I think the field that gets created in Sprink's experiment is the creation of a magnetic field that takes the shape of the dual of the Platonic Solid you set up your electorde/Rodin Coils in. I would really like to have someone try my proposed experiment, for one i have to teach myself how to make circuitry, and electric set up
No announcement yet.
a better way to present the periodic table
Music and Geometry:
Standing Waves form Platonic Solids
"In 3D standing waves, a structure, with all characteristics of a platonic solid, is formed for each standing wave mode. Within an atom, which is the building block of matter, the platonic solid is not formed by salt or known particles, but by electromagnetic waves in vacuum.
Both the students of Buckminster Fuller and his protege Dr. Hans Jenny devised clever experiments that showed how the Platonic Solids would form within a vibrating / pulsating 3D sphere.
Vibrations, Harmonics, Resonance, Waves and Reality
YouTube - ‪WSM = Wave Structure of Matter‬‏
ps: Thank you johnsonkid for reminding me to post this
Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2011, 09:43 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Just wanted to post this info because its representation is nothing more than a Fractal representation:
Multiverse = Many Worlds, Say Physicists - Technology Review
post#17 updated, added Magnetochemistry“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Check out my last post on this thread:
It fits perfectly in the Super-Hologram Theory
Updated post# 45
Check out this post, i experimented a little
Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-11-2011, 11:14 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Quantum chemistry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quantum chemistry applies quantum mechanics for explaning and predicting chemical behaviours. The majority of quantum chemical investigations (at the time of writing), use computations based on approximated solutions of the Schrödinger equation for determining the energy levels of molecules and the molecules' properties such as conductance, charge distribution, and reactivity. Other quantum chemical results include molecular geometry, the strengths and other characteristics of chemical bonds, optical and other spectra, intermolecular forces, and many other chemical properties and features of chemical behaviour.
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Found very interesting article from Russia,
All what now presented at schools and universities entitled as “Periodic system of chemical elements of Mendeleyev”, is forgery.
The main distortion of the Table, carry of "zero group” Tables in its end, to the right, and introduction of so-called "periods".
Such kind (only at first sight — harmless) of manipulation is logically explainable only as conscious elimination of the main methodological link in opening Mendeleyev: the periodic system of elements in the beginning, a source, i.e. in top left to angle of the Table, should have zero group and a zero number, where the element "X" (on Mendeleyev — “Ньютоний” (is it Newtonium?(khabe)), — i.e. a world ether settles down. Moreover, being unique constituent of system an element of the Table of derivative elements, this element "X" is argument of the Table of Mendeleyev. Carry of zero group of the Table to its end destroys idea of this fundamental principle of all system of elements on Mendeleyev.
These changes it Table have been made right away after Mendeleyev death (1907 ?) by hes friend B.N. Menshutkin - ordered by "Worldwide scientific community".
The new paradigm relativity required refusal of idea of a world ether; and consequently this requirement has been erected in a rank of dogma, and D.I.Mendeleyev's work has been forged.
For confirming the aforesaid, we shall ask to speak to D.I.Mendeleyev:
“... If analogues of argon at all do not give connections apparently, that it is impossible to include any of groups before known elements, and for them should open special group zero... This position argon analogues in zero group makes strictly logical consequence of understanding of the periodic law that is why (the facility in group VIII obviously is not true) it is accepted not only me, but also Braizner, Pitshini and others... Now, when began to not be a subject to the slightest doubt, that before that I the group in which should place hydrogen, exists zero group which representatives have weights of atoms less, than at elements I of group, it seems to me impossible to deny existence of elements of easier, than hydrogen. From them we shall pay attention at first to an element of the first of some 1-st group. It we shall mark through “y”.
... ...
You need to find someone to translate, my English is no good,
Thank you very much Khabe, for this very informative article , you done us a great favor, i suspected that the actual table looked so crude and confusing (maybe done on purpose)
Have you thought about the group of element X being the same as ORMS
translated page link
Google Translate
David Hudson: ORMEs Patent
This invention relates to the monoatomic forms of certain transition and noble metal elements, namely, gold, silver, copper, cobalt, nickel and the six platinum group elements. More particularly, this invention relates to the separation of the aforesaid transition and noble metal elements from naturally occurring materials in their orbitally rearranged monoatomic forms, and to the preparation of the aforesaid transition and noble metal elements in their orbitally rearranged monoatomic forms from their commercial metallic forms. The materials of this invention are stable, substantially pure, non-metallic-like forms of the aforesaid transition and noble metal elements, and have a hereto unknown electron orbital rearrangement in the "d", "s", and vacant "p" orbitals. The electron rearrangement bestows upon the monoatomic elements unique electronic, chemical, magnetic, and physical properties which have commercial application.Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-18-2011, 09:54 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
An Attempt Towards A Chemical Conception Of The Ether by Dmitri Mendeleev
found a good translation:
Mendeleev A Chemical Conception of the Ether
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer
YouTube - ‪Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer‬‏“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
interview with Dr. Tesla from
Popular Science - Nov 1928 - Page 16
BESIDES his world power scheme, Dr. Tesla says he is devoting his time chiefly to his vertically rising flying machine. This aerial flivver is to weigh less 200 pound...
...On the whole subject of matter, in fact, Dr. Tesla holds views that are startlingly original. He disagrees with the accepted atomic theory of matter, and does not believe in the existence of an "electron" as pictured by science or, he maintains, if it can exist at all, it does so only in perfect vacuum...
