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Lockridge, Unleashed!

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  • Lockridge, Unleashed!

    Lockridge, Unleashed!

    My self-publication of this book is not the result of having built it.

    This is the result of having studied John Bedini's videotaped interview (administered by Anthony Craddock and his wife) for the "Energy from the Vacuum" series...

    Energy From The Vacuum #14 : The Lockridge Device : Internet Archive

    I have concluded that Bedini has given roughly all of the information which is required to build the device. The result will be a nearly 100% efficient device operating at slightly less than unity.

    But, and here's the catch, the anonymous person who handed off his research to Bedini failed due to having overlooked the resistive load of incandescent lamps as any significant contribution.

    It turns out, that incandescent light bulbs can generate a small amount of current if they are vacuumed of their interior atmospheric gases. This was the original invention of Thomas Edison.

    Unfortunately, its filament easily burns up since 97% of the electrical energy is converted into heat in order to illuminate the light bulb using the remaining 3% of electrical energy. And the lack of gas, inside of the original Edison design, fails to transfer the energy of the filament to the glass enclosure. So, all of the energy is sequestered to concentrate at the filament causing it to readily fry itself.

    Yet, it is this concentration of energy which motivates the filament to generate a small amount of current. It is this marginal generation of current which can contribute to any machine which possesses nearly 100% efficiency since none of this miniscule contribution will be wasted in attempting to bring the efficiency of that device up to 100% and, instead, will become capable of tipping the coefficience of performance to slightly greater than unity.

    For whatever reason, Irving Langmuir invented a variation of the Edison device in 1913 by filling his incandescent bulbs with argon or a combination of argon and nitrogen at ambient (atmospheric) pressure. This succeeds at transferring some of the excess energy sequestered at the filament to the glass enclosure and preserve the lifespan of the filament for a little while longer at the expense of our utilization of light bulbs in any overunity device.

    The glass enclosure of a light bulb doubly serves as the dielectric of a spherical capacitor. The environment surrounding the glass enclosure is the outer plate of this spherical capacitor (stretching outwards to an infinite radius) while the filament is the inner plate of this capacitor. If there are any molecules of gas inside of this bulb, it will assist in the transfer of energy away from the filament and deposit this transfer of energy at the glass enclosure and, thus, lengthen the lifespan of the filament with the additional benefit of thwarting the filament from generating any appreciable quantity of current.

    The simulated models of Paul Falstad's incandescent lamps are of the vacuum variety. Their heat sends a substantial quantity of current ...

    ... back to his transformer model which also has the property of being an "ideal transformer" since it retains its magnetism at a rate of 100%.

    His capacitors do likewise. They retain their dielectric force with 100% efficiency.

    These lamps, of Paul Falstad's simulated modeling, produce current all of the time even when they're not hot and, thus, even when they're not radiating any light. It's just that their production of current skyrockets the instant their Kelvin thermal index reaches white hot status. Then, my initial attempt at crudely simulating a Lockridge device (Lockridge5, linked-to above) can't help itself but suddenly blow up making its regulation and impossible affair.

    This risk of explosions would not happen in the real world. Or, would they?

    Every single detail of the Anthony Craddock interview of John Bedini, concerning the architecture of the Lockridge device, must be adhered to and you must ignore anyone else's building suggestions no matter what their credentials.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Vinyasi; 06-08-2024, 07:24 PM.

  • #2

    I added a little to the circuit (1 Henry, just the winding of the transformer from the microwave at 220A and the resistance is about 3.4 Ohms). If one is used as a choke in a parallel circuit circuit, and the other two are organized on a separate core, connected according to the circuit (the capacitors must have a resistance, I set the minimum to 0.01 Ohm), we get approximately the real picture. Before you use the program, learn how to use it, what these elements mean, and what they are missing.

    Good luck with your research
    Last edited by Rakarskiy; 06-11-2024, 01:47 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post

      Before you use the program, learn how to use it, what these elements mean, and what they are missing.

      Good luck with your research
      What's wrong with this ... ?



      • #4
        It all depends upon what we're trying to achieve. Stability ...

        Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
        Or, instability...

        I prefer the latter. So, your simulation is more historically accurate than mine since I've altered the intentions of my simulations from the legacy of Lockridge to be more in keeping with my intentions.

