This is Chris and my wife Linda on the Sloop Calma Where we have lived for the past 44 years. Have worked on several types of motionless generators but have had very good results with Imhotep's relay charger. The only thing I don't like is the moving switch in the relay and arcing involved. Have tried to get a clear circuit picture of the "Quiet Imhotep relay charger" but have had little luck. All the ones on YouTube are not readable. Does anyone know where I can look for a clear circuit picture in something that is easy to save like a PDF file? If so please send info to "" Am working on my chart table with some 24V realys pulled from some old heavy machine. My test batteries are 12V and small 7AH salvaged from floating mapping units that have washed up on the beach. Just yesterday I did get the relay going and had good light on my neon bulb. After attaching the coil leads from the relay to one of my salvaged batteries (which only was showing 2.2V) for a total of 6 seconds it was showing a steady 11.6V. How on earth did that happen? But it is necessary for me to hold the contact on the positive side of the charge battery very close to the battery terminal, if it makes contact it seems to stop the relay. I did salvage 7- 24V relays and so far all seem to run properly. Hopefully the "Quiet Imhotep relay charger" circuit will fix the shut down problem. Am fairly new to the forum (except for reading other people's posts). So don't know if this is the proper place for these questions.
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Newbe working on relay charger