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More output current than input (Bedini SG + water)

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  • #16
    This is why I need to take notes... If I remember correctly, the rods resulted in a pretty high RPM/frequency, but when I use the steel cylinders then it slows right down. I assume this is because of a larger surface area... Adding more salt also lowers the voltage in the HHO cell and reduces the frequency as salt is added.

    I haven't been able to try more electrolyte yet because I have pretty small containers, but I'm not sure if having a bigger container and keeping the electrodes the same size would be a good thing. kcarring has touched upon this above. What I'd like to try but didn't have any means of doing it yet is to use a bigger inner tube (using the tubes inside tubes method) so there would only be like a 2mm gap between the negative and positive tubes. At the moment the tubes I've made have about 10mm gap, or basically the diameter of the inner tube is about 20mm smaller than the outer tube. So I want to replace it with one that's only 4mm smaller diameter.

    I don't know how much salt to be using either. I want to get some baking soda and distilled water, but so far I basically just add salt until the neons go off and I'm happy with the frequency/current/voltage A bubbler should give a better idea of how much gas is being produced and would be easier to compare. A basic pot with electrodes producing fizzy bubbles is pretty hard to determine what's more efficient.

    I wouldn't expect any miraculous results compared to brute force electrolysis though, not in terms of immediate jaw dropping results at least. I haven't tried it myself but videos of crude setups I've seen on youtube are on another level compared to my HHO production. So don't be disheartened when you don't see loads of bubbles coming off There are far more interesting things going on that we need to figure out. Also it will take far longer to produce the same amount of HHO, but as you know yourself the SSG will last much longer, so I suppose you could calculate how long it would take to produce the same amount for how much power etc. Just don't expect "better" results to be immediately noticeable in the HHO cell. I'm thinking my setup would have to be scaled up quite a bit to produce enough gas for practical use, but there are other things to figure out first in my opinion. Good idea with the generator coil, I'd be interested in those results too

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


    • #17
      Originally posted by Neight View Post
      if i get better HHO production with the SSG, then that should be a pretty good indicator of how efficient this method is. His setup would drain the battery much faster than we liked, and that is actually part of what led me to the pulse motors as power generators. I wanted a really efficient way of generating power to make HHO from a battery without killing the battery as fast.
      I have my doubts as to how much better this may actually be due to the low amp output of pulse motors, but it is at least exciting to see that it works, great first step!!
      Maybe I stand corrected. I was just playing around with a toroid tri-filar I made to try with a solid state circuit, and thought why not connect it to the HHO cell. I'm impressed. Better results than I was getting charging batteries with it, and much better results than I've seen using my other machines so far to produce HHO. Pulsing the water at around 6kHz, 500mA input, 400mA output, 4v across the cell. It produced enough HHO in an open jar within a few seconds to burn the hair off my finger with a mini explosion

      I still only have salt, but have realised that it doesn't need much at all. The max current I'm able to put into the cell is 400mA, so I added tiny fragments of salt until I reached the numbers above. Any more salt and the current starts to drop along with the frequency, likewise too little salt and the current is lower, but with higher frequency. So I guess that's a balance that works in this particular setup.

      I'm finding it interesting that I'm getting these results out of a small 80 turn toroid coil though, compared to a "full size" coil/machine

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • #18

        Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
        Maybe I stand corrected. I was just playing around with a toroid tri-filar I made to try with a solid state circuit, and thought why not connect it to the HHO cell. I'm impressed. Better results than I was getting charging batteries with it, and much better results than I've seen using my other machines so far to produce HHO. Pulsing the water at around 6kHz, 500mA input, 400mA output, 4v across the cell. It produced enough HHO in an open jar within a few seconds to burn the hair off my finger with a mini explosion

        I still only have salt, but have realised that it doesn't need much at all. The max current I'm able to put into the cell is 400mA, so I added tiny fragments of salt until I reached the numbers above. Any more salt and the current starts to drop along with the frequency, likewise too little salt and the current is lower, but with higher frequency. So I guess that's a balance that works in this particular setup.

