trying to scare anyone away from experimenting here on this project, but I saw the hazard warning from Power1 today and I'd missed that segment while speed reading before.

    As I recall he said something about not forgetting the solution in the freezer to long or this could happen. I'll try to go through my notes and find that part again and post it when I do.

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  • Slovenia
    Crystal Results

    Good to hear there are a few of us still interested. I think if we make a feeble attempt at making Power1's crystals and post the results on YouTube that he will then lend a hand to that person and help them get to the next step. There is an awful lot of reading material for one of us to just try and figure this out on our own. It would take a while to get through all the books he wanted us to read. I do think that the 30% ammonium hydroxide is a must have if possible. Things get a little convoluted when you are trying to start with the wrong chemicals and then concentrate the solutions. Anyway, we have to use what we can get.

    Originally posted by FRC View Post
    I m still interested just waiting for the ultrasonic humidifier. Altrez showed us
    that it does work,to a certain degree, even without the zinc crystals. Keep an
    eye on Bedini earth light, they are making copper crystals. Hope they do zinc
    next. We can learn from that thread.


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  • FRC
    Still Interested

    I m still interested just waiting for the ultrasonic humidifier. Altrez showed us
    that it does work,to a certain degree, even without the zinc crystals. Keep an
    eye on Bedini earth light, they are making copper crystals. Hope they do zinc
    next. We can learn from that thread.


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  • Slovenia
    Nice to hear

    Nice to hear that you are still pursuing it. I am too.

    Originally posted by Morpheus0101 View Post
    Well I for one will be pursuing this anyway so I'm more than happy to share any of my findings, and theories.
    I've been reading up crystal structures and theres a nice wiki outlaying the fundamentals.
    Crystal structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    So now I'm going to hunt around for a good paper on making hexagonal zinc oxide!

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  • Slovenia

    Yes, very frustrating indeed. You have made very good points.

    I do believe his setup works and I do believe he would continue to share with an individual who continued to make attempts to replicate his crystals and post results on YouTube. The magic as it were appears to be centered around the crystals. I'm of the opinion that most of the information he gave us was sound but that the information we are lacking is the exact detailed way to make his crystals correctly in a home lab setup. He kept emphasizing that he needed someone to show him some crystals and then he would share more. He repeated this multiple times. He started receiving flack from various personalities and then he became recalcitrant. Anyway, it's my feeling that the crystals have to be made a certain way to turn out right and that if they aren't made right they won't work right in the setup. In other words the experiment would have been an exercise in futility. So, those of us who are still interested in Power1's crystals need to make some crystals with the information we have, be it right or wrong, and post our results on YouTube.

    Do we continue forward with this project here as a group effort, or is it just going to be solo act scenarios?

    I need help or I'm pretty much done sharing with the group.

    Originally posted by bugler View Post
    The fact that he didn't give us a single diagram and at the same time proclaimed he wanted everybody to know it doesn't make any sense.

    Either one wants to communicate knowledge and give every bit of information or one doesn't want and doesn't give up anything at all. Giving just little pieces of the puzzle only creates frustration.

    We could change the world with the knowledge to run a 10hp generator and a small van with water as fuel. Some frustration knowing it might be possible and a guy knows how to do it but he pretends to want to tell us but won't do it.

    Maybe he just wanted some attention or something like that.

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  • Morpheus0101

    Well I for one will be pursuing this anyway so I'm more than happy to share any of my findings, and theories.
    I've been reading up crystal structures and theres a nice wiki outlaying the fundamentals.
    Crystal structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Then if you take a look at zinc oxide
    Zinc oxide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Crystal structure
    Zinc oxide crystallizes in three forms: hexagonal wurtzite, cubic zincblende, and the rarely observed cubic rocksalt). The wurtzite structure is most stable at ambient conditions and thus most common. The zincblende form can be stabilized by growing ZnO on substrates with cubic lattice structure. In both cases, the zinc and oxide centers are tetrahedral. The rocksalt (NaCl-type) structure is only observed at relatively high pressures about 10 GPa.[13]

    So the question is which crystal structure are we looking for?

    The hexagonal structure has a point group 6 mm (Hermann-Mauguin notation) or C6v (Schoenflies notation), and the space group is P63mc or C6v4. The lattice constants are a = 3.25 Å and c = 5.2 Å; their ratio c/a ~ 1.60 is close to the ideal value for hexagonal cell c/a = 1.633.[14] As in most group II-VI materials, the bonding in ZnO is largely ionic, which explains its strong piezoelectricity. Due to the polar Zn-O bonds, zinc and oxygen planes bear electric charge (positive and negative, respectively). Therefore, to maintain electrical neutrality, those planes reconstruct at atomic level in most relative materials, but not in ZnO - its surfaces are atomically flat, stable and exhibit no reconstruction. This anomaly of ZnO is not fully explained yet.[15]

    So now I'm going to hunt around for a good paper on making hexagonal zinc oxide!

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  • bugler
    Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
    Power1 left things out on purpose to make us search and prove we were really worthy of receiving this free knowledge.
    The fact that he didn't give us a single diagram and at the same time proclaimed he wanted everybody to know it doesn't make any sense.

    Either one wants to communicate knowledge and give every bit of information or one doesn't want and doesn't give up anything at all. Giving just little pieces of the puzzle only creates frustration.

    We could change the world with the knowledge to run a 10hp generator and a small van with water as fuel. Some frustration knowing it might be possible and a guy knows how to do it but he pretends to want to tell us but won't do it.

    Maybe he just wanted some attention or something like that.

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