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How can you make a Magnetic Gas?

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  • How can you make a Magnetic Gas?

    Anybody know how to make magnetic gas?

    Stan Meyers gas generator evidently used a plasma arc to generate
    a magnetic gas.

    The system is very simple.
    The only hitch is the magnetic gas.

    Anyone know what metals/materials would produce a magnetic gas?
    (preferably non-toxic)

  • #2
    Originally posted by TomC View Post
    Anybody know how to make magnetic gas?

    Stan Meyers gas generator evidently used a plasma arc to generate
    a magnetic gas.

    The system is very simple.
    The only hitch is the magnetic gas.

    Anyone know what metals/materials would produce a magnetic gas?
    (preferably non-toxic)
    You could try starting with a ferromagnetic liquid.


    • #3
      I've been looking over this patent too. The Canadian one. Very fascinating. Interesting how he was granted a patent that claims more out, than in, directly inferring a self looping system. I thought they didn't like to stamp stuff like that. It seems it is essentially a scaled down particle accelerator. What are your thoughts on those coils; they are divided by little walls - do you think they are series, step up? Also interesting how he says it will accept AC or DC input. He must be pulsing the input before the transformer. I can't help but to wonder if he has used HHO flame to create this "gas" from something. The HHO flame has a mysterious electrical quality to it.

      Alberta is under attack...

      Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


      • #4

        The patent shows a "method" for doing, but hides the true way Meyer did it.

        1st, the method in the patent is simple enough; vaporize ferromagnetic points in a vacuum. (ie, run a spark gap of iron,cobalt,etc in a vacuum) Then, pass this "gas" through powerful perm magnets.

        Now, for the "truth"....I met an individual who bought shares in Stan's dealerships (and no he didnt want to sue him)...anyway the first thing he said to me was; "did u ever see Stan's generator?" I said no, then he said "Stan trapped the gas then spun it around in a bucket and made electricity."

        So here it is....Stan's gaseous product was ionic, having net charge, therefore having electromagnetism.


        • #5
          Magnetic gas

          According to Stan, he was plucking off the electrons from the gasses found in water, which include ambient air gasses, such as argon. Those liberated gasses were covalently linking up with magnetic particles, to create the magnetic gas at room temperature. When pulsed with laser light, the electromagnetic field could be accelerated at near light speed, ...god only knows where that type of technology would lead to.. Imagine the possibilities of developing an electromagnetic field to produce 1.21 gigawatts of electricity...anyway. This is just my opinion here... Stan was splitting water by simply extracting electrons away from the water bath; When the electrons that bind the water together are no longer there, the water falls apart and whatever is left over is unstable (the reason he used a highly insulated container) I once took an amp meter between the high voltage lead of a flyback transformer and myself touching the other end, and noticed that although I was insulated from the transformers ground, electrons were infact flowing from my body into the transformer.


          • #6
            Among gases, oxygen is strongly magnetic; nitrous oxide, carbonic acid, ethylene, and cyanogen are diamagnetic; nitrogen and hydrogen seem to be neutral. In the case of oxygen, there is a very perceptible attraction, which is four or five times as strong as that exerted on air at the same pressure and temperature.
            hope this helps, Gene


            • #7
              Watch Stan's New Zealand lecture, he explains the working principles.


              • #8
                Oxygen is a magnetic atom (polarized) and is just like a magnet. O1 being magnetic bonds to another O1 atom to form O2. This unfortunately is like connecting two bar magnets which completes the magnetic path and the magnetic field is confined and weaker outside that path.

                An electrostatic discharge under the right conditions will cleave the atoms apart momentarily and produce a magnetic field. A laser can also be used. It is important to place the gas under a vacuum which produces acceleration and multipacitor effect which is electron cascade.

                Many of the free energy devices used this process. Hubbard coil, Gray tube and Kapanadze coil just to name a few.

                A complete how to info. on this subject was recently posted at and was suppressed. They turned off email notifications so people could not even get the text of the post in their notifications. (It is smart to turn that option on) That web site is clearly the opposite of what it pretends to be.

                Lots of people are working to insert confusion and disinformation into the OU discussion. Another of their favorite tactics is to give you busy work with blinky LEDS playing with insignificant power that will not be a threat to oil or OU.

                All free energy devices use acceleration to convert mass into the atomic energy contained within the mass. All you have to do is learn the acceleration techniques and locate that process in the device to understand how it works.

                A spark gap is also an accelerator of sorts. The electrostatic cavitation will help cleave the bond to produce that magnetic field.

                Oxygen has the same magnetic field strength as iron by weight. I'm not sure if that is O2 or O1. I suspect it is O2 which I would guess would make O1 stronger.