        I'm finding it interesting that I'm getting these results out of a small 80 turn toroid coil though, compared to a "full size" coil/machine

        Hey Green,

        I think this is due to the HF of 6kHz pulsed DC and not the number
        of turns. Is easy enough to make a few coils increasing the turns
        by 50 and then graph the resulting hydrogen in the flame you can
        measure. (also voltage/current/frequency changes)
        Place a ruler behind the HHO cell and then record a timed HHO
        output of 1 min, then ignite.
        Make a clip of each toroid coil that you place in the 1 min test then
        can slow the clip down frame by frame and measure the output
        That is the easiest way I can think of with the set up you constructed
        from the youtube clip that was posted.
        I used a methodology close to that to measure my results and is
        easy way to check frames, used the windows movie maker.

        Try to buy some potassium carbonate and make sure you measure
        then amounts of water (demineralized is best) ,electrolyte to
        ionize the water (provide a path for the current) and the distance
        of the electrodes.
        Asymmetry of the anode/cathode is key for best results.

        I used 600mL demineralized water and 60mL salt and obtained
        great HHO production. (Well vented area due to chlorine production)
        Used 2 x 35V/4700uF caps in parallel and the vaiac set on 40VAC
        so dont need high voltage for the desired result, but I think PWM
        (or HF pulsed DC source) is the key to highest efficiency.

        Try that and tell me if the neon remains off?
        And keep us updated sounds like the changes you are making
        will prove rewarding.



        • #19
          Molar Solution

          Hey Green,

          If you want to be precise with the electrolyte you can
          the formula to obtain Mole/per L.

          The weight of 1 Mole is 138.2g.
          make 0.5 molar solution for example you will need
          per 400mL of deminerized water use:

          0.5 x 138.2 x 0.4 = 27.64g of potassium carbonate

          0.2 Mole best to start at that is 11g



          • #20
            Originally posted by ZeropointEnergy View Post
            I think this is due to the HF of 6kHz pulsed DC and not the number
            of turns. Is easy enough to make a few coils increasing the turns
            by 50 and then graph the resulting hydrogen in the flame you can
            measure. (also voltage/current/frequency changes)
            Place a ruler behind the HHO cell and then record a timed HHO
            output of 1 min, then ignite.
            Make a clip of each toroid coil that you place in the 1 min test then
            can slow the clip down frame by frame and measure the output
            There's only 80 turns total on the coil The other (bi-filar) coil has 35 turns but I haven't tested that with anything yet, don't know if it will even do anything. I've got materials to upgrade the setup anyway, and 20 and 22 SWG wire and ferrite rings to make more coils, this was just a test. I also came across a pretty big ferrite ring out of some old speaker so that looks interesting Good idea for testing, I really can't do that with the jar I'm using though because all the gas escapes out the top, but soon I'll have a method of concentrating the HHO into a pipe so then it will be good. Thanks for the info. I have no idea what Mole is though

            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


            • #21

              Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
              There's only 80 turns total on the coil The other (bi-filar) coil has 35 turns but I haven't tested that with anything yet, don't know if it will even do anything. I've got materials to upgrade the setup anyway, and 20 and 22 SWG wire and ferrite rings to make more coils, this was just a test. I also came across a pretty big ferrite ring out of some old speaker so that looks interesting Good idea for testing, I really can't do that with the jar I'm using though because all the gas escapes out the top, but soon I'll have a method of concentrating the HHO into a pipe so then it will be good. Thanks for the info. I have no idea what Mole is though
              Hey Green,

              Sorry for the late reply and a mole is just a measurement.
              I used that equation to work out amounts for electrolyte
              and was very easy calculate quantities.

              Please keep me posted and email pic of the set-up with the
              new modifications or youtube link if one.


