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Greetings anomalies

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  • Greetings anomalies

    Greetings anomalies,

    My name is PJ and I have been investigating psi activity since 2004.

    Some of you here may know me from, or you might know me from hanging around in the past.

    My approach to psionics is strictly science-based only. For me, my area of study comes down to this:

    *Quantum entanglement for RV and telepathy,
    *Scalar electromagnetic theory (longitudinal electricity) for PK,
    *Brainwave frequencies associated with the information and physical psi capacities (which also includes hallucinogenic hormones secreted in the brain such as DMT),
    *Correspondence with PhD's in physics, psychology and other related scientific disciplines who accept psi as being reality,
    *Correspondence with eye-witnesses to poltergeist phenomenon and other such phenomenon,
    *Correspondence with parapsychologists,
    *What scientific capacities exist for the ancient psi arts such as kundalini, chakras and Buddhist philosophy (if there are any).

    So as you can see, for me it has to be science-oriented from beginning to end. I already know psi is real, but I don't accept the idea that one has to practice or believe there is such a thing for it to happen. I'm convinced that there is a definite core element (we'll call it) that determines who can do what with this anomalous force. Let's be honest, practically everyone we know can't move a sofa across the room just by thinking about it, however in poltergeist activity... this IS what happens. And poltergeist activity is always associated with an individual - usually an adolescent child. So something is obviously going on to cause these things to happen that has averted scientific explanation for centuries.

    Now while you may not agree with my approach to psi in general, I will have to say at the same time that if we want the skeptics to be silenced once and for all (trolling web forums such as this one, etc.), this will be the key to victory for us. We have to throw out the psiwheel since they love to cut that one up and move on to metal softening and moving cups and glasses, we need to do actual RV at will with pinpoint accuracy where we can demonstrate it to anyone over the internet, we have to start giving paraphysics serious consideration, etc.

    That's where I stand. Hopefully we can all learn from these experiences just like we did at (ppsociety's former URL).

    See you around

    PS I guess my first question is, who here can do coordinate remote viewing? I simply cannot do it... I did when I was three years old, but it disappeared when I turned four.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum, PJ.

    There are several people here who TRV, including Kevin, Aaron and Ingram. Of the three, Kevin has been doing it the longest and actually has a successful business doing TRV for corporations and individuals.

    I got the tapes to study and played around with it a few years ago. It is fascinating. Unfortunately, I did not have the time and patience it takes to become proficient.

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    • #3

      I like your approach, i think its funny people generally assume such things are not possible simply because we lack the technology to prove its existance by measuring the exact scientific elements and forces being used.

      I already know psi is real, but I don't accept the idea that one has to practice or believe there is such a thing for it to happen.
      I disagree, i'm great at telekinesis now, but the first 18 years of my life i never made a single thing move. It wasnt until i decided to believe that it was real and that i could do it, that it happened. Its for that reason, that i refuse to believe only special people have these same abilities. From my experience telekinesis Does require practice to improve it. Its like a communication line, or learning a language, the more you use the connection or the language, the easier it becomes to communicate.


      • #4

        Is there any book, DVD, web site or procedure you could suggest to get a person over the edge and started with telekinesis?

        I'd agree with your "not only special people have these abilities" perspective. Belief is an intensely powerful thing, and the key requirement.


        The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones.


        • #5
          Originally posted by energyalaska View Post

          Is there any book, DVD, web site or procedure you could suggest to get a person over the edge and started with telekinesis?

          I'd agree with your "not only special people have these abilities" perspective. Belief is an intensely powerful thing, and the key requirement.

          Sorry theres none that i know of. When i started, i began with just a needle and paper, i didnt know any sources either. I would recommend using a needle and paper as well if your starting out. You want the paper to be as light as humanly possible and make sure all windows/doors are closed to keep any air from flowing. It took me about 2 days of practicing off and on just to make the paper twitch slightly but once i seen that happen it wasnt long until it began spinning. Your right, belief is the biggest key. If there is even an ounce of doubt nothing will happen.

          A good technique i would recommend is imagining the object moving while your concentrating. Also, what works good for me is to lightly tap the paper to make it slowly spin one direction and while its spinning imagine in your mind that its spinning the opposit direction. For me, the paper will eventually stop and actually begin spinning backwards.

