this is a gift FEM = Free Electricity Multiplier
I come to you with the greatest gift that I have ever seen or been given.
This gift is something that we are in great need of with our power hungry public
After seeing this contraption work, you will not understand how it has been found before. The reason is because this super-simple technology has been
hidden by evil forces
They use many tactics to remove this thought from your thoughts
- They might only have to bring a vision of something that you crave
- For others, they might have to continue using many temptations before the person looses it
- They might even, for the determined ones, use threats and warnings
- That can also go the other way, and demons might offer another unique thing
- Who knows how many people have discovered this, and then forgotten it again
- I think that I can remember thinking of this in high school,
------- o and I could not truly believe that it could work
------- o forgetting to test my theories
- or just fill your mind with massive amounts of seductive thoughts and visions
-------- o until we forget about it.
They would also send you many reasons that it could never work
- Just show somebody a diagram of this,
-------- o + just see all of the massive negative comments
If you think about it with an open mind, this cant help but produce unlimited power
- If you consider the geometric principals of how you only need to put enough power into the drive DC motor to rotate the drive motor,(with the large pulleys attached) one single time
--------- o And you can rotate your output generators, (you can have unlimited number of them) hundreds of times
................... § Each rotation of the generator produces electricity
· So hundreds of rotations produces plenty of electricity
- Each of these generators can produce a multiple of power output
--------- o So, the more generators that you attach, the more of a
multiplication factor you can get out of your free energy multiplier
· I will try and paint a simple picture of how this works
You only need to use a set amount of energy to power the DC drive motor
- Then the rest of the electricity that you get as an excess can
--------- o You can get far more electricity as an output
To be used as a power supply
- In varrious sizes, from microscopic to large scale power stations
- This would start a manufacturing explosion
§ To replace all battery operated devices, making self powered
I come to you with the greatest gift that I have ever seen or been given.
This gift is something that we are in great need of with our power hungry public
After seeing this contraption work, you will not understand how it has been found before. The reason is because this super-simple technology has been
hidden by evil forces
They use many tactics to remove this thought from your thoughts
- They might only have to bring a vision of something that you crave
- For others, they might have to continue using many temptations before the person looses it
- They might even, for the determined ones, use threats and warnings
- That can also go the other way, and demons might offer another unique thing
- Who knows how many people have discovered this, and then forgotten it again
- I think that I can remember thinking of this in high school,
------- o and I could not truly believe that it could work
------- o forgetting to test my theories
- or just fill your mind with massive amounts of seductive thoughts and visions
-------- o until we forget about it.
They would also send you many reasons that it could never work
- Just show somebody a diagram of this,
-------- o + just see all of the massive negative comments
If you think about it with an open mind, this cant help but produce unlimited power
- If you consider the geometric principals of how you only need to put enough power into the drive DC motor to rotate the drive motor,(with the large pulleys attached) one single time
--------- o And you can rotate your output generators, (you can have unlimited number of them) hundreds of times
................... § Each rotation of the generator produces electricity
· So hundreds of rotations produces plenty of electricity
- Each of these generators can produce a multiple of power output
--------- o So, the more generators that you attach, the more of a
multiplication factor you can get out of your free energy multiplier
· I will try and paint a simple picture of how this works
You only need to use a set amount of energy to power the DC drive motor
- Then the rest of the electricity that you get as an excess can
--------- o You can get far more electricity as an output
To be used as a power supply
- In varrious sizes, from microscopic to large scale power stations
- This would start a manufacturing explosion
§ To replace all battery operated devices, making self powered