The dual pulse-width modulator, as shown in the Practical Guide and at Panacea University seems at odds with how a water-fuel cell is envisioned to work by resonation of a signal. Once built and pulsing energy through the water, it looks as though the circuit should be manually adjusted to generate bubbles with the dual 10k and 47k potentiometers, although how one is to figure out the correct frequency and mark-space ratio is less than apparent.
I guess my question is, will this circuit produce electrolysis whether or not it is tuned to the water cell's resonant frequency?

The phase-lock loop waveform generator, also by D.Lawton appears to be another standalone circuit capable of producing electrolysis with the bifilar electromagnetic coil, raising a further question - Why would anyone build this one when the previous dual-PWM version works great?
Perhaps it should be the other way around - Why build one when the other works like a charm?
How is the experimenter to choose which circuit to build?

Chapter 10 -
I guess my question is, will this circuit produce electrolysis whether or not it is tuned to the water cell's resonant frequency?

The phase-lock loop waveform generator, also by D.Lawton appears to be another standalone circuit capable of producing electrolysis with the bifilar electromagnetic coil, raising a further question - Why would anyone build this one when the previous dual-PWM version works great?
Perhaps it should be the other way around - Why build one when the other works like a charm?
How is the experimenter to choose which circuit to build?

Chapter 10 -