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Water Sparkplug 2

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  • #47
    crackahcrachak aka "electrical_engineer"

    Originally posted by Electrical_engineer View Post
    Interesting indeed...
    For what it is but your manipulations still aren't welcome.

    You aren't an electrical engineer and if you are, you should probably
    keep your opinions to very conventional circuits because you clearly
    have no idea what you're talking about.

    Forum rules prohibit members from signing up under multiple accounts in
    order to act like different people, crackahcrackah. Give it up - I know
    who you are. To sign up acting like someone else clearly represents
    the nature of your dishonest personality.

    You just don't get it - what you say to take away is a "cdi" and the
    effect goes away. I state the cdi is NOT a disruptive discharge, and it
    is NOT. It allows for there to be spark at the gap for an EXTENDED
    period of time - stop trying to get around these facts that are so
    unpalatable to your resistance to truth.

    Now, there IS a disruptive discharge that happens in this circuit,
    VERY DISRUPTIVE. But it is NOT because the CDI is a disruptive
    discharge as you claimed - it is because a conventional non-interesting
    capacitive discharge into an ignition coil that then goes through 10kohms
    of resistance is MANIPULATED in a certain way AFTER THE FACT in
    order to make the effect happen, which is a synthetic power
    amplification of blending the HV to the High Current. Normally the HV
    is associated with much lower current and the LV is normally associated
    with much higher current. And when you force them on the same line,
    it TRICKS them and suddenly you get a very fast disruptive discharge
    between 1.2 MILLION WATTS to 1.6 MILLION WATTS average per pulse
    on a typical cdi for a very short period of time for NO MORE POWER THAN
    what you start with in a CDI. The HV thinks it is associated with High
    Current and the negative resistance is from what I have said for the last
    few years.

    Everyone should know this mixing effect if they read the original
    thread because I posted the diagram. There are VERY FEW in the past
    that have applied this concept to power generation. Please try to
    convince others of your typical disruptive discharge model elsewhere
    as it is only going to misinform people here and put them in the wrong

    I have achieved over 10 MILLION WATT pulses with variations of these
    circuits and methods that remain proprietary.

    8000 volts can be measured from some of the high voltage spikes
    at 150 AMPS to 200 AMPS for a very short blip of time with even
    regular CDI systems if everything is tuned.

    Negative resistance gives a HUGE gain in TIME POTENTIAL, but
    you're out of your league and are committed to forcing reality to conform
    to your preconceived ideas.

    Please leave and don't sign up for any more usernames.
    Last edited by Aaron; 02-23-2011, 04:39 PM.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #48
      Originally posted by gotoluc
      Hi Aaron, please understand that I don't care about the patent, fame, claim or anything of the sort.
      You can all fight over this as you wish. I have nothing to hide and nothing to loose.

      In the end, nothing belongs to anyone since all is one. When man comes to understand this simple truth, there will be only .
      As you say this person could very well be you. However, since I did not understand the drawing I did not keep it. I went on experimenting with basic electrical things I could understand at the time and eventually self tough myself to what I know now.


      Well done sir, excellent words.

      We are only redoing the work done by Tesla.

      People need to stop looking elsewhere for knowledge, you have your own intelligence, don't surpress it, allow it to grow and mature.

      We are all ONE.


      • #49


        You'll be removed if you post one more time. Your comments add nothing
        to this situation.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #50


          I banned you as Crackahcrackah and electrical_engineer

          No proxy can protect you, you are wasting your time
          and your effort.

          If you post one more time anywhere in this forum,
          I will legally pursue you for stalking, harassment,
          slander and more - I know who you are and I know
          where you live. Consider this a cease and desist
          order as it is all I need. If you continue, I will
          pursue it with your ISP and then with the police
          in your county.

          You think you are anonymous
          but you are NOT.

          Simple search here:
          "crackahcrackah" - Google Search
          Last edited by Aaron; 02-27-2011, 11:22 AM.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #51
            posts moved

            This thread can stay on topic for the water sparkplug method.
            Last edited by Aaron; 03-27-2011, 01:20 AM.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #52
              Lately I've been researching the matters of generating vapor for
              use as fuel, how when certain devices are combined with the internal
              combusion engine to pretreat the gasoline into its gaseous state it
              will improve emission figures and work output while decreasing the
              internal engine temperatures.

