From one young person to another - I have made plenty of mistakes in
my life - who hasn't? But don't "stop" your mistakes - keep making them
as long as you learn from them and if you really learn from them, you don't
make the same mistakes. As corny as the old cliche sounds - it is timeless
wisdom that is simply a part of life.
I am not lying by stating you seem to be buying into crack's statement
about the disruptive discharge. When you said these people have a point,
the closest thing to a point that crack made that has any semblance of
sanity is comparing the plasma effect to Tesla's disruptive discharge. And
from my perspective, being that it is the closest thing to a valid point,
yet still grossly incorrect, and if you say they have a point, it seemed to be
the most sensible thing to assume from your statement.
If I am wrong, then I apologize, but I am not a liar - I simply misunderstood
what your point was - IF you're being straight up with me.
I greatly appreciate your stance in the patent episode - that actually
means a lot to me - when some others I'm surprised don't seem to
be equally appalled as I am - that to me is very suspicious as to the
nature of their ways - or a reflection of their moral integrity.
I'm not sure if it really would be to my benefit to explain what I mean by
it not being a simple disruptive discharge - I already did explain it in the
past multiple times in multiple threads and by spelling it out will give
insincere people (such as I have witnessed), a reason not to do the
research. In reality, the average person doesn't actually want to learn
any of this - they want it handed to them on a sliver platter because
they're too unwilling to appreciate what they are already given and are
too lazy to do the experiments to find out what is going on. It is actually
a disservice to people to spell it out when it can be simply deduced by
information that has already been freely given. Bottom line is that it
doesn't benefit anyone by spelling out things for them that have already
been posted in no uncertain terms, including simple diagrams.
The magnifying effect - I think can be explained in another thread.
However, it is actually KEY to this entire circuit by any variation -
as long as it elicits this exact plasma effect - the magnifying effect
IS the manifestation of the plasma effect.
I don't think it has anything to do with a PPCM but if that is the direction
that inspires you - I think you should go with your gut feeling and see
where you end up - you could be on to something.
Whether or not you agreed with the uninformed individual's analysis that
this plasma effect is due to Tesla's disruptive discharge, it needs to
be discussed so people don't follow degenerative rhetoric or false logic.
In regards to the "disruptive discharge" - as one seriously uninformed
person wants to claim, I have a few comments to reveal the ignorance.
Claiming that taking away the disruptive discharge takes away the effect
is so completely laughable that it is beyond pathetic.
Please contemplate this. A capacitor discharged into
the primary of of an ignition coil is discharging into what? The initiator
of the plasma effect is what? The initiator is a typical CDI or capacitive
discharge ignition circuit that discharging into the impedance or resistance
of the coil.
It takes but about the smallest smidgen of common sense for anyone
that thinks they know anything about Tesla's work to know that if
you have 10k ohms of resistance - THE DISCHARGE FROM THE
CAPACITOR IS ANYTHING BUT DISRUPTIVE!!!!!!!! The cap is discharged
into the primary and then is discharged through 10K OHMS, which is
about pretty typical for a standard black body cylindrical factory ignition
coil and then the discharge "sparks" across the gap and the potential
goes to ground while the current moves from ground to the high voltage
positive. Even though the electron current theory is wrong, lets just
use it as a simple widely accepted analogy.
A capacitor discharging into the primary of an ignition coil that then
discharges through 10k ohms of high voltage windings is a slow and
laborious process that greatly slows down the discharge relative to
zero or negative impedance and has plenty of dissipation and losses.
And if anyone wants to claim that a CDI is a
"disruptive discharge" that is the fundamental basis of this plasma
ignition method is possibly high on crack and should surrender
themselves to the jurisdiction of the nearest mental institution.
Technically, ANY spark is a "disruptive discharge", which simply means that
when the voltage exceeds the dielectric ability to hold it back that it
blasts through. When there is ANY kind of spark - the voltage built up and
overcame the dielectric ability of the air in a spark gap for example and
is therefore by technical definition a "disruptive discharge". And being
that this IS the technically correct definition of a disruptive discharge,
crack is thereby claiming that Tesla invented the spark itself that jumps
a gap as well as claiming that Tesla invented the gap, which is
unfathomably beyond ludicrous to the point that I had to be redundant
there intentionally!
