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Water Fuel Cell video schematic

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  • #91
    Originally posted by opmeyer View Post

    updated. thanks Bill.
    Hi Opmeyer
    I guess I did not make the description clear enough, Sorry.
    The Diodes are connected up anode to anode and cathode to cathode.

    Other than that, looks good



    • #92
      The image was updated to reflect the changes. Thanks

      Is that diode arrangment how you can make a big diode out of a chain of smaller ones?


      • #93
        I Have started a New Topic for the FREQ GEN circuit I posted.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Mario View Post
          Hi all,

          as a starting point for hi-freq/hi-voltage tests maybe a microvawe owen circuit would do, but if you do that be very careful and keep your hands off the capacitor or make shure it is discharged.

          Now this is going to be interesting.

          Research on microwaves came back to be in the usual frequency range of:
          3-30 GHZ gigahertz

          That frequency is definitely on my to do list.


          • #95
            microwaves cause serious molecular alterations in water.
            to test this, simply but a glass of water in a microwave for about 30 - 60 seconds. use this water on a house plant, and do not give it anything else.

            watch and see how long it will live.

            im not exactly sure if this info will help in this area, but i just thought you guys might like to know. i believe that magehertz are a bit to high for this application of breaking water molecules.


            • #96
              Originally posted by adam ant View Post
              microwaves cause serious molecular alterations in water.
              to test this, simply but a glass of water in a microwave for about 30 - 60 seconds. use this water on a house plant, and do not give it anything else.

              watch and see how long it will live.

              im not exactly sure if this info will help in this area, but i just thought you guys might like to know. i believe that magehertz are a bit to high for this application of breaking water molecules.

              Yes I have read that.

              However we are talking more about voltage potential limiting current and rise times of pulse, than strictly resonance in this application, especially as resonance in each individual cell changes even with the amount of water in it.

              A harmonic of a known water splitting frequency could still be used in the ghz range.

              I hope a megaherz isn't too much, because 1 ghz is a 1,000 mhz !
              Last edited by kenny_PPM; 08-27-2007, 04:35 PM.


              • #97
                Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                microwaves cause serious molecular alterations in water.
                Makes me wonder about all those times I reheat my coffee in the microwave


                • #98
                  technically, ANY heating of any substance changes its molecular structure, but conventional heat doesnt affect them to the point of being dangerous.

                  any food item that contains water, that is heated in a microwave, is virtually undistiguishable by your digestive tract. it other words, your body doesnt recognize it as a food source.

                  back to the topic, i had mentioned this to AAron on YouTube and i forgot to bring it here. once you have properly conditioned the cells, has anyone considered using a stun gun circuit to utilize up to 1,000,000 volts, with only a few milli amps, and a tiny battery for its source power? if you can run the circuit on a constant supply instead of the small battery they use, it could be a viable application with a water cell.

                  it would be fun trying to meter this though!!



                  • #99
                    Originally posted by opmeyer View Post
                    The image was updated to reflect the changes. Thanks

                    Is that diode arrangment how you can make a big diode out of a chain of smaller ones?
                    Hello Opmeyer
                    Well we still have not got quite right.
                    What I did was to take three 1N4007 diode and twisted all the leads on the Cathode end together and then twist all the anodes together so the three are in a group or bundle. All the line bars on one end or polarities are the same, not end to end, thus making a better blocking.

                    So Neg ---|-----|<-------|------ Pos

                    Hope we got it this time mate


                    • Originally posted by Bill View Post
                      Hello Opmeyer
                      Well we still have not got quite right.
                      What I did was to take three 1N4007 diode and twisted all the leads on the Cathode end together and then twist all the anodes together so the three are in a group or bundle. All the line bars on one end or polarities are the same, not end to end, thus making a better blocking.

                      So Neg ---|-----|<-------|------ Pos

                      Hope we got it this time mate
                      Darn the upper and lower lines shifted, The vertical bars are suppose to line up.


