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Which devices are most sutable for beginners ?

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  • Which devices are most sutable for beginners ?


    I am quite new in free energy area and I have quite limited knowledge about electronic.
    But I have big desire to make a free energy generator.
    Now I am reading book "Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices" by Patrich J. Kelly.
    There are so many types of different devices in this book.
    Could you advice, which devices are most simple to construct by beginner ? (and safe, too).
    But preferable to have some practical usage , for example to power a lamp.

    Best regards,

    According to physics, humble-bee should not fly. But it.... flies !!!

  • #2
    bedini ssg

    maybe a bedini ssg (simplified school girl) motor as it is not overly complex, with tons of help and documentation available online.

    try a search for "bedini-imhotep" or search for imhotep user threads here. find the pc fan ssg build and the other build which uses an automotive relay and a bedini circuit. that would be a very cheap and easy way you could get started i would think. imhotep has some way cool ideas that are a great start point for beginners IMO.

    Last edited by RIDDIM; 07-08-2012, 09:58 AM. Reason: needed heavy editing

