Dear reader,
I believe i have stumbled upon a discovery for which i would like to enroll your help in confirming my observations. I believe that crowd sourcing this research would bring about quicker results and thus help in refining the theory (bare in mind this is a rough draft). I may have found possible real world applications/examples of what i'm about to present you with, i will post the links for you to check out....
For quite some time, I have been interested in Walter Russell’s periodic table and I read extensively about his research and philosophy (interesting read complements well with schauberger’s philosophy). Anyhow, I suspected that Russell’s periodic table was missing a dimension to make it complete. Through some research and a lot of cogitation, I decided to associate the platonic solids to Russell’s table (bare in mind that my chemistry knowledge is relatively limited, and a lot of help from MrGoogle) The following is the image of Russell’s table unmodified :

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Next (image attached) is the periodic table with the platonic solid added:

Elements Hydrogen to silicon are “ruled” by the Tetrahedron
Elements Silicon to Rhodium are “ruled” by the Hexahedron
Elements Rhodium to end of page are “ruled” be the Octahedron
Elements Alphanon are ruled by the Dodecahedron
Elements Betanon to Hydrogen By the Icosahedrons
What does this mean well, I went digging up a few molecule on the web to see if one element from one side of the wave combined with an element from the opposite side , with both elements ruled by the same ruler (ie:tetrahedron, hexahedron etc…). Here follows 3d images of the molecules I found, however I could not go beyond octahedral because of my chemistry knowledge (that is here were I would love to enlist people knowledgeable in this domain)
TETRAHEDRON MOLECULES (all of the molecules presented here where found on the internet)
Some can be found in the following website WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements

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For the water molecule, it forms a triangle which is nothing more than the shadow of a tetrahedron (ex: if you hold a tetrahedron at the right angle the shadow it projects is a triangle), thus water evolves in tetrahedron “envelop”/”universe”; like the above mentioned molecules.
The following are some examples of molecules under the hexahedron “ruler”

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Observation: copper was considered among alchemist an earthen element, if you look up platonic solids in wikipedia guess which shape corresponds to earth: hexahedron.
OCTOHEDRON MOLECULES AND ABOVE: (updated the rule here
updated the rule here
I have searched for examples of molecules but it seems that there are few 3d representation with good perspective to figure out if it corresponds to an octahedral, all I could do is assume based on what I have found so far that there is high chance that the elements present in the octahedral, dodecahedral and icosahedra evolve when combined in there corresponding ruler’s plane.
One more dimension to add to this is present in the following table: first circle has the radius of the tetrahedron ruler and the second circle has the radius of hexahedron ruler. This part, I cannot interpret because of my lack of knowledge in chemistry. I think this brings a new dimension to chemistry and utilizes Russell’s chart to it’s full potential. Thank you for your help.
This is an open source project, so abide by the open source protocol and share your findings. "You cannot invent, you can only discover" - Gordon Plummer
I chose Hydrogen as the beginning because H is the most abundant element in the universe and it also fit the idea of "All comes from one, and all goes to one"
these video shows that nature's language is centered around the golden ratio.... ... enjoy
YouTube - Nature by Numbers "Nature by Numbers"
YouTube - Donald in mathemagic land "donald in mathemagic land " this one is more entertaining...
a little motivational video, to encourage those of you, who have doubts....
YouTube - National Geographic Channel - IF. Live curious.
"IF. Live curious."
editor's note: Please understand that all the links i provide; i mostly refer to their scientific information.
I believe i have stumbled upon a discovery for which i would like to enroll your help in confirming my observations. I believe that crowd sourcing this research would bring about quicker results and thus help in refining the theory (bare in mind this is a rough draft). I may have found possible real world applications/examples of what i'm about to present you with, i will post the links for you to check out....

For quite some time, I have been interested in Walter Russell’s periodic table and I read extensively about his research and philosophy (interesting read complements well with schauberger’s philosophy). Anyhow, I suspected that Russell’s periodic table was missing a dimension to make it complete. Through some research and a lot of cogitation, I decided to associate the platonic solids to Russell’s table (bare in mind that my chemistry knowledge is relatively limited, and a lot of help from MrGoogle) The following is the image of Russell’s table unmodified :

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Next (image attached) is the periodic table with the platonic solid added:

Elements Hydrogen to silicon are “ruled” by the Tetrahedron
Elements Silicon to Rhodium are “ruled” by the Hexahedron
Elements Rhodium to end of page are “ruled” be the Octahedron
Elements Alphanon are ruled by the Dodecahedron
Elements Betanon to Hydrogen By the Icosahedrons
What does this mean well, I went digging up a few molecule on the web to see if one element from one side of the wave combined with an element from the opposite side , with both elements ruled by the same ruler (ie:tetrahedron, hexahedron etc…). Here follows 3d images of the molecules I found, however I could not go beyond octahedral because of my chemistry knowledge (that is here were I would love to enlist people knowledgeable in this domain)
TETRAHEDRON MOLECULES (all of the molecules presented here where found on the internet)
Some can be found in the following website WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements

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For the water molecule, it forms a triangle which is nothing more than the shadow of a tetrahedron (ex: if you hold a tetrahedron at the right angle the shadow it projects is a triangle), thus water evolves in tetrahedron “envelop”/”universe”; like the above mentioned molecules.
The following are some examples of molecules under the hexahedron “ruler”

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Observation: copper was considered among alchemist an earthen element, if you look up platonic solids in wikipedia guess which shape corresponds to earth: hexahedron.
OCTOHEDRON MOLECULES AND ABOVE: (updated the rule here

I have searched for examples of molecules but it seems that there are few 3d representation with good perspective to figure out if it corresponds to an octahedral, all I could do is assume based on what I have found so far that there is high chance that the elements present in the octahedral, dodecahedral and icosahedra evolve when combined in there corresponding ruler’s plane.
One more dimension to add to this is present in the following table: first circle has the radius of the tetrahedron ruler and the second circle has the radius of hexahedron ruler. This part, I cannot interpret because of my lack of knowledge in chemistry. I think this brings a new dimension to chemistry and utilizes Russell’s chart to it’s full potential. Thank you for your help.
This is an open source project, so abide by the open source protocol and share your findings. "You cannot invent, you can only discover" - Gordon Plummer
I chose Hydrogen as the beginning because H is the most abundant element in the universe and it also fit the idea of "All comes from one, and all goes to one"
these video shows that nature's language is centered around the golden ratio.... ... enjoy
YouTube - Nature by Numbers "Nature by Numbers"
YouTube - Donald in mathemagic land "donald in mathemagic land " this one is more entertaining...
a little motivational video, to encourage those of you, who have doubts....
YouTube - National Geographic Channel - IF. Live curious.
"IF. Live curious."
editor's note: Please understand that all the links i provide; i mostly refer to their scientific information.