Most useful elements have been restricted from the public,
What happens when you fuse those elements with crystals or other conductors?.
This will be a Reward for Effort only, no free lunches because you will never see What it is if you dont learn and do it. Show me efforts, I give you help.
altrez, your crystals will have effeciency of 1 in a scale of 10, you will achieve 10 if you have the desire to know, good efforts, please lets continue.
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Discussion. Best way to use heat from HHO to generate electricity
Sorry Rick
Sorry about that Rick. That must be some pretty dangerous stuff or have some other purposes they don't want it used for.
Originally posted by RAD-HHO View PostYou have to have it shipped to an educational facility.
"Your cart contains a restricted item(s). We can only ship restricted item(s) to educational facilities. If your shipping destination is NOT an educational facility these items will be canceled from your order."
I found some on Ebay, but it will be a couple weeks for delivery.
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Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
"Your cart contains a restricted item(s). We can only ship restricted item(s) to educational facilities. If your shipping destination is NOT an educational facility these items will be canceled from your order."
I found some on Ebay, but it will be a couple weeks for delivery.
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Originally posted by RAD-HHO View Postaltrez,
Where did you get your Ammonium? I got my ZnO yesterday, but I am having a little trouble finding 30% Ammonium Hydroxide locally. I will probably have to order it online as well.
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Ammonium Hydroxide ($11.85/500ml bottle)
Ammonium Hydroxide, Reagent ACS, Solution 29% (~14.8 M), 500 mL Bottle - Sargent-Welch
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30% Ammonium Hydroxide
Where did you get your Ammonium? I got my ZnO yesterday, but I am having a little trouble finding 30% Ammonium Hydroxide locally. I will probably have to order it online as well.
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Originally posted by ewizard View PostDon't worry at this point as you probably do have some. If the ZnO crystals are 1-5 nanometers in size you probably would not even be able to see them under a 400x microscope (although I'll try with one when I get to that point just to see what I can see) and wet crystals of that size are just going to look 'pasty' until dry.
I am trying to borrow a gas analyzer to test for HHO as well but not having much luck. When I ask, my friend keeps talking about the last time he loaned me his oscilloscope for my free energy experiments and how it never worked correctly again etc etc lol.
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Overunity Summary by Powerme
It's a very good overview of what has been said. If you are interested check it out.
Practical Method for Production of Water Fuel with Piezoelectric
Practical Method for Production of Water Fuel with Piezoelectric
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Knowledge Comes To You Naturally (Query)
(Knowledge comes to you naturally query)
Is there a special name for the practice of gaining this knowledge you talk about, so I can research it online? Are there any books that describe how to tap into this knowledge within us?
I have studied huna but have not yet mastered some of its more important secrets.
I have a lot of the De Souuza's solar sea salt which I could probably make into ormus if I knew how.
I'm not trying to get your thread off-track but you don't want pm's and I want to get more information on how to tap into this wonderful stuff.
Thanks again for sharing with me!!
Best Regards,
Originally posted by power1 View Post
the knowledge comes to you naturally, overtime it's a natural sensory.
from my sea extract, i found ormus, take it, that helps too, look online.
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Originally posted by altrez View PostSo did I do it correctly? Will those work?
-Altrez) and wet crystals of that size are just going to look 'pasty' until dry.
Last edited by ewizard; 02-20-2011, 05:43 AM.
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good job guy, we'll get there soon.
I'll post an inscrutable soon with pics on my ZnO that I made.
anyone having hard time finding zinc, get some Zamak, reduce it to oxide with sodium hydroxide, you will get HHO at the same time, use it to make something, may be refine some silicon from broken glass.
at the end, you'll have a paste of 94+ percent Zinc with the rest aluminum and magnesium, this is is for Zamak 3 and 5, other class have about 80% zinc.
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Originally posted by power1 View Postgood work altr
you did not need to scoop it out, i use a large buchner funnel filter, you could have just let ZnO settle, pour out ammonium, save it for next batch, and let the ZnO dry in the jar, less mess.
you're working with crystals here, nano particles that have their own life, under microscope they stretch as if alive, your manifestation will be projected through your work
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good work altr
you did not need to scoop it out, i use a large buchner funnel filter, you could have just let ZnO settle, pour out ammonium, save it for next batch, and let the ZnO dry in the jar, less mess.
you're working with crystals here, nano particles that have their own life, under microscope they stretch as if alive, your manifestation will be projected through your work
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