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  • En Visite

    I'm just on visit but i'm very interestning to energy

    I've fully observe energy developpement research on the heart the 100 last years on the WWWeb and i've compare them

    I've see interestning thing about Ene to Mat and Env

    Powerfull is the powersource biggest is the building.
    Green energy isn't esthetic at all.

    Hydroenergy = Water barrage(depend the place)m3 + Pipeline(Top to bottom m3) + Hydroelectric central(15000m3 ~) = the green category of energy (USE ACTUALLY) Base Co2

    Eolienenergy = Eolien tower (120 m3) = 1/200 of Hydro central efficient +capacity -80%co2

    Nuclear energy = 45000 M3 ~ = 20/1 of hydro central efficient capacity + 100%co2

    Carbon energy = 30 000 m3 ~ = 1/1 of hydro central efficient capacity + 200% co2

    Solar energy = 80 000 m3 = 1/1 of hydro central efficient capacity +-= Co2

    In test = Micro Ondulation energy = space station of solar pane + energy translate to micro ondulation captor = unstable energy ...

    For me the only POWERFUL and GREEN energy we can found on the nature is electrostatic energy discovered by Nikola Tesla.

    If we see the reality, The planet is a megagenerator, All the solar system is like an ULTRAENERGYGENERATOR (Like a megadynamo)

    The sun turn around herself, mercure venus hearth mars ... turn around themself and on elypsis around the sun

    The sun is an calorific electrostatic generator, the planets turn around this star and make an dynamo effect and product electrowawes on the galaxy, the planets stock this electrowawes to electrosynetics wawes on all the couch of atmospher, Tesla approve that we can use the electrostatic potential of space to earth to create a AC wawe of 75W with only on Cu String of 0,5 mm(/) linked to an meteoballsphere with an energy transformer on earth.

    So the Tower of Tesla is a megagenerator using the Differential coefficient of electrosynetic energy wawes potential from the different spheres of atmosphere to earth, the problem was the money (refused by an ******* for maintain the electricity cost to the hightest price for the time).

    This is clear, the energy potential of the TESLA Project is the greenest energy of world and too the pitefull esthetic tower of world (GREEN ENERGY and ESTHETIC OF EARTH ISN'T FRIENDS)

    The green parts want green energy but don't want earth modifications. so they don't want green energy. the just want an esthetic world >> Kill them all before the tree dissapear of the world.

    P.S. if the MEGACORP want to have money, Tesla project is a good method to make it, yeah, this don't use uranium, carbon, ... this just use the earth magnetic energy. and this energy is infinite. but for the aer transport of energy i don't think we can do that before we don't control meteo, for a time the mega corp of energy can make money with that if they do that.