Sorry, I made a mistake with… and
…in that I mistakenly put their internal resistances for their caps and cols in the wrong mathematical position. I put their series resistance for their inductors in their numerators when they should have been placed in their denominators when calculating their current output from the voltage difference between their two inputs (their two terminals). Likewise, I put the series resistance for capacitors in their denominators when they should have been placed in their numerators when calculating their current output from their voltage inputs across the two terminals of each component.
I should have used the mathematical placement of resistance (for resistors) as my guide for calculating the resistance of inductors since they’re also conductors…
current of a resistor = ( voltage at one terminal of a resistor minus voltage at the second terminal ) is divided by the resistance of this resistor
Alas, I did not!
If I had, then the computation for the internal resistance of coils would have looked like this …
Inductor's Series (internal) Resistance = inductance divided by (series resistance times a time interval)
Likewise, the internal resistance for capacitors would have looked like this …
Capacitor's (equivalent series) Resistance (ESR) = (time interval times ESR) divided by capacitance
Hint, a capacitor's ESR is...
Equivalent series resistance - Wikipedia
Since I can no longer recompile those JavaScript platforms for my 2017 downloaded edition of my mirrored copy of Paul Falstad’s simulator, I have to make do by calculating a deviation from my error that will compensate for my error and correct it.
Corrections to Compensate for my Erroneous Mirrors of Paul Falstad’s Electronic Simulator (
The calculation for correcting the erroneous wire gauge, in the above link, is derived from this formula on Worlfram Alpha...
function (Log10[Divide[1,Square[x]*Square[0.003125]*Power[10,Divide[y,10]]]]*10) - Wolfram|Alpha (
...wherein 'x' is the inductance and 'y' is the wire gauge. The result of this formula is the new wire gauge to enter into the inductor's dialog box at either... or
This correction increases the difficulty of simulating over-unity (which is as it should be spawning less false positives)...
Theory of Compensation and
…in that I mistakenly put their internal resistances for their caps and cols in the wrong mathematical position. I put their series resistance for their inductors in their numerators when they should have been placed in their denominators when calculating their current output from the voltage difference between their two inputs (their two terminals). Likewise, I put the series resistance for capacitors in their denominators when they should have been placed in their numerators when calculating their current output from their voltage inputs across the two terminals of each component.
I should have used the mathematical placement of resistance (for resistors) as my guide for calculating the resistance of inductors since they’re also conductors…
current of a resistor = ( voltage at one terminal of a resistor minus voltage at the second terminal ) is divided by the resistance of this resistor
Alas, I did not!
If I had, then the computation for the internal resistance of coils would have looked like this …
Inductor's Series (internal) Resistance = inductance divided by (series resistance times a time interval)
Likewise, the internal resistance for capacitors would have looked like this …
Capacitor's (equivalent series) Resistance (ESR) = (time interval times ESR) divided by capacitance
Hint, a capacitor's ESR is...
Equivalent series resistance - Wikipedia
Since I can no longer recompile those JavaScript platforms for my 2017 downloaded edition of my mirrored copy of Paul Falstad’s simulator, I have to make do by calculating a deviation from my error that will compensate for my error and correct it.
Corrections to Compensate for my Erroneous Mirrors of Paul Falstad’s Electronic Simulator (
The calculation for correcting the erroneous wire gauge, in the above link, is derived from this formula on Worlfram Alpha...
function (Log10[Divide[1,Square[x]*Square[0.003125]*Power[10,Divide[y,10]]]]*10) - Wolfram|Alpha (
...wherein 'x' is the inductance and 'y' is the wire gauge. The result of this formula is the new wire gauge to enter into the inductor's dialog box at either... or
This correction increases the difficulty of simulating over-unity (which is as it should be spawning less false positives)...
Theory of Compensation