                Resonance or the mesomeric effect is also helpful as it get the electrons into a bounce from higher to lower orbit. With a little ping from a spark gap at the right moment, the electron will be removed from the atom. A photon will also carry the photon away.
                Last edited by Dr Poppy; 03-20-2011, 11:44 AM.


                • #9
                  Other things about stan

                  Has anyone looked at the cross section of the vic? He illustrated his primary coil as being "Dual" ... Dual primary, bi-directional wrap.

                  The secondary and charging choke was axially spiraled in sequential order.

                  It was obvious that the primary was wrapped on top of the choke. In his patent "production of a fuel gas" The primary was 24 gauge 200 turns, the charging chokes were 24 gauge 100 turns each, for a total of a 1:1 ratio.

                  If these were electro-magnetically oriented in the same direction, then it would be obvious this would inhibit amps simply by the coils orientation.


                  • #10
                    I agree with Poppy

                    I think Stan used an accelerated pulse also. He had a sensing pick-up coil that fed back into the pulsing unit. Of course this accelerated pulse would only get so high until the transistors etc, reached their limit regarding their switching speeds, and at that point, a gate pulse was superimposed over the process to momentarily reset the oscillations, and this was repeated every 1/2 hertz cycle or so. In one of his patents he showed a phase lock loop circuit, which was triggered from an opamp connected to the sensing coil. When he said his pulse generator was variable, it wasnt in the sense that it was manually variable, but probably variable automatically, and no two pulses were of equal value in the whole pulse train sequence.


                    • #11
                      I have aften concidered this point so I would like to share some
                      info I recall from Stan Meyers. The gas itself is not magnetic but the particles can be accelerated. PVrT

                      The other Stan Meyers Gas electrical hydrogen generator

                      #32 refers to an inlet for permanently polarized particles that superimposes itself on the H and OH and nitrogen.
                      The unit is a non-magnetic tube filled with this magnetic gas so to speak acting as a gas core.
                      YouTube - S_Meyer_Electrical_Energy
                      best guess is nano magnetite:

                      The circular magnetic field can be made from a pulse generator to a sequencer or opamp to
                      give the phases. A three phase system clocking 750 khz would be 250 kHz. (750/3)
                      If you have a generator running at 3600 rpm compared to this would be 250,000 rpm
                      approx 70 times output hypothetical.
                      Last edited by mikrovolt; 03-31-2011, 04:35 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                        I have aften concidered this point so I would like to share some
                        info I recall from Stan Meyers. The gas itself is not magnetic but the particles can be accelerated. PVrT

                        The other Stan Meyers Gas electrical hydrogen generator

                        #32 refers to an inlet for permanently polarized particles that superimposes itself on the H and OH and nitrogen.
                        The unit is a non-magnetic tube filled with this magnetic gas so to speak acting as a gas core.
                        YouTube - S_Meyer_Electrical_Energy
                        best guess is nano magnetite:

                        The circular magnetic field can be made from a pulse generator to a sequencer or opamp to
                        give the phases. A three phase system clocking 750 khz would be 250 kHz. (750/3)
                        If you have a generator running at 3600 rpm compared to this would be 250,000 rpm
                        approx 70 times output hypothetical.
                        May one electronically near-annihilate mgnetic metal obtained from COTS drill bits and havest particulate and gas, mix with inert nitrogen, and charge a gas particulate coil ?

                        Please help verify the Overunity Electric Coil claims made by Stanley Meyers. I intend to help build one with a local team. The volunteer project is manned & funded, but lacks elctronics experts. The mission objective is to manufacture, proof, field test, and publish results Online GRATIS as was done with Oxygen Therapy here:


                        or infiltrating the military of the Ukraine here:

                        Graviteam | Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943

                        At present, Stanley Meyers appears to have been part of a US DoD Pentagon Hagelian dialectic controlled opposition wargame, IMHO. I am a Pentagon, NATO, and USAREUR trained DA 1775 wargamer. I would personally like to see the Pentagon/Stanley Meyers electric coil demonstrated in a way that any US citizen may replicate.

