Hello everyone,
It is with deep disappointment that I have to inform you all that Energetic Forum has been ordered by the Federal Government to be shut down in 72 hours due to alleged copyright violations that they don't have to prove.
I hope everyone has enjoyed their time here over the years and have been able to benefit from all the sharing between members. Our aim was to make a difference but it appears that it is now too late and the other forums with similar topics, especially health and free energy related forums are also being ordered to shut down.
If only we had enough members that would have actually contacted their state representatives to tell them to vote no against the SOPA bill, we would be permitted to continue.
NOTICE: To avoid having a message like the above one posted, which can easily become a reality if the SOPA bill passes, TAKE ACTION PLEASE! Otherwise, open source will be flushed down the drain by bogus copyright infringement claims!
It is with deep disappointment that I have to inform you all that Energetic Forum has been ordered by the Federal Government to be shut down in 72 hours due to alleged copyright violations that they don't have to prove.
I hope everyone has enjoyed their time here over the years and have been able to benefit from all the sharing between members. Our aim was to make a difference but it appears that it is now too late and the other forums with similar topics, especially health and free energy related forums are also being ordered to shut down.
If only we had enough members that would have actually contacted their state representatives to tell them to vote no against the SOPA bill, we would be permitted to continue.
NOTICE: To avoid having a message like the above one posted, which can easily become a reality if the SOPA bill passes, TAKE ACTION PLEASE! Otherwise, open source will be flushed down the drain by bogus copyright infringement claims!