Hello to all, just got done playing around with a new toroid configured as a joule thief. The saying, you can't teach an old dog new tricks does not apply to this old dog. I am still amazed at the simplicity of this circuit and all the changes one can make to the circuit. I put some turns on an already wound toroid and got results. It almost seems like you can't not make it work. I have been trying different designs and am still amazed by it all. When I get the hang of this (posting), I'll,get some circuits up on here. I really enjoy all the ideas that are just bubbling up from the ether(net) . It seems that this internet inspired pool of tinkerers and thinkers is just the start of something bigger. Even if the quest for over unity is not achieved via joule thief, MEG, bedini SGS motor or whatever you like, they have inspired a lot of minds. I look forward to the progress.
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Joule Thief
Welcome !
You are right about the Jt , it is a learning experience , most ignore it since its so simple ...
But , core no core , air core copper core , any transformer you find , it all works...
Most people use 555 for timing there coil , and never include its power needs in there results. Sadly they usually are the same people that disregard it .
The joule thief is like a all in one deal , i have seen some work from 6 micro amp .
I am also new around here , but been in the JT research for years .
So , i will stop here before making new enemies
Welcome again looking forward to see your new tricks
Joule thief
Mark...thanks for the quick come back. I was originally interested in Jl Naudin's liitle generator with the magnets and toroids and it was only by accident(there are no accidents when it comes to dicovery)that I discovered joule thief designs on youtube. Enen if no great energy is obtained in a COP>1, it is sure interesting that we can get 'dead' batteries to give up some of there still remaining life. I did some experiments using a variable power supply and got usable oscillations from around 0.76 volt up to the cut off point of the circuit around 1,45 volts, Osc was about 850 khz. I even tried putting two white leds in series across the emitter-collector of the 2N3904 transistor and lit them both at about 5.8 volts, driven from about 1.3 volts. This was from about a 1 inch dia x 1/4 inch thick toroid that had about 2 windings of #26 wire wrap wire on it, with 15 turns each winding. I originally had wound this toroid with about 100 turns of #30 enameled wire on it. This winding produced around 26 volts peak , imagine that, from 1.3 volts. I then coupled that to a small signal diode and into a 10 uf cap. This had 5 white leds across it and produced around 14.3 volts dc. When I did this the original two white leds across the transistor exinguished...but the osc kept running producing good output. This joule thief will continue to amaze me. Good to here from you .
Usually , it takes more time before getting replies on this site .
I just want to ask if you tried putting a secondary on it ?
I managed to get over 1400 volts , form it .
The 1400 v was from a bridge on the secondary .
I got the idea that it could be even better , if it pulled the pushed at the same time , that is based around the idea of electron movement from both sides of the dc battery , i tried making a npn and pnp unit that would use kick from both sides of the battery , well i hope you get some idea of what i trying to say.
Maybe a CMOS jt ?