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  • hi


    - i have been following energy forums, purchasing books and downloading files for many of my 59 years and at last i have the time, space and resources to indulge myself.
    - i have a small factory, cnc machine etc etc and am trying to rationalise 20 years of part time research to decide exactly what path/type of device to pursue.

    - forums and their perhaps over zealous members don't do anyone any favours with their unbridled enthusiasm, but then i guess where else are you going to be told that it's ok to pursue experiments that you shouldn't!

    - i have always been disappointed by the way enthusiasm often turns to debating and bickering on forums over fine detail instead of just getting on with it, but then i guess it's easier to be a theoretical hero rather than a potential empirical failure?

    - my background is mainly electrical design/manufacture with some gas appliance development work thrown in.
    - mostly empirical with theory resorted to when necessary, which is how i came to realise that some of the explanations i was being fed were just not right.
    - the people way more qualified than me could only resort to "well that just isn't possible so don't bother" or "that goes against the laws, so why waste time discussing it".
    - as i'd seen things work that weren't supposed to, i knew one day when mortgage, kids etc were gone i would get into it seriously, so here i am.

    - while i'm happy to share, it's usually with those who are willing to share their own thoughts, experiences etc with me right or wrong.
    - i'm not stupid or arrogant enough to make it a "you show me yours and i'll show you mine" deal, just not too one sided would be nice.

    looking forward to anyones input or thoughts, jules