I have built my water spark plug and it works. I used this PDF to replicate the great work of all the guys in the Water Spark Plug thread
I have setup my ultrasonic fogger that I purchased for the water spark plug and it works as well.
I knew all of that would work because of all the research I did on the water spark plug.
Now the new thing that has been added in this thread by powerme is the HHO generation with ZNO Crystals. I received my ZNO powder today and will try to make the crystals this weekend.
I have lots of tests to run with and without the Crystal. Is there anything at all I can do and or post for you guys that would help you out.
Again I do not know if the crystals will work; however I can confirm that the Water Spark Plug and ultra sonic generator does.
I have setup my ultrasonic fogger that I purchased for the water spark plug and it works as well.
I knew all of that would work because of all the research I did on the water spark plug.
Now the new thing that has been added in this thread by powerme is the HHO generation with ZNO Crystals. I received my ZNO powder today and will try to make the crystals this weekend.
I have lots of tests to run with and without the Crystal. Is there anything at all I can do and or post for you guys that would help you out.
Again I do not know if the crystals will work; however I can confirm that the Water Spark Plug and ultra sonic generator does.