But for now -- my parents are paying for my college and I have a cruddy chemistry class to do homework for.

I only wanted to add -- Powerme said that using magnesium would give a much better resulting HHO production -- it would seem that could be part of the "secret sauce" we're looking for the extra energy gain from to make it run more efficently. I need to look for where he said exactly how to throw the magnesium in the mix.
Slovenia -- the 30% Ammonium Hydroxide can be distilled rather easily -- to make it even easier, you should be able to get up to 15% concentration at a janitorial supply center, and can distill it quite easily.
I am working with refrigerator tubing, and two masonry jars -- works pretty well for being a "budgeted" buy.

On a final note, I also would like to apologize to anyone on this board, or another for not replying quickly enough. I would indeed like to "mingle" with others bout this topic -- but have quite a full school load!

I will be as transparent as possible in my work.
I ask that everyone else do the same to the best of their abillity.
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