I'm a couple wks old and curious about what Paths can do for personal transformation. A veteran of Holosync and BrainEv, I prefer the "whole brain" concept of managing processes. I want to know exactly and precisely what quality of water is being dumped into my subconscious well - and don't want any trash in there! Always looking for a short-cut to "get her done" more efficiently. Thanks for the opportunity to share -
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Hello from a Southern Peach
Hi Ally,
I've used other brain synchronization/entrainment soundtracks for around 15 years and find them invaluable. I believe the frequencies and the entrainment process are worth their weight in gold... much more than the affirmations / "subliminals" on many of these soundtracks as most of the benefit is from the entrainment anyway.
PATHS has a lot to offer and the way PATHS works, the "instructions", which are analogous to affirmations are actually incredibly powerful since they are in an actual analog of the subconscious language to start with.
I have a few articles on PATHS that may be helpful:
What's so Quantum about PATHS? by Aaron Murakami — Gaia Community
You can see the list of modules and I'd encourage
you to read the FULL DESCRIPTION pages.
The BULLETPOINTED notes are the exact items that
the instructions in the modules address in the
"Universal Language".
See them here:
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Ally 4
Not sure if you've already started on Paths? If you haven't then there is a free demo module which you can use on all the websites which at the moment is Mood Elevation. It's considered a "light" version because it's not programmed with your individual details but it can give you a good idea about what Paths is like. I've used holosync in the past myself but didn't feel I got any results from it. I've used various other things too but like Paths because it's quick! By that I mean that listening/watching one module only takes 3 minutes a week. Other things I've used have needed to be done daily and for more time which is fine at first, but then I find I just don't keep up with it.Paths can help with your personal transformation by working with your subconscious to achieve your conscious goals. Like Aaron says, you can see the bullet point instructions in each module to see what's in them. Also, with the platinum module you can actually write your own instructions so it can be really specific to you. Results obviously vary from person to person but what I like about Paths is that there is a 60 day money back guarantee so you can give it a good go and see how you respond and really evaluate it and see if you feel it's for you. There's lots of info on this forum too and you can read different people's experiences with different modules. And ask any questions you want.
Anyway, happy reading and welcome to the forum
from North Mississippi!