...Even before the discovery of radium, Tesla expressed his belief that radioactive rays were of this sort, a view ridiculed at that time. When radium was discovered it was found actually to emit particles of matter ....Tesla has maintained ever since that radium is not a generator but a transformer of energy, the emanations being caused by cosmic rays of immense power capable of penetrating all obstacles however thick.
very interesting read...
The Fractal Matrix - A Paradigm For Multidimensional Reality
Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2011, 01:25 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
There is Much More to Mendeleev’s Periodic
Table Than Meets the Eye
This knowledge has been incorporated into the long
form of the periodic table and the elements are classified into s,
p, d and f blocks according to their electronic configuration.
This arrangement lends itself very well to study, understand
and predict the behaviour of a particular element (see Box 1).
Chemists have long recognized many systematic patterns from
the periodic table. But the significance and the utility of these
have not been generally noted by biologists, environmentalists,
biochemists or medical scientists. In this article, we view the
periodic properties of elements from the perspective of biology.
note: this document is filed under resonance
I'm sure we could do the same with Wlter Russell's periodic table, I'll explore the table from the perspective of biology (based on this doc)Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2011, 04:03 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Remember Crook's periodic table: (http://www.energeticforum.com/135346-post12.html )
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Well it just so happens that Sir William Crookes was a mentor to Dr Tesla
It is clear that Sir William Crookes completely grasped the significance of Tesla's entire demonstration and realized the closing formal announcement of the new electric force. Crookes could not contain the thrilling implications. He was also sure that the new force would completely revolutionize the scientific world.
Crookes upheld Tesla thereafter as the true discoverer of an unrecognized electrical force. Tesla continued correspondence with his mentor after his departure from England. He had hoped that his dramatic announcement and demonstration would produce a new regime of electrical engineering, and that others would now reproduce the radiant electric effects as described. His hopes would be strangely dashed to pieces in the coming years when the derisive academic attacks began.
interview with Dr. Tesla from
Popular Science - Nov 1928 - Page 16
BESIDES his world power scheme, Dr. Tesla says he is devoting his time chiefly to his vertically rising flying machine. This aerial flivver is to weigh less 200 pound...
...On the whole subject of matter, in fact, Dr. Tesla holds views that are startlingly original. He disagrees with the accepted atomic theory of matter, and does not believe in the existence of an "electron" as pictured by science or, he maintains, if it can exist at all, it does so only in perfect vacuum...
...Even before the discovery of radium, Tesla expressed his belief that radioactive rays were of this sort, a view ridiculed at that time. When radium was discovered it was found actually to emit particles of matter ....Tesla has maintained ever since that radium is not a generator but a transformer of energy, the emanations being caused by cosmic rays of immense power capable of penetrating all obstacles however thick.
Welcome to David Wilcock: Divine Cosmos
Nikola Tesla (23/26)
Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2011, 09:44 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
John W. Keely may have held similar view as Tesla and Russell
The Theory of a Musical Universe (wave matter)[ 1] "The universe consists solely of waves of motion." relates Walter Russell in chapter 31 of A New Concept of the Universe. Another way of saying this is: "There exists nothing other than vibration." In Russell's statement lies the base for his next blast at orthodoxy's belief in a material universe: "Any theory which cannot find a fitting place within the wave has no other place for it in Nature." Hard words for sure but can they stand up to scrutiny? Is it possible to create a paradigm of nature that is structured entirely on wave or vibration theory?
Investigating the pioneer work of John W. Keely's "Sympathetic Vibratory Physics" [2] would lead us to believe this is so. Logically speaking, for such a paradigm to exist it would be couched entirely in vibration terms and concepts and would evolve from the simple to the complex addressing atomic phenomena all the way through human activity. The author (Dale Pond; Frank Germano, ED) believes this can be done, albeit not exhaustively, in so short a paper as this one. In as much as a premise voiced ought to be demonstrated it will herein be shown how all vibration is intimately connected to all other vibration...
...Therefore music is organized vibration or sound set in orderly principles of structure and behavior. The principles that make sound into harmonious music are the same principles that govern all associating vibrations throughout the universe - and that includes everything that there is. It will be shown how any given vibration gives rise to a complex yet simple series of subordinate vibrations known generally as harmonics and these harmonics are relative to one another as are musical intervals.
YouTube - ‪WSM = Wave Structure of Matter‬‏
Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2011, 12:08 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
following up on the previous post:
Atomic structure recognition and modification method and apparatus Inventor: LETOVSKY HOWARD
Also published as: US2005145031 // US2005155340 (A1)
Abstract -- The present invention provides methods and apparatus for determining the precise makeup of atomic and molecular structures, as well as providing the capability of modifying said structures. The invention uses induced resonant frequency wave effects to define and modify the electromagnetic, electrical, radioactive, atomic weight, and co-valent bonding characteristics of matter. One embodiment of the present invention may produce directionally controllable magnetic fields in gaseous media that interact with magnetically polarized vehicle surfaces to allow high-speed, highly energy efficient inter-planetary space travel. Another embodiment of the invention may neutralize waste products remaining from nuclear fission power production. The invention utilizes controlled multi-spectrum frequency induction to catalyze changes in atomic structures that may include: focused and dramatically amplified release of energy relative to natural states of matter; production of new alloys; transmutation of dangerous organic compounds into non-toxic media; and controlled polarization of matter. The benefits of the invention may include highly efficient interstellar spacecraft propulsion systems, hazardous waste elimination systems, efficient electricity production, and health enhancement of biological organisms.
Transmutation patents
see also: http://www.energeticforum.com/135946-post17.html
Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2011, 07:47 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.