Greetings to all. My Physical forum is of a 18 year old Male. loves to go out into the world and connect to all things. I guess you can call it becoming one type of thing"Oneness". My nationality consist of me being African American, Cuban, Asian and Indian. I am running a site as of right now, I am getting it remodel. I want it to change it so it only wont attract Psions but all types of audience. I can speak several different languages such as Spanish, Lao, English and Vietnamese. "I am more a Spiritualist rather than a Materialist." I am on a Spiritual, Developing Higher Consciousness, Understanding myself type of Path as of right now. It is so I can help me and help others as well as with my practices and connecting and with the world once more. Its all going good as of right now. I love to learn and gain knowledge, and hang with my family and friends, as well with the world. I love my life and can't wait to experience and learn more.
Your probably wondering what are my major interest and what I like.
Well I am into Quantum Physics, Spiritualism, Oneness, All sorts of Magick, Psionics, Metaphysics&Paranormal.
I like Art, Music, Dancing, Acting, Modeling, Fashion, Singing, Martial arts, Running and Working out.
I love Modeling and being a Photographer.
Your probably wondering why I am here. I want to understand the stuff that's going on in this community how to work with the gates that you guys use and the technology but I don't understand where to start. I would be glad if some one would help me. Another reason I am here for is of course to spread the love and light throughout the online communities and bring much of my knowledge to share upon all. I want to make new friends and learn from them.
P.s. I all ready made a loving friend. He goes by the name Bodkins
For some reason we connected right away. He feels like an old friend that I known for many decades.
-May there be more Light, Peace, and love Throughout all!
Your probably wondering what are my major interest and what I like.
Well I am into Quantum Physics, Spiritualism, Oneness, All sorts of Magick, Psionics, Metaphysics&Paranormal.
I like Art, Music, Dancing, Acting, Modeling, Fashion, Singing, Martial arts, Running and Working out.
I love Modeling and being a Photographer.
Your probably wondering why I am here. I want to understand the stuff that's going on in this community how to work with the gates that you guys use and the technology but I don't understand where to start. I would be glad if some one would help me. Another reason I am here for is of course to spread the love and light throughout the online communities and bring much of my knowledge to share upon all. I want to make new friends and learn from them.
P.s. I all ready made a loving friend. He goes by the name Bodkins
For some reason we connected right away. He feels like an old friend that I known for many decades.
-May there be more Light, Peace, and love Throughout all!