He doesn't even know that Tesla had different definitions for the terms
he used compared to many people that used the same terms.
When Tesla used the term "electric" in the context of the aether, it had
NOTHING to do with the term electric as used by his conventional
"contemporaries". This applies to disruptive discharges.
So for crack to claim that a disruptive discharge from Tesla includes
discharging a small cap directly into 10k ohms of line resistance is so utterly
ignorant that there are no words to describe it. Yes, there is a gap but
that line resistance plays - oh just a little role in not making it so disruptive.
For the Tesla method of conversion, everything is super tuned! That means
that a cap may be charged on ONE pulse - not multiple. And when the cap
is discharged, whatever it is discharging into is impedance matched to have
little to "none". To have a cap that needed rapid multiple pulses
just to get it up to where it needs to be and then to discharge it into
10k ohms would have been unthinkable or blasphemous to him - in the
context of calling that a disruptive discharge.
Spark plug wire losses are huge as well - 1500 ohms is actually considered
by the industry to actually be a low resistance
high performance spark plug wire that lets a "lot" through. When looking
at the stats for ignition systems and seeing what % of the power
input into the coil makes it to the gap - for example 12-14v into the
primary from a battery - ONLY 1% of that turns into a spark!!!!!!!
And that is with a non-resistor spark plug - don't ask what it is with
a typical 5k ohm plug. (not even 0.20%!!)![Suprised Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/surprise.gif)
Again, in actuality - if you bring your finger to something
that is grounded and you feel a spark - THAT IS a disruptive discharge
so knowing not just what a disruptive discharge is but a TESLA disruptive
discharge is - is very important and crack simply has no idea what that
means or what the difference is.
If the ignition coil is lower resistance and the spark plug cable is lower
and there is a lower resistance plug, the efficiency increases quite a bit.
And if there are peaking caps or other used, the efficiency can jump
50 FOLD!!!
Anyway, back to point - there is an underlying fallacy to cracks' entire
argument with the disruptive discharge claims - and that is...
I am not an English professor but lets look at the definition of:
Extended: "drawn-out: relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a
drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy visit from her
mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter struggle"; "protracted negotiations"
Disruptive: "causing, tending to cause, or caused by disruption; disrupting: the disruptive effect of their rioting."\
Disruptive doesn't have as clear as definition but is common sense that
it is to stop or halt abruptly, which is OPPOSITE OF extended.
The capacitive discharge ignition will EXTEND the spark life at the gap
while something disruptive is meant to HALT QUICKLY.
Further consideration to be pondered into the profoundly vacuous claims
at the premise of the plasma ignition is a disruptive discharge!
And the claim to take away the disruptive discharge is to take away the
entire effect.![Suprised Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/surprise.gif)
![Wall Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/wall.gif)
![Rolling On Floor Laughing](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/rofl.gif)
For a Tesla disruptive discharge, the discharge has to be initiated quick
and cut off quick - NOT extended like a capacitive discharge on a typical
CDI setup for ignition purposes. Only a bumbling buffoon would claim a
conventional CDI is a disruptive discharge that may result in a true
longitudinal impulse, which moves in a unidirectional manner.
NO - the end result is a discharge that happens to be disruptive by
definition but the cause has NOTHING to do with THAT Tesla patent that
crack wants to claim - this claim is about as nonsense as claiming that
big bird is qualified to build a stealth bomber just because he has feathers
and feathers are associated with the air and stealth bombers fly in the
the air so the must be the same!! lol
Now, AFTER the capacitor is discharged into the primary of the ignition
which is faster than normal occurs and it is has nothing to do with these
"disruptive discharges" that are claimed to be in Tesla's patent by crack.
A capacitor is discharged and then where does it go?.....................
