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  • Greetings!

    I wouldn't know a quadratic equation from a differential equation if one of them fell on me. Math was never a forte of mine. My father was never around, spending all his time in Turkey decoding Russian. Mom was an artist, although grand-dad was a physics teacher (MIT, class of 1911). I grew up reading Heinlein, and when I was grown up I wrote about science, so that even mathless dolts like me could understand it.

    During the early '80s my best friend was a genuine Tesla freak and inventor, physicist, bio-chemist and eight other things. We used to brainstorm possibilities while smoking pot -- he was more of a drinker, though. At 18 and with an IQ of around 200, he was teaching his diathermy methods in medical schools. Built his first laser and plasma jet when he was 15, from scratch in 1965! Bucky Fuller once introduced him to an audience as "the great Dr. Aitken." He never got a PhD, though. He didn't need one; he was filthy rich and light-years ahead of the piled-higher-and-deeper pack. If Eric and Mike had ever gotten together back then, watch out is all I can say. (Michael died when he was 34.)

    Now, the reason I'm writing is I want to apprise y'all of a discovery I have made, one that Tesla himself would appreciate, I think. It's so big it's almost ridiculous, which is probably why no one has heard about it (funny about that). I won't even try in a few words like this post. You see, people automatically associate extraterrestrial intelligence with UFOs, which as Eric and I both know are of human manufacture or imagination, not ETI design. The idea that beings millions or billions of years older (and more advanced) than us would ride around in such contraptions sticking needles in peoples' bellybuttons is pretty damn silly when you think about it. For a brief synopsis of my discovery you can read about it at: - Shadow Facts by Thomas N Hackney

    Anyway, just a brief note of introduction to let y'all and Eric know how much I admire his work.
    Last edited by tomh; 05-11-2014, 11:44 PM. Reason: errors