I am brand new here. My name is Jenny. I have been working with several of my mentors in the personal development arena for about 6 months now. Since I had become very sick and had to stop my life and find a new path to healing. I don't want to go on and on here and bore any readers but I did post my story in my profile so you can all get to know how I came about in finding this website. I hope to make many friends here and hope that I can help others as well.
I have opened up a new business and it may take a month or so to be fully functional but it is a company that aims to bring the best in development forward. The best I can find in business development, self development, health and wellness and many other areas.
I was affected in several ways when the economy crashed in 2008 and it took a while to get on my feet and of course, during that time, I became very ill so then I faced not only money issues but health issues. It it amazing how when your life turns around on you in your sleep, how your perspective changes dramatically. Please those of you who read my story. Look up the links I left in the links section if you want to see what has been helping me and leave a comment to share as well. I want to learn about alot of the members here, make good friends and build relationships here.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your world!
I am brand new here. My name is Jenny. I have been working with several of my mentors in the personal development arena for about 6 months now. Since I had become very sick and had to stop my life and find a new path to healing. I don't want to go on and on here and bore any readers but I did post my story in my profile so you can all get to know how I came about in finding this website. I hope to make many friends here and hope that I can help others as well.
I have opened up a new business and it may take a month or so to be fully functional but it is a company that aims to bring the best in development forward. The best I can find in business development, self development, health and wellness and many other areas.
I was affected in several ways when the economy crashed in 2008 and it took a while to get on my feet and of course, during that time, I became very ill so then I faced not only money issues but health issues. It it amazing how when your life turns around on you in your sleep, how your perspective changes dramatically. Please those of you who read my story. Look up the links I left in the links section if you want to see what has been helping me and leave a comment to share as well. I want to learn about alot of the members here, make good friends and build relationships here.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of your world!