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Hello from Johannesburg, South Africa

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  • Hello from Johannesburg, South Africa

    I have joined this forum mostly because of the information on renewable energy. I am optimistic that this millenimium will be the one that humanity will become truly free. Free in what we say, free exchange of ideas, free energy and free to use technology like we want to.

    Today we have many more ways people can communicate with each other. So much so that the world have been called a "global village" and fast, free electronic communication the "information super-highway". I wonder, indeed, what our limitations are with all these advancements? Somewhere in the movie "Contact" the priest (Palmer Joss/Mathew McConaughy) in the story says "Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology? We shop at home, we surf the Web... at the same time, we feel emptier, lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history..." <looked up the exact quote>

    I want to ask the question why should this be, that we become more distant from one another? We should remain the masters of technology and should not let technology rule us and take over our lives. We do need to carefully plan the ways we utilise technology; it is clear the old labour driven economies of yesteryear is behind us although countries like China still employs many industry workers. But once technology becomes more economically feasible many industries close down; this should be foreseeable.

    Where are all our great visionaries and leaders that they never seem to adequately address the repercussions of such paramount changes. Work should be exciting and one should have a sense of accomplishment doing ones job well, but if most jobs are reduced to assembly line of work where some higher power decide the output and constraint of our working environment then I can scarcely see the point of human history. To me that is that progress is good and that change is inevitable; but due to various reasons of human psychology our so-called leaders have ongoing popularity contests about having more power, wealth than their rivals and this extends well into all national governments.

    *Disclaimer* This is my view of the world as it is and is not indicative of me having a high fidelity to reality. I don't intend to back up any of what I say with fact and figures at this point and I leave it to whomever reads this piece to agree or disagree to whatever statements I make. With more thoughtful prodding and debate I definitely will try to make more substantive arguments about any particular statements, hopefully using real facts and figures.
    --The end of a really long-winder closing statement--

  • #2
    Welcome Glowman,

    You pose some interesting thoughts and questions.

    I have some thoughts. . .As the world becomes more of a global community, different cultures come together and things become more complicated. This diversity is great but we need some way to function despite some of the confusion and challenges it can bring.

    I've lived in cities before that I felt became too intense as far as complexity. That combines with the high costs of living there imo made it no fun anymore. People were too tense and not getting along well.

    So there is a balance between living in peace and living with lots going on in our lives.

    So many people work hard, have families where both parents work and there is a shortage of time. I think this only makes it harder for people to get along as they don't have much time to think and sort things out and make room for each other.

    So perhaps there is some use for the feeling "cut off" that you mention. I think it is preferable to chaos, fighting and lack of peace. Yet is is not perfection bc we need to feel connected to each other.

    It's just we want that to happen in a harmonious way, not in a way where we are ready to kill each other all the time, lol.

    One thing I think is cool about forums is they are really on demand. Meaning I don't have to coordinate when would be a good time for anybody else to connect. I just come here whenever I want to and it works out fine.

    I've seen a bit of what I would consider to be an evolution of that in sites such as and

    These are social sites but the purpose of them is to actually meet up with people in real life after you have "met" on the net.

    There are events posted and whoever wants to go to whatever events goes. You can see who has rsvp'd before the event. You start seeing the same people if you go to several events but no one has to go to any event he doesn't want to.

    So it is convenient. You can make plans from your living room and base everything on what you want to do and when you can make it. (Vs. if you were trying to make plans with a friend where conflicts of what and when could come up).

    But it goes beyond just connecting over the net, you actually do stuff in person with people

    Anyway I've rambled enough for now, but I have had these thoughts going on anyway and your post gave me a great place to communicate them.

    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      technology and humanity

      Hi Glowman,

      Welcome to Energetic Forum!

      There is one quote by Albert Einstein that I think of when it comes to our relationship with technology: "It is appallingly obvious that our technology exceeds our humanity."

      It seems every year, with the rapid growth of technology, that the gap is growing wider and wider. It seems things are starting to change and that in our lifetime I bet we can make Albert wrong.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        Thanks for the warm welcome

        Thanks everyone for welcoming me. I do agree with you on many aspects; we human beings still struggle a lot with the complexities of various cultures and interacting in a peaceful and harmonious way. I am also living in a big city by my country's standards; and I am in full agreement as that it can become too intense. It seems too many people are on the edge; and exhibit extreme, selfless and sometimes dangerous behaviour because I suspect of struggling to cope with these complexities and trying to find an identity.

        I don't want to make this post too long, I do like your ideas. This forum is really nice and I have learned quite a lot so far and hope to continue to learn even more.

        Originally posted by future pather View Post
        Welcome Glowman,

        You pose some interesting thoughts and questions.

        I have some thoughts. . .As the world becomes more of a global community, different cultures come together and things become more complicated. This diversity is great but we need some way to function despite some of the confusion and challenges it can bring.

        I've lived in cities before that I felt became too intense as far as complexity. That combines with the high costs of living there imo made it no fun anymore. People were too tense and not getting along well.

        So there is a balance between living in peace and living with lots going on in our lives.

        So many people work hard, have families where both parents work and there is a shortage of time. I think this only makes it harder for people to get along as they don't have much time to think and sort things out and make room for each other.

        So perhaps there is some use for the feeling "cut off" that you mention. I think it is preferable to chaos, fighting and lack of peace. Yet is is not perfection bc we need to feel connected to each other.

        It's just we want that to happen in a harmonious way, not in a way where we are ready to kill each other all the time, lol.

        One thing I think is cool about forums is they are really on demand. Meaning I don't have to coordinate when would be a good time for anybody else to connect. I just come here whenever I want to and it works out fine.

        I've seen a bit of what I would consider to be an evolution of that in sites such as and

        These are social sites but the purpose of them is to actually meet up with people in real life after you have "met" on the net.

        There are events posted and whoever wants to go to whatever events goes. You can see who has rsvp'd before the event. You start seeing the same people if you go to several events but no one has to go to any event he doesn't want to.

        So it is convenient. You can make plans from your living room and base everything on what you want to do and when you can make it. (Vs. if you were trying to make plans with a friend where conflicts of what and when could come up).

        But it goes beyond just connecting over the net, you actually do stuff in person with people

        Anyway I've rambled enough for now, but I have had these thoughts going on anyway and your post gave me a great place to communicate them.



        • #5
          Hi Glowman

          And an EXTRA WARM since you live in my ex-home town

          You've made some really intersting points, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from you!

          Give my love to Jo'burg.

          Love and Light and Magic xxx
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          Please pop in to my new: Law of Attraction Tools Blog - It would be Wonderful to see you there!
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          • #6

            Welcome to the forum Glowman!

            The renewable energy forum is one place you will rarely find me because I don't really understand what they are really talking about!

            You will find me more on the CEM thread and the healing through art tread.

            As far as technologies interferring with actual real communication... Yes it does! Before we had technology humans were more connected to the the Universe and to each other. As people we need to learn to reconnect on an intuitive level.

            Just some more food for thought!

            blessings Sallyjane welcome


            • #7
              from North Mississippi!

              Your post makes an assumption that I am not sure is accurate.

              It infers that there is a relationship between the advancement of technology, including the information super highway, and the dearth of human closeness ..."we feel emptier, lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history..."

              While it may appear that they are related, I posit that the evolution of technology and the devolution of interpersonal relationships are two separate trajectories and, while one may speed up the other a bit, technology is not the primary cause of the devolution of society.

              Something to think about.


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