Originally posted by SuperCaviTationIstic
View Post
my life - who hasn't? But don't "stop" your mistakes - keep making them
as long as you learn from them and if you really learn from them, you don't
make the same mistakes. As corny as the old cliche sounds - it is timeless
wisdom that is simply a part of life.
I am not lying by stating you seem to be buying into crack's statement
about the disruptive discharge. When you said these people have a point,
the closest thing to a point that crack made that has any semblance of
sanity is comparing the plasma effect to Tesla's disruptive discharge. And
from my perspective, being that it is the closest thing to a valid point,
yet still grossly incorrect, and if you say they have a point, it seemed to be
the most sensible thing to assume from your statement.
If I am wrong, then I apologize, but I am not a liar - I simply misunderstood
what your point was - IF you're being straight up with me.
I greatly appreciate your stance in the patent episode - that actually
means a lot to me - when some others I'm surprised don't seem to
be equally appalled as I am - that to me is very suspicious as to the
nature of their ways - or a reflection of their moral integrity.
I'm not sure if it really would be to my benefit to explain what I mean by
it not being a simple disruptive discharge - I already did explain it in the
past multiple times in multiple threads and by spelling it out will give
insincere people (such as I have witnessed), a reason not to do the
research. In reality, the average person doesn't actually want to learn
any of this - they want it handed to them on a sliver platter because
they're too unwilling to appreciate what they are already given and are
too lazy to do the experiments to find out what is going on. It is actually
a disservice to people to spell it out when it can be simply deduced by
information that has already been freely given. Bottom line is that it
doesn't benefit anyone by spelling out things for them that have already
been posted in no uncertain terms, including simple diagrams.
The magnifying effect - I think can be explained in another thread.
However, it is actually KEY to this entire circuit by any variation -
as long as it elicits this exact plasma effect - the magnifying effect
IS the manifestation of the plasma effect.
I don't think it has anything to do with a PPCM but if that is the direction
that inspires you - I think you should go with your gut feeling and see
where you end up - you could be on to something.
Whether or not you agreed with the uninformed individual's analysis that
this plasma effect is due to Tesla's disruptive discharge, it needs to
be discussed so people don't follow degenerative rhetoric or false logic.
In regards to the "disruptive discharge" - as one seriously uninformed
person wants to claim, I have a few comments to reveal the ignorance.
Claiming that taking away the disruptive discharge takes away the effect
is so completely laughable that it is beyond pathetic.
Please contemplate this. A capacitor discharged into
the primary of of an ignition coil is discharging into what? The initiator
of the plasma effect is what? The initiator is a typical CDI or capacitive
discharge ignition circuit that discharging into the impedance or resistance
of the coil.
It takes but about the smallest smidgen of common sense for anyone
that thinks they know anything about Tesla's work to know that if
you have 10k ohms of resistance - THE DISCHARGE FROM THE
CAPACITOR IS ANYTHING BUT DISRUPTIVE!!!!!!!! The cap is discharged
into the primary and then is discharged through 10K OHMS, which is
about pretty typical for a standard black body cylindrical factory ignition
coil and then the discharge "sparks" across the gap and the potential
goes to ground while the current moves from ground to the high voltage
positive. Even though the electron current theory is wrong, lets just
use it as a simple widely accepted analogy.
A capacitor discharging into the primary of an ignition coil that then
discharges through 10k ohms of high voltage windings is a slow and
laborious process that greatly slows down the discharge relative to
zero or negative impedance and has plenty of dissipation and losses.
And if anyone wants to claim that a CDI is a
"disruptive discharge" that is the fundamental basis of this plasma
ignition method is possibly high on crack and should surrender
themselves to the jurisdiction of the nearest mental institution.
Technically, ANY spark is a "disruptive discharge", which simply means that
when the voltage exceeds the dielectric ability to hold it back that it
blasts through. When there is ANY kind of spark - the voltage built up and
overcame the dielectric ability of the air in a spark gap for example and
is therefore by technical definition a "disruptive discharge". And being
that this IS the technically correct definition of a disruptive discharge,
crack is thereby claiming that Tesla invented the spark itself that jumps
a gap as well as claiming that Tesla invented the gap, which is
unfathomably beyond ludicrous to the point that I had to be redundant
there intentionally!
