A Big Hello to Everyone from joepipe here in Mission, BC
A few days ago Robert emailed me concerning how the Hull Effect may enhance the flame energy generated by the joepipe technology.
After reading over some of the posts, the joepipe (as it is made up of heavy metal piping) should become magnetized in the same manner as a vehicle through generating the Hull Effect.
Robert suggested wrapping a ss wire around a ceramic pipe in order to induce the Hull Effect into the air-fuel mix.
The joepipe uses low pressure-high volume air to generate an implosion spin inside of a pipe. Increasing the Btu of the fuel along with the air flow increases the endothermic spin generated by the vacuum produced.
Please give me awhile to read through the various posts so that I'll be able to gain the insight needed to fully understand the Hull Effect.
Adding the Hull Effect into the equation may be the missing variable to phase change the matter (fuel-air mix) into full blown plasma.
On many occasions I've witnessed the joepipe become thermally super-conductive where the fuel was transmuted into the 4th state of matter. The Hull Effect may be the catylist. The joepipe itself works on 'lamiter flow.'
A few days ago Robert emailed me concerning how the Hull Effect may enhance the flame energy generated by the joepipe technology.
After reading over some of the posts, the joepipe (as it is made up of heavy metal piping) should become magnetized in the same manner as a vehicle through generating the Hull Effect.
Robert suggested wrapping a ss wire around a ceramic pipe in order to induce the Hull Effect into the air-fuel mix.
The joepipe uses low pressure-high volume air to generate an implosion spin inside of a pipe. Increasing the Btu of the fuel along with the air flow increases the endothermic spin generated by the vacuum produced.
Please give me awhile to read through the various posts so that I'll be able to gain the insight needed to fully understand the Hull Effect.

Adding the Hull Effect into the equation may be the missing variable to phase change the matter (fuel-air mix) into full blown plasma.
On many occasions I've witnessed the joepipe become thermally super-conductive where the fuel was transmuted into the 4th state of matter. The Hull Effect may be the catylist. The joepipe itself works on 'lamiter flow.'