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Searching for advice on free energy

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  • Searching for advice on free energy

    Hello to everyone,

    I'm new in the forum and also new in the subject of energy. My knowledge on electric circuits is basic.

    I started to search for information about how to get "off the grid", reduce costs, and be "energy independent". I read some material about solar panels, wind generators, etc. Doing searches in the net I found Peter Lindemann website, and decided to buy his book "Save on Home Energy". I'm currently reading it.

    I also found a lot of sites talking about Bedini's Simple School Girl test, and got very excited with the idea of making one myself. So I kept looking for information, and finally ended in the Tom Bearden site looking at his books. It seems very interesting, and at first, I wanted to buy them all!!!

    I looked at some reviews of the books, and found these reviews at Peswiki. Most of them are very positive, but the last review by Eric Krieg ("Yet Another Book") really knock me down, just when I thought that I had founded "The Holy Grail of Energy".

    I'm getting confused about what steps should I follow in my quest for "getting of the grid". At first I thought that the way was with solar panels. Then, when I found the information on Bedini's and Bearden discoveries I thought that maybe this is a better way. Maybe doing some labtest like Bedini's SSG would really help in understanding the science, and later go for something bigger. But I really don't know if this is the right path. Maybe some of you can give me some advice...

    Definitely I will finish reading Peter's "Save on Home Energy" first.

    Thank you all,

  • #2
    Hello diego, Spodie here there are many good sites to find exactly what you are looking for and most are open source information meaning you may reproduce the devices for the advancement of your study of the technology.There is also a Conference coming up on May 30,31 in Maryland that will be showing to the public some of the latest advancement in alternative technology.Jeane Manning writer of the book Breakthrough Power will be there to speak on Sat.I will be there demonstrating our latest work as well video taping as much of the conference as time will allow.Links to many of these open source sites and more info on these technologies as well as links to bring you right back to Energetic Forum can be found here Alternative Energy Show and Tell Home - Alternative Energy Show and Tell Cheers and may you find the answers to the questions you seek. Spodie Odie


    • #3
      Take your time!

      Hi & Welcome,
      Sounds like you are on the right track being here and reading Peter's book
      Have a good look around and continue your research in other arenas. Then map out your plan and if possibe review it with someone. Then go ahead and implement your action plan and save

      "But ye shall receive power..."
      Acts 1:8


      • #4
        imo the term 'free' energy is a bit of a misnomer. cheap energy I have no problems with, but even if you build a perpetual motion machine, you'd still have had to buy parts, invest time, these things aren't free, there'll always be a cost.

        semantics aside, all of the succesful, useful applications of the sgc I've seen incorporate an external power supply, and one of the best I've seen running is a 12v system that uses a 12v solar panel to power the switch on an cap-discharge type bedini monopole motor, but the most frequently used one I see is my friend's drill charger, which uses a 9v dc transformer off the wall to charge his drill batteries. (radiant charge + li-po batteries = heavenly match.)

        By all means, read other people's reviews, take other people's thoughts on board. But one thing you'll have to accept, in the free energy field, debunkers abound. People who "know better," because they learned electrical engineering at this prestigious university. Rigged experiments perpetrated by fraudsters attempting to discredit viable technologies. (Mythbusters, looking at you.) People trying to make a name for themselves or sell a book full of someone elses ideas. The only way you will ever know for yourself if any of this stuff works is if you download the pdf's, watch the youtube videos and actually make the things yourself. It's not exactly complicated (a schoolgirl did it, come on guys...) but you will have to satisfy your own curosity at some point and the only way to do it is to build something yourself and see it working for yourself. Most people I know who have gotten into have been very pleased with the results, but found they fell short of getting them totally off the grid. It's possible, but you'll just have to be a bit lateral. I wish you all the luck in the world though, and encourage you to stick around because there's a lot of really interesting stuff going on in these forums.
        “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


        • #5
          Thanks for all the replies!!

          Hi guys,

          Thanks for all the replies to my first post. I'm following your advice right now. I'm continuing reading Peter's book and it's great so far!

          spoide: Thanks for the info on the conference, but I'm a little away from Maryland. I live in Argentina... But I will check the links that you provided me! Thanks!

          wpage: I'm following your advice. I did some more researching and I'm planing on building some simple "machines" just to begin and then move on with that knowledge to something more difficult. Thank you!

          noises: Just as you said, building something simple on your own is a great point to start and get hands-on experience! I'll be posting soon my rookie experiments and questions! Thank you very much!

          Thanks to all guys!


          • #6
            from North Mississippi!


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