              What I'm wondering is, have any experiments been done with
              ultrasonicly tranduced water mist and this plasma spark technology?

              There's a group seeming to be dedicated to improving engine
              performance by the use of vapor injection [link] ; I wonder if
              they are familiar with what is going on here.

              -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
              -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
              Last edited by geotron; 03-05-2011, 07:48 AM.


              • #53

                Uploaded with

                Uploaded with

                Uploaded with YouTube - bolas de plasma THIS IS MY LINE WORKS
                must first understand the nature .... and then imitate


                • #54
                  this is it

                  Originally posted by Electrical_engineer View Post
                  Interesting indeed...

                  Hi crackahcrackah,

                  I was just wondering why you posted the picture from the Tesla Poly-Phase converter? I can't see what that has to do with the water spark plug. His work is now being replicated by us (hopefully) at 'This Is It' in solid state form. The only difference is we are charging the source battery instead of doing external work like lighting.

                  Last edited by gmeast; 03-28-2011, 04:32 AM.


                  • #55

                    Originally posted by geotron View Post
                    Lately I've been researching the matters of generating vapor for
                    use as fuel, how when certain devices are combined with the internal
                    combusion engine to pretreat the gasoline into its gaseous state it
                    will improve emission figures and work output while decreasing the
                    internal engine temperatures.

                    What I'm wondering is, have any experiments been done with
                    ultrasonicly tranduced water mist and this plasma spark technology?

                    There's a group seeming to be dedicated to improving engine
                    performance by the use of vapor injection [link] ; I wonder if
                    they are familiar with what is going on here.

                    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
                    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
                    The original "Water Spark Plug" thread grazed this topic and Gotoluc made a pretty impressive 'fog' demo too, though I don't remember if he used a transducer. So go to that thread and you will find discussion pointing to these types of resources.

                    I, for one, proved what you're alluding to. Toward the end of my testing, I was generating a combination of saturated and live steam via engine exhaust manifold heat. My mileage climbed, my engine EGT dropped 200 to 400degF, but it required the plasma spark system (in my case the VEXUS circuit) to ignite the fuel-air because the mixture was very lean ... too lean to otherwise ignite.



                    • #56
                      Originally posted by gmeast View Post
                      The original "Water Spark Plug" thread grazed this topic and Gotoluc made a pretty impressive 'fog' demo too, though I don't remember if he used a transducer. So go to that thread and you will find discussion pointing to these types of resources.

                      I, for one, proved what you're alluding to. Toward the end of my testing, I was generating a combination of saturated and live steam via engine exhaust manifold heat. My mileage climbed, my engine EGT dropped 200 to 400degF, but it required the plasma spark system (in my case the VEXUS circuit) to ignite the fuel-air because the mixture was very lean ... too lean to otherwise ignite.

                      Hi gmeast interesting what you're saying. Regarding the engine should be ceramic treated or by adjusting timing can lower temperature burn?
                      Thanks for sharing


                      • #57
                        hi everybody, after reading a few pages of the first thread i thought i would put my 2 cents in... i by no means any kind of electrical engineer... yet... i am currently in college to be though only in my first semester. i watched a few of the youtube videos on also... if were able to spray water mist on a spark plug and it ignite then why wont it work? how much potential energy is in the mist of water being sprayed?. instead of a gas engine how about trying to convert a old school diesel engine that has no electronic. just a injection pump at a very high pressure.maybe the water vapor needs more compression to help ignite the water vapor or maybe even a lt1 or something. i have the computer software to monior all vitals of an engine to see exactlly what is going on with the engine via all the sensors thats on a motor for example, map, egr, o2s, flow rate of fuel, timing curves, maf, ect. all the guys with turbos all run methonal injection. (basic windshield wiper fluid) they burn it because it lowers combustion temps. has anybdy tried spraying a mist of windshield wiper fluid on a water spark plug? i have a few more questions and ideas but im not forsure if im annoying anybody by how little i know on the subject

                        please forgive me if this dosnt help anyone as im only trying to help i hope this gives a few people some good ideas. if anybody find any of this helpful please post and ill continue..... the world HAS to find another alternative fuel solar, hydro and wind energy is great


                        • #58
                          does anybody else have any more updates?