          (That breaks newtons law of motion, since telekinesis isnt external )


          • #6
            Pin and paper here we come.

            Thanks, Nadda, I'll give needle and paper a go.

            Originally posted by Nadda View Post
            Sorry theres none that i know of. When i started, i began with just a needle and paper, i didnt know any sources either. I would recommend using a needle and paper as well if your starting out. You want the paper to be as light as humanly possible and make sure all windows/doors are closed to keep any air from flowing. It took me about 2 days of practicing off and on just to make the paper twitch slightly but once i seen that happen it wasnt long until it began spinning. Your right, belief is the biggest key. If there is even an ounce of doubt nothing will happen.

            A good technique i would recommend is imagining the object moving while your concentrating. Also, what works good for me is to lightly tap the paper to make it slowly spin one direction and while its spinning imagine in your mind that its spinning the opposit direction. For me, the paper will eventually stop and actually begin spinning backwards.

            (That breaks newtons law of motion, since telekinesis isnt external )

            The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones.


            • #7
              softwaresh,com///don't go there...

              This site is so wrong, it pirated my browser and tried to force me to buy anti-virus soft ware to unlock its control, my internet was worthless for two days....PISSED..I didn't even go there and it got me..fortunatly my brothers girl friend had had it before and got an I.T. friend to tell her how to get around it because this verson even locked all my icons too. Just so, if anyone wants to be prepared for this, but you'll need a flash drive and another computer to go online and download a fix pertaining to the one that gets you... this one I googled and it brought a boatload of sites to fix it , some are free...that's what I did...and yes I had virus protecttion but it got around it.. also the fix said the faster you clean it the better


              • #8
                Originally posted by energyalaska View Post

                Is there any book, DVD, web site or procedure you could suggest to get a person over the edge and started with telekinesis?

                I'd agree with your "not only special people have these abilities" perspective. Belief is an intensely powerful thing, and the key requirement.

                There was some extensive TRV work done on this 5-6 years ago...what we were looking for was if there was anyway to train an "average" person to develop the skill of telekinesis. A duplicatable method. At the time there was not.

                That does not mean that an "average" person cannot develop the skill, just that there was no set way for everyone to develop it.


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                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kevin View Post
                  There was some extensive TRV work done on this 5-6 years ago...what we were looking for was if there was anyway to train an "average" person to develop the skill of telekinesis. A duplicatable method. At the time there was not.

                  That does not mean that an "average" person cannot develop the skill, just that there was no set way for everyone to develop it.

                  Thats understandable. Its completely mental. Its deeper than the conscious mind. I subconsciously moved something with 1,000 times more energy than i ever have been able to consciously. There is no easy way for anyone to reproduce the specific state of mind you have to be in for certain things to happen. I'm sure you know what i mean considering your abilities.

                  I've never tried to teach anyone, but the way i picked up on it, is what has left me to believe everyone can pick up on it. I have no knowledge, its just what i believe. Is TRV different? Is there a duplicatable method to train people that skill? I would imagine that it would be much like telekinesis? I've never tried to learn it personally.


                  • #10
                    Well if anyone does have the ability to move things with their mind there is a bit of money you could probably collect.

                    "Prizes have been offered specifically for PK demonstrations, for example businessman Gerald Fleming's offer of £250,000 to Uri Geller if he can bend a spoon under controlled conditions."

                    Psychokinesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gary View Post
                      Well if anyone does have the ability to move things with their mind there is a bit of money you could probably collect.

                      "Prizes have been offered specifically for PK demonstrations, for example businessman Gerald Fleming's offer of £250,000 to Uri Geller if he can bend a spoon under controlled conditions."

                      Psychokinesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                      I suspect it would be much like the million dollar offer that i've heard of.
                      James Randi Educational Foundation

                      The fact that they still haven't found a winner after all of this time just proves to me that they have no intention of allowing someone to win. What most people dont realize is that every prize offer can come with any number of crazy requirements. I have no doubt these people who offer big money have some loophole to give themselves an excuse not to name a winner. (and to keep their money)

                      Its too bad that they are keeping so many people skeptical by their actions. I can take a straw and balance it on the end of any object anywhere and make the straw turn back and forth, while standing 15 feet away. (no slight of hand there folks). I've left the room and have recorded objects still moving (with no air flowing in the room).