        To each his own.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
          Before you use the program, learn how to use it, what these elements mean, and what they are missing.
          If you'll notice...I have placed resistance inside of all caps and coils. It's implied by the wire gauge of the coils according to this formulation...


          ...and it's implied by the equivalent series resistance of the caps (which defaults to 10m Ohms). Spice simulators (such as, LTSpice, etc) always include the option for the internalization of series resistance (among other parameters) within their caps and coils while Falstad's simulator does not, nor has it ever. And by the way, putting resistance inline and adjacent to a cap or coil does not produce the same results as does internalizing it. So, I modified his code to include this missing feature.


          • #6
            The Lockridge device is not very sophisticated. Yet, it does exhibit the properties of an ideal transformer in which it almost approaches 100% efficiency of performance if the lamps are ignored.

            Intusoft Newsletter, Oct. 1988 | A Tungsten Lamp Model -- Falstad's source for modeling his incandescent lamps

            His software code in Java...


            A far more sophisticated archetype is derived from the diagrams of the book and paper of L.V. Bewley which is remarkably similar to Eric Dollard's analog computer...

            Bewley's Archetype.jpg
            Downloaded from here...
            Bewley's Archetype.jpg (644×441) (


            Downloaded from this ZIP file...

            ... and which inspired Eric when he first read this book when Eric was 16 years old...

            Bewley's Book

            Bewley's Paper

            Bewley's Power Point Presentation

            I've done nine simulations utilizing this archetype in which four are particularly amazing...

            Any amount of the buildup of power from a cold-start provided we wait long enough...


            Charging two banks of batteries and each bank possessing a total of 72V...


            Charging two 9V batteries...


            And my favorite for feeding a sine wave back onto the power grid and without spikes (most of the time if no switches are engaged unless this circuit is first disconnected from the grid)...




            • #7
              Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post
              It all depends upon what we're trying to achieve. Stability ...

              Or, instability...


              I prefer the latter. So, your simulation is more historically accurate than mine since I've altered the intentions of my simulations from the legacy of Lockridge to be more in keeping with my intentions.

              To each his own.
              Without trapezoidal approximations, yet requiring a minimum transformer coupling of 99%...



              • #8
                Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post

                What's wrong with this ... ?

                To answer my own question...

                There is nothing wrong with it. Here's why...


                Simple instability is encouraged, rather than discouraged, to implore electrical reactance to magnify the perception of energy which this circuit is endowed with. So, rather than letting ourselves misinterpret these oscilloscope tracings to conclude that energy is increasing (despite this is what these tracings are literally telling us), the leverage of electrical reactance makes it possible for the circuit (and ourselves) to alter our perception of how much energy exists within this circuit from one moment to the next. In other words, energy has not altered its amplitude. Rather, the perception of energy has become altered which, for all practical purposes, is not the same as erroneously assuming that some Law – or another – of physics has been violated. In other words, energy is not the only thing to consider. What’s just as important is how much work is performed per unit of energy. For, if we get more work accomplished per unit of energy, then we may be tempted to conclude that “overunity” has occurred. This requires that we redefine what overunity actually means.

                To do this, requires that we conclude that...

                Energy is elastic in so far as it is not the end all, nor is it the be all, of materialistic dynamics. For, electrical reactance pervades all circuitry even if we don't voluntarily include it (such as within a flashlight circuit without a switch). Thus, Ohm's Law is a lie because it is a half-truth.

                Watts is not equal to voltage times current since current is a fictional mathematical shorthand notation substituting for something much more complicated.

                We're told that current is equal to volts divided by resistance.

                Substituting this in place of the symbol for current, in Ohm's Law, we derive that ...

                Watts = (Voltage x Voltage) divided by Resistance

                From this revelation it is possible to conclude that: the amperage traveling down a transmission line is also a fiction since we can derive wattage without recourse to any existence of current, fictional or not. All we need is voltage and resistance (according to this interpretation of Ohm’s Law).

                Our experience from real-life supports this view...

                But even this is not true since it is also an over-simplification.

                It's not voltage, squared, since those two voltages do not represent the same voltage. Instead, the first voltage represents Applied Voltage while the second voltage represents Resultant Voltage (which may be Real, or Imaginary, or Complex).

