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a better way to present the periodic table

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  • #91
    new info:

    Golden ratio discovered in a quantum world

    Researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB, Germany), in cooperation with colleagues from Oxford and Bristol Universities, as well as the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, have for the first time observed a nanoscale symmetry hidden in solid state matter. They have measured the signatures of a symmetry showing the same attributes as the golden ratio famous from art and architecture.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #92
      Two different ways of explaining the fractal universe

      ‪Physics of the Hidden World‬‏ - YouTube

      ‪A Very Curious "Coincidence"‬‏ - YouTube

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2011, 10:41 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #93
        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        I sense that you might like the site by Richard Merric author of Interference, a Grand Scientific Musical Theory. Phi dampening may be why perpetual motion is not allowed by nature. Same with the Enneagram and Gurdjieff's Shocks. A book Cosmic Secrets by Russel Smith presents how the enneagram includes the Fibonacci series and the Periodic Table. I wonder what the Rodin Coil would do with appropriatly palaced Shocks. May be they are burried in the Field.
        For Neophyts like myself a good book on Music and the Periodic Table is The Symphony Of Life by Andrews. He was a chemistry teacher and has a dance for each molecule. I want to replicate the dance of H20 and C02 in a WFC.
        A good correlation between Milo Wolf's Photon Field of Plane Waves can be visualized in the Book, Projective Geometry Creative Polarities in Space and Time, by Olive Whicher, Rudolf Steiner Press.
        I studied W Russell a few years back. Had a visual of his diagram of a teeeter totter having a Diamond like crystal being the central fulcrum.
        I have been following up on a lot of your links and I, like many others will benifet from your energy.. I will have to quit my job to keep up and put the knowledge to practicle use. One must Feel the ocatves and resonance vs think at least thats what I think. Jim


        • #94
          Originally posted by rough_rider View Post

          I sense that you might like the site by Richard Merric author of Interference, a Grand Scientific Musical Theory. Phi dampening may be why perpetual motion is not allowed by nature. Same with the Enneagram and Gurdjieff's Shocks. A book Cosmic Secrets by Russel Smith presents how the enneagram includes the Fibonacci series and the Periodic Table. I wonder what the Rodin Coil would do with appropriatly palaced Shocks. May be they are burried in the Field.
          For Neophyts like myself a good book on Music and the Periodic Table is The Symphony Of Life by Andrews. He was a chemistry teacher and has a dance for each molecule. I want to replicate the dance of H20 and C02 in a WFC.
          A good correlation between Milo Wolf's Photon Field of Plane Waves can be visualized in the Book, Projective Geometry Creative Polarities in Space and Time, by Olive Whicher, Rudolf Steiner Press.
          I studied W Russell a few years back. Had a visual of his diagram of a teeeter totter having a Diamond like crystal being the central fulcrum.
          I have been following up on a lot of your links and I, like many others will benifet from your energy.. I will have to quit my job to keep up and put the knowledge to practicle use. One must Feel the ocatves and resonance vs think at least thats what I think. Jim
          Thank you Jim, you have made quite an interesting contribution, i will definitely check it out:

          Harmonic Evolution

          as you can see, from your personal research that all roads lead to rome (ROMA=AMOR, i saw this in a gnostic documentary, worth mentioning), many research seem to echo the same principles (harmonic ), and have different insight with seem to complete each other (the principle of a fractal construct see , we could use all the help in the previously mentioned post)

          a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has, as my friend Slider2732 calls it, a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-01-2011, 08:05 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • #95
            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            From a previous post:

            Compare Dr Lisi's theory with this old Russian doc:

            YouTube - ‪Resonance energy. Part 3 / Сила резонанÑ�а. ЧаÑ�Ñ‚ÑŒ 3‬‏

            I found some info on the russian doc: (unfortunately translated)

            Äæèíñîâûé ôîðóì Êîñòðîìû / Ñèëà ðåçîíàíñà

            in part 4 of the doc (at 2:32 min) you'll see a similar looking device to Schauberger's Repulsine
            also you'll see many fractal shapes

            please watch part 4 at 5.00 min, let me know what you make of it

            You have my attention with part 4, but I found parts 2 and 3 much more insightful. It seemed to be visually displaying some of the fractal functioning of some atomic structure. If you know walter russell's books, this seems to be showing atomic functions (along very similar lines). Very good share. Please let me know if you have any more info about this video series.