                          • #59
                            Ultrasonic Nebulizer Array 3000mL per hour Cold Fog Generator WATER BURNS

                            YouTube - Ultrasonic Nebulizer Array 3000mL per hour Cold Fog Generator WATER BURNS


                            Cavitation is the formation of a gas bubble in the liquid
                            during the rarefaction cycle. When the compression cycle occurs the gas bubble
                            collapses. During the collapse tremendous pressures are produced. The pressure may
                            be of the order of several thousand atmospheres. Thousands of these small bubbles are
                            formed in a small volume of the liquid. It is quite generally agreed that it is cavitation
                            that produces most of the biological, detergent, mechanical, and chemical effects in the
                            application of high intensity sound to various mediums.
                            The intensity with which cavitation takes place in a liquid medium varies greatly with the
                            colligative properties of that medium, which include vapor pressure, surface tension,
                            viscosity, and density, as well as any other property that is related to the number of
                            atoms, ions, or molecules in the medium. In ultrasonic cleaning applications, the surface
                            tension and the vapor pressure characteristics of the cleaning fluid play the most
                            significant roles in determining cavitation intensity and, hence, cleaning effectiveness.
                            The energy required to form a cavitation bubble in a liquid is proportional to both
                            surface tension and vapor pressure. Thus, the higher the surface tension of a liquid, the
                            greater will be the energy that is required to produce a cavitation bubble, and,
                            consequently, the greater will be the shock-wave energy that is produced when the
                            bubble collapses. In pure water, for example, whose surface tension is about 72
                            dyne/cm, cavitation is produced only with great difficulty at ambient temperatures.
                            Last edited by $um1; 04-10-2011, 01:36 AM.


                            • #60
                              Words from Stan match up to ultrasonics

                              Steam Resonator
                              Particle Oscillation As An Energy Generator
                              All energy in our physical universe (The third dimension) comes from a singular source ... the atom.
                              There are four basic forces that make up and effect the atomic structure: electrical force, electromagnetic force,
                              weak and strong nuclear forces, and gravity. By either attenuating either one or more of these atomic forces,
                              energy can be release from the atom to perform work in a variety of ways: such as, emitting photon,
                              electromagnetic, or even radiant heat energy; Exposing the water molecule atom (s) to an external electrical
                              attraction force (SS '/RR') separately or combining the external electrical attraction force with an external
                              electrical repelling force (SS'-TT'/RR'-WW') can cause the bipolar electrical charged water molecule atom (s)
                              to release thermal heat energy when physical impact (physical force) is achieved as a result of particle (s)
                              colliding together under electrical stress which becomes and is the physical mover ... causing electron bounce
                              to oscillate the energy aperture of each atom of the water molecule.
                              Voltage Flexing Process
                              Particle oscillation as a "Energy Generator" by way of "physical impact" caused by a
                              singular unipolar voltage pulse wave-form alternately polarity triggered is yet another method
                              beyond the prior art to flex the water molecule to release thermal energy (Kinetic Energy) from
                              the water molecule atom (s) without the need of gas combustion brought about by gas separation
                              from water, as so illustrated in (1050) of Figure (11-5).

                              This continued and repeated oscillation of the bipolar water molecule (1004/1006) in
                              opposite direction of linear travel (back and forth motion) produces kinetic energy (165) when the
                              moving and deflected bipolar water molecule (1004/1006) or any other bipolar molecule of water
                              interlocking with ever changing electrical attraction forces (S-S' /R-R') collides with neighboring
                              water molecules present in the same water bath (68).

                              Not only does the alternate first gated voltage pulse (B+/O - B-/O) and then the second
                              gated voltage pulse (OIB+ - OIB-) oscillates the bipolar water molecule (s) back and forth in rapid
                              succession to produce heated water at a predetermined temperature level on demand; but, also,
                              deflects the oscillating bipolar water molecule in an upward direction since the reforming voltage
                              pulse waves are always in a state of progressive movement of linear displacement ... performing
                              the same function as a water pump ... a water pump, however, not having any mechanical moving
                              parts to wear out.