He doesn't even know that Tesla had different definitions for the terms
he used compared to many people that used the same terms.
When Tesla used the term "electric" in the context of the aether, it had
NOTHING to do with the term electric as used by his conventional
"contemporaries". This applies to disruptive discharges.
So for crack to claim that a disruptive discharge from Tesla includes
discharging a small cap directly into 10k ohms of line resistance is so utterly
ignorant that there are no words to describe it. Yes, there is a gap but
that line resistance plays - oh just a little role in not making it so disruptive.
For the Tesla method of conversion, everything is super tuned! That means
that a cap may be charged on ONE pulse - not multiple. And when the cap
is discharged, whatever it is discharging into is impedance matched to have
little to "none". To have a cap that needed rapid multiple pulses
just to get it up to where it needs to be and then to discharge it into
10k ohms would have been unthinkable or blasphemous to him - in the
context of calling that a disruptive discharge.
Spark plug wire losses are huge as well - 1500 ohms is actually considered
by the industry to actually be a low resistance
high performance spark plug wire that lets a "lot" through. When looking
at the stats for ignition systems and seeing what % of the power
input into the coil makes it to the gap - for example 12-14v into the
primary from a battery - ONLY 1% of that turns into a spark!!!!!!!
And that is with a non-resistor spark plug - don't ask what it is with
a typical 5k ohm plug. (not even 0.20%!!)
![Suprised Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/surprise.gif)
Again, in actuality - if you bring your finger to something
that is grounded and you feel a spark - THAT IS a disruptive discharge
so knowing not just what a disruptive discharge is but a TESLA disruptive
discharge is - is very important and crack simply has no idea what that
means or what the difference is.
If the ignition coil is lower resistance and the spark plug cable is lower
and there is a lower resistance plug, the efficiency increases quite a bit.
And if there are peaking caps or other used, the efficiency can jump
50 FOLD!!!
Anyway, back to point - there is an underlying fallacy to cracks' entire
argument with the disruptive discharge claims - and that is...
I am not an English professor but lets look at the definition of:
Extended: "drawn-out: relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a
drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy visit from her
mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter struggle"; "protracted negotiations"
Disruptive: "causing, tending to cause, or caused by disruption; disrupting: the disruptive effect of their rioting."\
Disruptive doesn't have as clear as definition but is common sense that
it is to stop or halt abruptly, which is OPPOSITE OF extended.
The capacitive discharge ignition will EXTEND the spark life at the gap
while something disruptive is meant to HALT QUICKLY.
Further consideration to be pondered into the profoundly vacuous claims
at the premise of the plasma ignition is a disruptive discharge!
And the claim to take away the disruptive discharge is to take away the
entire effect.
![Suprised Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/surprise.gif)
![Wall Smiley](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/wall.gif)
![Rolling On Floor Laughing](http://www.energeticforum.com/core/images/smilies/rofl.gif)
For a Tesla disruptive discharge, the discharge has to be initiated quick
and cut off quick - NOT extended like a capacitive discharge on a typical
CDI setup for ignition purposes. Only a bumbling buffoon would claim a
conventional CDI is a disruptive discharge that may result in a true
longitudinal impulse, which moves in a unidirectional manner.
NO - the end result is a discharge that happens to be disruptive by
definition but the cause has NOTHING to do with THAT Tesla patent that
crack wants to claim - this claim is about as nonsense as claiming that
big bird is qualified to build a stealth bomber just because he has feathers
and feathers are associated with the air and stealth bombers fly in the
the air so the must be the same!! lol
Now, AFTER the capacitor is discharged into the primary of the ignition
which is faster than normal occurs and it is has nothing to do with these
"disruptive discharges" that are claimed to be in Tesla's patent by crack.
A capacitor is discharged and then where does it go?.....................