                        Thanks. Godspeed. Art

                        I annihilated part of a US Army wrench in the turret of a main battle tank years ago in Knox Disney-land while servicing the sub-turret cage floor battery pack. I could not find metal particulate or gas from the wrench on the 105mm Ready Rack or turret floor. One jaw of the drop-forged steel alloy wrench was gone. Gone into thin air... Hence, I know metal may be turned into gas.
                        Last edited by Geronimo551; 05-05-2012, 01:12 AM. Reason: clarification of metal annihilation


                        • #13
                          For your interest and consideration

                          Magnetic separation of fluids and gas …. whilst I don't pretend to be anything approaching a chemist the magnetic separation of material I find fascinating, I have converted and downloaded a short D.V.D in which you will hear Herman talk of separating gas from the “magnetic storm” make of this what you will ! I would certainly like to know just what he used to “see the magnetics”
                          Untitled on Vimeo

                          This clip also seems to demonstrate some effects I would not have expected to see

                          magnetic vortex on Vimeo

                          It does at first glance seem that there are quite large lumps of magnetic theory missing from standard teaching , It would for instance be nice to have this very important theory validated and tested in some way.
                          LeeskalninPhysics2.wmv - YouTube

                          It was mentioned by John B that in the Cejaka files he had noted water being split by magnetic action alone Indeed here is a short taster clip I have cut out of the film for your inspection in which he roughly explains the principle

                          magnet water split.wmv - YouTube

                          although the work was classified as suppressed and the original link I was going to post seems to have been “got at “ (although I still have the information) the gist of what JB was talking about can be seen here

                          Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles

                          certainly some food for thought … I just wish I was a little wiser and could fit the pieces together!
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • #14
                            Thanks Good Sir, Duncan ! Homework ! This sounds remarkable:

                            It was mentioned by John B that in the Cejaka files he had noted water being split by magnetic action alone Indeed here is a short taster clip I have cut out of the film for your inspection in which he roughly explains the principle

                            magnet water split.wmv - YouTube

                            Apart from skilled experienced in-put this project I write of is Shoestring Grassroots and has no/none/zero political chattel DA 1775 support. This is a sovereign by birthright effort. Funds will not allow for design by 'throwing parts at it'. Every effort must be made to be engineering & financially competent. It must be replicatable by average US citizens, though not neccessarily High School grads. It should be able to be made in a small work shop.

                            REDUX. I know metal may be easily converted into gas. I annihilated part of a US Army wrench (one open-end jaw of a open end/box end) in the turret of a main battle tank years ago in Knox Disney-land while servicing the sub-turret cage floor battery pack. I could not find metal particulate or gas from the wrench on the 105mm Ready Rack or turret floor. Six simple 24v batteries. D13 D/2/1 the same Patton tank SNL Bill Murray used in the Hollywood comedy STRIPES (AWOL track park scene) in 1980. One jaw of the drop-forged steel alloy wrench was gone. Gone into thin air... Hence, I know metal may be turned into gas.

                            As building begins, I hope this project may be documented by a local oral historian. JJ (520) 419-4428.
                            Last edited by Geronimo551; 05-06-2012, 09:07 PM. Reason: Typo


                            • #15
                              R.I.P Francois and the 1000s of others ..

                              Hi Geronimo551 thanks for taking the time to watch and digest my offerings, magnetic and electromagnetic separation always a fascinating subject !! particularly when applied to fuel here is a simple demonstration of Ruggero Santilli's operation which I have uploaded even in this simple form it claims to be between 3 and 5 >COP over Faraday
                              VTS_03_1.flv - YouTube
                              of course such a method is kept away from the public arena, tptb certainly have no intention of killing the cash cow! Of course the units are extensively used by “The authorities” one of the 100 KW units is supplying power to a Swedish airport, Two machines I know of are operational in Greece
                              many of the machines are in use by various US municipality as Santilli explains himself here
                              Alternative fuel Magnegas - YouTube
                              … Oh and right now this technology is not available to the domestic consumer do you really think it ever will be ??
                              A little of the suppression murder and history of this particular technique spin the clock back 160 odd years and this patent was issued first in GB and then in the US
                              Patent US603058 - ELECTRICAL RETORT - Google Patents
                              which of course is basically the same machine which had about as much chance of getting out of the cage and into the public arena where it can do some good as Santilli's clone. 170 years later
                              Santilli said “I have found a way of putting atoms together that is not molecular” he refers to it as a”Magnecule”
                              During the height of the apartheid years when the weapon of trade embargo’s was being applied in order to try and coerce the South African government the only one which actually seemed to cause any slight consternation to that self sufficient country was the fuel embargo , however South Africa blessed with huge coal reserves built massive cracking and refining plants...S.A.S.O.L
                              meanwhile a South African called Francois Cornish developed this machine as an alternative automotive fuel producer... obviously the same pinciple as the above
                              Cornish Hydrogen Generator - KeelyNet 01/10/02
                              François was Tempted to the US as “certain parties” were interested in developing and producing his machine, François joins the extremely long and ever growing list of “disappeared” free energy researchers
                              Last edited by Duncan; 05-08-2012, 09:06 AM.
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

