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Hi! I am new here!!!!! Very new to all of this!!!!!

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  • #16
    Your answer is:

    Hey Kevin,
    First things first have you had a chance to read through the thread on ME? There is a lot in there about the 2 point. Here is the link:

    Go through and read through it, but most importantly just play around with it! That is the best way to learn to do this... Says the people who have helped me with it. I personally have not even read the book, so you are one step ahead of me. I plan to buy it next week though!!!! I did however get a quick lesson from someone and it was enough to get me rolling. So if I can figure this out you can! Put NO limitations on yourself or doubt about if you can do it. YES optimal is going to a seminar! But until we can get there... Well we can play around and in my case I am working on 2 pointing my finances so I can attend (well that and have a home to live in LOL) I would highly recommend reading through the posts that are on the ME thread though and you can ask them any kind of questions you need or want to then!

    I am going to be working on some friends and relatives today, so I will add a little work on you to the list, but you can do this and just relax and have fun with it!!! Remember you are creating it! Also I believe you said you had read or were reading Busting Loose? If so apply that process to your discomfort all day long in between your 2 pointing! That process and the Paths modules along with the help of Grace and Stephen and all my other friends here have brought me so far through a divorce and living in a shelter to a place of peace, and knowing that I created all of what is in my life for my own best good, and it is what has brought me to this point. That in mind, have gratitude for your discomfort of the hernia as it has brought you searching here and to Matrix Energetix, and CEM, so all is good and all is perfect!

    Welcome to an awesome journey of discovery of who you have always been! Blessings Sallyjane zartgirl


    • #17
      Yoda, you don't have to love yourself!

      Now I need to learn more about meditation as he told me and trust/love myself, as I have seem to have forgotten!!!!!

      You don't have to love yourself! - You already do! Read these two free (short - only about 9 pages each) to find out why.....

      The Magic Pill
      The Second Dose

      Let me know if you have any questions.

      The ME thread is a Gold Mine of information, and you might also like to check out Ho'oponopono - this article in particular: Who's in Charge

      There are also some free Binaural Beat Tracks (and a lot of other Fabulous material) which can help immensly with Meditation at the Energetic Resource Library.

      Hope this helps

      Love and Light and Magic xxx
      Reprogram Your Subconscious to Achieve Conscious Goals. Now you can try PATHS for Free!
      Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
      Free Trial - Bob Proctor Coaching Program


      • #18
        I am here, working on the chakras and seem to be heading to Arizona soon. No idea why, but I am being called there. Learning about energy and thingys, but overwhelmed and apparently have hit a snag and over loaded. Don't have the time nor energy to read so many threads. Can we sum different energies and how they work in a nutshell for a newbie like me?????

        Thanks in advance, Love Yoda!!!!!


        • #19

          Awesome that your destiny is unfolding before you.

          Sure we all want enlightenment asap with the least effort.

          PATHS is the closest thing I've found for that but even then it does take a little bit of time. Much less time than studying things though.

          Have you started any mods?

          Short of PATHS, I'd recommend The Master-Key System, but that does take quite a bit of study time.

          XO Jessica
          Keep your mind on the aether


          • #20
            Energy stuff

            Originally posted by Yoda View Post
            I am here, working on the chakras and seem to be heading to Arizona soon. No idea why, but I am being called there. Learning about energy and thingys, but overwhelmed and apparently have hit a snag and over loaded. Don't have the time nor energy to read so many threads. Can we sum different energies and how they work in a nutshell for a newbie like me?????
            Thanks in advance, Love Yoda!!!!!
            Hi Yoda!

            Though there's something to be said for wading through everyone's experiences with various 'different energies' , I can give you a short recap of Matrix Energetics.

            Matrix energetics is not really 'energy work'. Yes, the Quantum field, or Zero Point Energy or what have you is 'accessed' in some way with it however, M.E. is not really a 'healing' modality. One doesn't 'run energy' as in many other modalities. It is rather, all about TRANSFORMATION.

            Essentially, what I think is happening with M.E. is that one goes into an 'altered state', rather easily as it turns out and simply sees a different outcome out of infinite playful possibilities, in effect, 'weighting' or greatly increasing the probability that a different outcome will happen with a person, a thing, an animal - ANYTHING - and its effects can be felt instantly! M.E. is based upon Quantum Physics principles of the 'observer changes/creates that which is observed'. Evidence in science is building to support this model, but even if it is a 'useful fiction' it matters not, as STUFF HAPPENS when you facilitate something BIG to come through when you get out of the way but also have a focused intention. Call it Grace (snicker...she's everywhere! ) or God or the Spaghetti Monster, whatever it is answers the call and brings about amazing transformation.

            The main difference I've seen with M.E. compared to other modalities is that there are few, if any, RULES on how to 'do' it. It exists in a 'made up' morphic field like all other modalities, and has been set up to be totally open-ended. This means that the techniques of any other modality or thing you can think of can be accessed and used if it 'shows up' for the M.E. practitioner. Adults and children can learn the basic foundation - the two-point - in minutes and go on from there. The key is in realizing that basically everything we experience including our 'faith' in what science has told us is fact is in fact MADE UP. Every BELIEF is a BOX with a closed lid - I believe I'll pass on that! Once you open the door on this, you enter a different universe where it is TRUE for you and not even the sky is the limit anymore!

            There is a ton of info on the M.E. forum, Matrix Energetics Healing seminars taught by Richard Bartlett and the thread on this site, however, thats for if this 'clicks' for you and you get some more energy to go into it all. (haha two-point some!)

            In Peace,



            • #21
              Guess the thing with me is I don't need to know why something works, just how to do it!!!!!

              My Jeep runs very well without me having a clue, heart pumps without my input and the sun rotates without my approval!!!!!

              Wish people understood how tired Yoda is and if you could two point me some help, would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

              Or two point Yoda to be able to two point, even better!!!!!


              • #22
                Hi, Yoda here!!!!!

                Am willing to drive and learn the two point thingy, it is clear the most difficult part is the first step and having a understanding of how to "Alter the hologram" so to speak!!!!!

                I truly believe this to work and want to learn so I can help raise the vibrational fields and help humanity ascend and evolve so we can get out of this "Lower vibrational prison" the 4th dimensional reptitians have placed on earth!!!!!

                I firmly believe two pointing is the first step for me to begin the manifestation of this, the spiritual and subconscious has already been fulfilled for me!!!!!

                Everything has led up to this moment, now it's time to reclain our rightful place in the universe!!!!!

                Yoda out!!!!!

                P.S. Anyone build a pyramid in their backyard by chance?????


                • #23
                  hey Yoda...

                  How's it going? glad you made it... sit down have a cup of tea and absorb....
                  perhaps try copy and pasting from others what you would like to know... a technique described, taught, used in Matrix energetics... haven't made this part of the seminars YET... but will... but i simply borrrowed it... totally works...
                  It's all made up anyhow... so enjoy...
                  Goddess Adriana
                  Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                  • #24
                    Hi, in San Antonio TX now and will be in AZ soon!!!!!

                    If any of you are in the AZ area, please feel free to contact Yoda and maybe we can help each other!!!!!

                    Trying and learning but health/money issues need help!!!!!

                    Still trying the two point thingy!!!!!

                    Love, Yoda!!!!!

