Hi everyone,
I am interested in re-educating myself by starting from a clean slate, as to how inductors and capitors really work, and to try and cleanse my mind from the missconceptions we have been taught by many of our school teachers and text books. Once we achieve the correct understanding of how these things work then free energy machines like the Testatika ( ‪Testatika Machine‬‏ - YouTube ) will be easily understood.
The main difficulty with learning is filtering out the small bits of correct information from the multitude of information on this forum and elsewhere out on the internet.
I hope to be able to put together a simple set of documents and terminology which will describe the true behaviour of electrical components so that we can all understand and describe things in a meaningfull way. Today the main problem we face is when trying to describe a system and using terms which are not precisely defined or which have multiple meanings. For example the term "charge" as used in capacitance, is over used and is interpreted by many people differently and incorrectly. See the the links below to be enlightened
The following two links I found very interesting in dealing with capacitors.
First link describes capacitance, Second link is a Utube demo.
‪MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor‬‏ - YouTube
I think the schematic for a self running generator is not far off and will be a combination of a wimshurst machine coupled together with something like the imotep bedini fan project ( ‪Imhotep - Bedini Fan Project Part 1‬‏ - YouTube ), where the wimshurst will provide the voltage to power the imotep fan which in turn will spin the wimshurst machine at a constant rate just like the Testatika.
I am interested in re-educating myself by starting from a clean slate, as to how inductors and capitors really work, and to try and cleanse my mind from the missconceptions we have been taught by many of our school teachers and text books. Once we achieve the correct understanding of how these things work then free energy machines like the Testatika ( ‪Testatika Machine‬‏ - YouTube ) will be easily understood.
The main difficulty with learning is filtering out the small bits of correct information from the multitude of information on this forum and elsewhere out on the internet.
I hope to be able to put together a simple set of documents and terminology which will describe the true behaviour of electrical components so that we can all understand and describe things in a meaningfull way. Today the main problem we face is when trying to describe a system and using terms which are not precisely defined or which have multiple meanings. For example the term "charge" as used in capacitance, is over used and is interpreted by many people differently and incorrectly. See the the links below to be enlightened
The following two links I found very interesting in dealing with capacitors.
First link describes capacitance, Second link is a Utube demo.
‪MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor‬‏ - YouTube
I think the schematic for a self running generator is not far off and will be a combination of a wimshurst machine coupled together with something like the imotep bedini fan project ( ‪Imhotep - Bedini Fan Project Part 1‬‏ - YouTube ), where the wimshurst will provide the voltage to power the imotep fan which in turn will spin the wimshurst machine at a constant rate just like the Testatika.