            After seeing that guy play with the shape resonance of those structures -- It makes a whole lot more sense why "orgonite" in water, also affects the freezing structure of the ice -- much like your most recent coil, MM.

            To me, it now makes complete sense why crystals would "resonate" with a specific frequency wavelength -- based on their thickness -- because the "resonating" wave is encapsulated within the entire crystal structure.

            After hearing that -- I also understand why walter russell said "Crystals are the record in form of the state of motion of the potential which produced that form". I am reviewing chapter 10 in The Universal One, to try to better understand crystals.

            The way I see it -- you are suggesting to use nanocrystaline structures to receive differing wavelengths, to cohere a bandwidth of "tap-able" energy.

            MM, You have my full attention -- this is something that I feel "Powerme" briefly showed us a knowledge about, but had not yet directly shown a practical application of. Anywho, I'm still very interested in the subject.

            Thank you for provoking new thoughts from me, about this information

            Powerme also said that there were some old books about nanocrystaline materials. Do you know anything about any of these? I've been trying to find as much information about crystaline structure, and superconductivity -- especially that of super conductive ceramics -- as it appears to be
            fractal in nature/ have a self-similar pattern.

            Superconducting silicon : Nature

            Silicon becomes a superconductor -

            Powerme alluded to a "power source" if you could alloy different elements to acheive superconductivity. While I do not personally understand the molecular shape/structure nescessary to produce superconductivity -- the picture is becomming clearer in my head towards how I can make this a reality for myself.

            It "clicked" that it is possible to combine the crystals to produce electrical oscilations -- attaching it to the superconductive matieral.
            Last edited by petar113507; 08-02-2011, 03:20 PM.


            • #96
              Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
              You have my attention with part 4, but I found parts 2 and 3 much more insightful. It seemed to be visually displaying some of the fractal functioning of some atomic structure. If you know walter russell's books, this seems to be showing atomic functions (along very similar lines). Very good share. Please let me know if you have any more info about this video series.

              After seeing that guy play with the shape resonance of those structures -- It makes a whole lot more sense why "orgonite" in water, also affects the freezing structure of the ice -- much like your most recent coil, MM.

              To me, it now makes complete sense why crystals would "resonate" with a specific frequency wavelength -- based on their thickness -- because the "resonating" wave is encapsulated within the entire crystal structure.

              After hearing that -- I also understand why walter russell said "Crystals are the record in form of the state of motion of the potential which produced that form". I am reviewing chapter 10 in The Universal One, to try to better understand crystals.

              The way I see it -- you are suggesting to use nanocrystaline structures to receive differing wavelengths, to cohere a bandwidth of "tap-able" energy.

              MM, You have my full attention -- this is something that I feel "Powerme" briefly showed us a knowledge about, but had not yet directly shown a practical application of. Anywho, I'm still very interested in the subject.

              Thank you for provoking new thoughts from me, about this information

              Powerme also said that there were some old books about nanocrystaline materials. Do you know anything about any of these? I've been trying to find as much information about crystaline structure, and superconductivity -- especially that of super conductive ceramics -- as it appears to be
              fractal in nature/ have a self-similar pattern.

              Superconducting silicon : Nature

              Silicon becomes a superconductor -

              Powerme alluded to a "power source" if you could alloy different elements to acheive superconductivity. While I do not personally understand the molecular shape/structure nescessary to produce superconductivity -- the picture is becomming clearer in my head towards how I can make this a reality for myself.

              It "clicked" that it is possible to combine the crystals to produce electrical oscilations -- attaching it to the superconductive matieral.
              hopefully a Reality For us all

              I'll have a look at the links and do you have any link i could check out on could be quite useful to read what he/she had to say...
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 06:11 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #97
                After hearing that -- I also understand why walter russell said "Crystals are the record in form of the state of motion of the potential which produced that form". I am reviewing chapter 10 in The Universal One, to try to better understand crystals.
                This surprisingly sounds like i posted in the thread time travel:

                let me put it another way more logical:

                you evolve in a space time construct, as you grow old or move forward through space (you live on a moving spaceship ) and time, their marks start to imprint themselves on you, and all have a fractal shape, they are a reflection of the time/space fractal construct...(my opinion )

                and fits the fractal logic

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • #98
                  from the article you supplied me with:

