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  • hello

    hi guys ! awesome site ! i could spend an eternity reading here. perhaps you could guide me a little...

    i would like to study some 4 coil SG circuits. 4 coil specifically, as i intend to convert a small 4 cylinder i4 combustion motor into a monopole bedini motor.

    when i first saw the monopole motor, i thought to myself wow, that looks like a front view of a typical i4 motor....

    my thoughts would be, to turn each cylinder into a "holder" for each power coil.

    throw away the pistons and the connecting rods.

    at each point on the crankshaft where the connecting rods would be, is a rotor with magnets.

    on on the flywheel are the trigger magnets and coils. not sure how many trigger coils would be needed.

    also not sure on the voltage needed for the source battery to power the driver coils in the cylinders.

    now, this all would be simply to create the "energizer" for the vehicle.

    it would be a typical "electric car" setup, battery bank, motor controller, and DC motor.

    the "energizer" created from the old combustion engine is soley there to extend the range of the battery bank.

    of course all this would be done on a model first to prove the concept of converting a combustion engine into an energizer.

    thanks everyone, now gently tear my idea to smithereens.
    Last edited by loneshark; 05-15-2012, 11:06 AM.