                      • Circuit frequency theoretical MAX

                        I need some help with this please.

                        Re: E=mc^2
                        It has been said or 'argued' that the fastest that ANYTHING can 'travel' is the speed of light. 186,000 miles a second.

                        So if a circuit can pulse a voltage signal in a complete loop in the gigahertz range of 50 ghz. That's 50,000,000,000 pulses a second. or 1/50,0000,000,000 of a second each pulse hi to low.

                        And, with 186K miles a second.
                        then, at 186,000 MILES A SECOND/50,000,000,000 (frequency) = .00000372 MILES TRAVELED FOR EACH PULSE X (5,000 feet in a mile) = .0186 FEET TRAVELED EACH PULSE X (12 inches in a foot) =
                        .2232 INCHES TRAVELED FOR EACH PULSE AT 5GHZ

                        So then if this circuit had a wire length longer than the determined .2232 INCHES, THAT THE PATH COULD NOT EVEN THEORETICALLY TRAVERSE A COMPLETE LOOP IN TIME INDICATED AT THAT FREQUENCY??
                        So a 2 inch copper wire would not even register a signal in the other end because the wire is too long for the frequency indicated? Trying to stay on topic as this does apply to the circuit I want to test.

                        Anyone care to expand on that one?


                        • c being an absolute universal speed limit is not true, at least according to Tom Bearden. I believe that a couple of counterexamples he's given are DeBroglie waves and quantum entanglement. He has stated that nature allows us to do anything that we can figure out a way to do--that limits like c are self-imposed. Mind-blowing stuff!

                          And of course he says don't believe him, but just look up his references to prove it to yourself.


                          • each color in the light spectrum has its own speed of travel, white, red, blue, green etc.

                            white is the fastest, and gives off the most radiant heat, followed by red, all the way down into the cool/slower blues.

                            also, kenny, look at Einsteins equation a little closer...

                            E = M C2 energy equals mass times light(squared) if 186,000 miles per second is the fastest that anything can travel, then how can energy equal
                            mass times 34,596,000,000 miles per second? wouldnt that make energy faster than the speed of light?
                            it is also proven quantumly that certain particles are directly manipulated by an equal but opposite particle, no matter where in space or time it resides--instantly.

                            HA, we can get really complicated and start adding consciousness and observation into those equations


                            • Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                              each color in the light spectrum has its own speed of travel, white, red, blue, green etc.

                              white is the fastest, and gives off the most radiant heat, followed by red, all the way down into the cool/slower blues.

                              also, kenny, look at Einsteins equation a little closer...

                              E = M C2 energy equals mass times light(squared) if 186,000 miles per second is the fastest that anything can travel, then how can energy equal
                              mass times 34,596,000,000 miles per second? wouldnt that make energy faster than the speed of light?
                              it is also proven quantumly that certain particles are directly manipulated by an equal but opposite particle, no matter where in space or time it resides--instantly.

                              HA, we can get really complicated and start adding consciousness and observation into those equations

                              ahh, you're referring to what are known as oscillations, similiar but different
                              That is not used for E=mc^2

                              there are oscillations vibrations in the order of 1000's magnitudes of teraherz!

                              We'll stay on topic of the water cell, just thought I would see what the responses are!
                              Last edited by kenny_PPM; 08-28-2007, 03:02 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Shamus View Post
                                c being an absolute universal speed limit is not true, at least according to Tom Bearden. I believe that a couple of counterexamples he's given are DeBroglie waves and quantum entanglement. He has stated that nature allows us to do anything that we can figure out a way to do--that limits like c are self-imposed. Mind-blowing stuff!

                                And of course he says don't believe him, but just look up his references to prove it to yourself.

                                Shamus, I agree that the limit of 186K is just the known theory.
                                But I believe the distance 'can be' instantaneous anywhere, I just cant prove it!
                                Last edited by kenny_PPM; 08-28-2007, 03:04 AM.