                  By substituting 9% of the silicon atoms with boron atoms

                  found powerme posts, i'll go over them and let you know
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 06:30 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #99
                    Production and properties of zinc (Open Library)

                    being that we are talking about crystals, would it be ok if we move over to
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2011, 06:57 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Video: 'Unlimited Detail' Graphics Tech Surfaces Again With Tantalizing New Demo | Popular Science

                      A little more than a year ago, we wrote about an Australian hobbyist named Bruce Dell who was claiming--with video evidence to back it up--that he’d created a new graphics technology that could deliver unlimited power. That is, rather than working with a limited number of polygon shapes (restricted, of course, by computing power), a graphic environment could be built from an infinite number of 3-D virtual atoms, much like the physical world. It was a cool idea. Then Dell and his Unlimited Detail graphics system disappeared.
                      ‪Unlimited Detail Real-Time Rendering Technology Preview 2011 [HD]‬‏ - YouTube

                      think of all the applications that this technology opens up (simulations etc...)

                      btw...and we live in a Superhologram.... ,

                      found it originally on ATS

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-03-2011, 04:34 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        From a previous post:

                        Compare Dr Lisi's theory with this old Russian doc:

                        YouTube - ‪Resonance energy. Part 3 / Сила резонанÑ�а. ЧаÑ�Ñ‚ÑŒ 3‬‏

                        I found some info on the russian doc: (unfortunately translated)

                        Äæèíñîâûé ôîðóì Êîñòðîìû / Ñèëà ðåçîíàíñà

                        in part 4 of the doc (at 2:32 min) you'll see a similar looking device to Schauberger's Repulsine
                        also you'll see many fractal shapes

                        please watch part 4 at 5.00 min, let me know what you make of it
                        Found the website in reference ti the Russian doc

                        Íàíî, íàíîìèð, ïèêîòåõíîëîãèÿ, ìèêðîâîëíîâàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà / Ôîðìû, ìåõàíèçìû, ýíåðãèÿ Íàíîìèðà
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-25-2011, 06:14 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • 20000311 Kushelev’s UFO by Oleg Gribkov (popular)

                          engineer-electrician Alexander Kushelev

                          The conclusions that Alexander reached as a result of his investigations would be difficult and long to tell about. A nonprofessional will hardly be interested in Kushelev’s statement that photons are electromagnetic waves focused into rays. And is it possible for us, dear fellows, to understand the importance of the hypothesis that ether consists of nanoworld elements (they are twenty-five orders lesser than the atoms) and has crystalloid structure? And the light and electrons (encircled light which forms, besides other things, you and me) circulate in ether like sound in a crystal? (Walter Russell Anyone?
                          the vid is in this post:

                          nice complement to Walter Russell's Writing
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • more related material

                            This video series a friend suggested is directly related to discussions within this thread, so I thought I'd provide a link here for everyone else researching these same subjects. If it's been posted elsewhere, please forgive the redundancy.

                            Spirit Science (part 6 of 12)

                            I highly recommend the entire series, of which there are 16 (12 is 5 parts) parts, though the link I've shared jumps directly into Sacred Geometry, its relation to the platonic solids and the periodic elements. Namaste.


                            • Originally posted by sunspot720 View Post
                              This video series a friend suggested is directly related to discussions within this thread, so I thought I'd provide a link here for everyone else researching these same subjects. If it's been posted elsewhere, please forgive the redundancy.

                              Spirit Science (part 6 of 12)

                              I highly recommend the entire series, of which there are 16 (12 is 5 parts) parts, though the link I've shared jumps directly into Sacred Geometry, its relation to the platonic solids and the periodic elements. Namaste.
                              Thank you sunspot720 for your contribution , will check it out...the discussion is continuing here:

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • MonsieurM, and others, any idea where I can find Walter Russell's books as pdf online?

                                I would like "Atomic Suicide" and "The Universal One"

                                In my "The Universal One", on page 160 (143) the text on the right is all messed up.

                                Also, page 191 (174) also has a paragraph that is very faint.
                                ‎"It's all in the MIND"