                And it's not simple resistance underneath those two voltages in the denominator. Along with simple resistance, we must also consider the coexistence of two impedances (which are time-dependent), namely: inductive and capacitive impedance.

                So, now, Ohm's Law becomes...

                Energy (measured in Joules) = { (Applied Voltage x Resultant Voltage) divided by (Simple Resistance, Inductive Impedance and Capacitive Impedance) } per unit of time

                This complexity makes our shift in perception possible since a mere alteration of frequency, alone, could alter the energetic outcome.

                So, to conclude, electrical reactance can alter our illusory perception of watts into deluding ourselves into assuming that energy is -- or must be -- conserved at all times. Only watts is capable of this (conservation) since watts is a fiction (a misrepresentation) due to our over-simplification of our concepts of energy.

                Do we teach this more complicated version to freshmen who have recently begun their study of electrodynamic theory? No, we're told, because it would be too much for them to understand.


                But, do we teach this more complicated version to advanced students of electrical engineering? ......... I am still waiting for someone to break the silence of my question posed on Quora and StackExchange.

                Here's another example...


                Last edited by Vinyasi; 06-15-2024, 09:42 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vinyasi View Post

                  So, now, Ohm's Law becomes...

                  Energy (measured in Joules) = { (Applied Voltage x Resultant Voltage) divided by (Simple Resistance, Inductive Impedance and Capacitive Impedance) } per unit of time


                  Here's another example...


                  I’m not trying to make life harder for you. I’m trying to make it more accurate so that we can transform the greatest impediment to Energy, which is impedance and resistance, into our benefactor by looking at electrodynamics in terms of conductivity rather than in terms of energy. Because both are equivalent statements except for the fact that one hog ties us to the expenditure of energy while the other makes life slippery easy by liberating us from friction acting as an impediment.

                  Negative impedance, in conventional circles of so-called Wisdom, is vaguely familiar to the more accurate representation of the following relationships…

                  Admittance, conductivity, measured in Seimens = (— 1) times { (Simple Resistance, Inductive Impedance and Capacitive Impedance) divided by (Applied Voltage x Resultant Voltage) } per unit of time


                  My answer to Has anyone tried to recreate Joseph Newman's perpetual motion machine?…


                  The electrostatic transmission of power…


                  The communication of power across vast distances is far more efficient when performed electrostatically then when it is done magnetically.

                  In fact, that’s how the grid does long distance transmission of power the same way!
                  Last edited by Vinyasi; 06-16-2024, 05:48 AM.


                  • #10
                    Everything is great in the simulator! All that remains is to demonstrate this on a real installation. But this is a resonant circuit system, not a converted 1945 BOSCH system DC generator (a reproduced generator imported from Germany in 1945).

                    As for the Lockridge generator, no one knows this device thoroughly.

                    I suppose that

                    1) Motor-generator Kanarev-Zatsaritsyn

                    2) Window motor-generator Belini - Cole

                    are more suitable for comparing the functionality of the Lockridge device.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
                      Everything is great in the simulator! All that remains is to demonstrate this on a real installation. But this is a resonant circuit system, not a converted 1945 BOSCH system DC generator (a reproduced generator imported from Germany in 1945).

                      are more suitable for comparing the functionality of the Lockridge device.
                      The housing of modern day alternators could be a challenge since I doubt they have the properties that would fulfill a perpetual motion holder demonstration.


                      • #12
                        Lockridge, Unleashed - Kindle | PDF | Incandescent Light Bulb | Electric Motor (


                        • #13


                          Self-regulated pulses, once every nine tenths' of a second (0.9 cps/Hz), once sufficient time has elapsed to allow the overall state of charge to adequately diminish.


                          • #14
                            I'm ready to give up attempting to simulate this since I admit to not being convinced that I know what I'm doing. Yet, the best I've managed to come up with uses a magnetic coupling of 140% as if to imply that a solid state, ideal transformer is, namely, what I suppose the Lockridege device is. The Lockridge device is a rotary variation of a solid-state ideal transformer and is doing something very unique.


                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Vinyasi; 07-01-2024, 11:45 PM.


                            • #15
                              Lockridge, Unleashed! - Payhip

