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Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

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  • #16

    To anyone who cares,
    I agree with Aaron the insults are demeaning to any arguement. But it is sort of like hitting back, and the ref only sees you doing the hitting. Like pro wrestling, the bully usually uses a fake that the ref seems to "miss".
    Probably my favorite comedian of all time is Don Rickles, "Hey, you hockey puck!" Now that is a guy that knows insults.
    The insults to intelligence, are a different story. Insults to one's arguements, using their point of view, so to never answer the other's arguements, no matter how reasoned, or passionate, is a tried and true way to never assess, or reason, both sides of any agruement.
    When you, or anyone starts an arguement, not a fight, remember your view is only your view. Learning the other side before stating an arguement, boosts your position and ensures you will continue your arguement. Long after the the little minds offer only insults cloistered in a new arguement. Both sides of an arguement need to be addressed by both sides.
    The little minds always keep their points close to their chest.


    • #17
      The Energetic Forum is a place to learn, share, discuss, get help, give help, explore, encourage, get encouraged, have fun, make friends, work out problems, and more.

      We have been most fortunate, as a community, to be able to post about most any subject and have open and fun exploration.

      Religion and Politics are two subjects that have extremely low flash points. Knowing that, please take extra care in your communication on these subjects to be full of love and light in your writing.

      We believe that each of us is responsible to conduct ourselves, individually, and in relation to all humankind, in a manner that reflects only light.

      Several of us have read through the Bible thread and this one and were surprised, and a little uncomfortable, with the passive aggressive comments being made by multiple parties. Then it flashed from passive aggressive to aggressive.

      We take full responsibility for not stepping in with a reminder sooner.

      EVERYONE is welcomed and encouraged to continue posting their thoughts, feelings and beliefs in these two threads, if they desire to.

      Just remember, that in discussing these two subjects (politics and religion), to be extra careful to give your fellow human beings every benefit of respecting their point of view (no matter how foreign it may be to you) in all your communication.

      Love and Light,

      EF ADMIN

      Energetic Forum Administrator


      • #18
        Hi Ingram;

        I didn't realize we were jumping all over each other(well, maybe a little) but I considered that normal in a spirited discussion, not negative. But in reading back over this thread I see where I could have been more tactful so as to avoid mis-understanding.

        But that is one big problem when only reading and writing; no inflections, tone of voice, or body language to help evaluate each other. I did not intend to sound condescending or personally insulting, thought we were both expressing our opinions vigorously with facts, statements, arguments to back them up. So one my end you had nothing to apologize for, but I respect the willingness to send one and in the same spirit I apologize to you and any one who was upset. I will be more careful with my wording in the future.

        Until next time,



        • #19
          Good Info

          I do wanna thank you for the good info and I understand your concern for the masses. Yes, the people in charge of the US want it to be, ah pretty much "vanilla" (I'll take the full-on banana split, myself!) and anything out of the ordinary such as UFO's, Crop Circles or anything that challenges the "status quo" is minimized or vanquished. Hmmm..... The Ego of the Masses is pretty strong, eh???
          I'm just glad we as individuals can learn and do all the "cool stuff" and not worry about persecution in the process. That's my reality, in a sense.

          Thanks again,
          With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

          Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


          • #20
            Hi Al & Doug

            Thanks for the feedback fella's


            • #21
              Yeah, it's "Fascism" all right

              Lemme resurrect this thread a bit since the below may not merit it's own thread...

              Here is something i recently read about on Op-Ed News as a comment, and which needs to be widely circulated in my opinion. This man Tom Feeney is a good alternate journalist and vocal opponent of the Bush regime, and some of my friends whom i trust know him personally. This is no BS.

              From the comments under OpEdNews :
              __________________________________________________ ____

              My friend Tom Feeley is in Big trouble. He runs the web site which updates "news you won't find in the corporate media" every day. The site is strongly anti-war.

              Tom has gotten his share of death threats over the years, but what happened this week is a lot more serious.

              Two days ago, Tom's wife found three well dressed men in their kitchen. The man who did all the talking, told Tom's wife (I won't give her name) that Tom must "Stop what he is doing on the Internet, NOW!" As crazy as it sounds, he pulled back his lapel and showed her a gun of some kind which she could not identify. Like I said, Tom has been threatened before, but nothing like this. 4 years ago, he was in a parking lot at Long's Drug store in Southern California and when he tried to open his door to get out, a man in a car next to him opened his door at precisely the same time which prevented Tom from getting out. Then, a 40-ish year old man got out of the passenger side of the vehicle and approached Tom saying, "You need to stop what you are doing on the web".

              Tom said the man was overweight and had his shirt untucked. Tom was taken aback, but (after collecting himself said) "What the f**k? Who do you think you are telling me what I can do?"

              The man answered, "Tom, I'm just giving you some good advice. You should take my advice, Tom."

              This is all I know about the incident. Since, then, there have been occassional death threats, but nothing like what happened on Sunday. Tom's wife is hysterical and has not returned to the house since the incident. She contacted the FBI but the FBI said their was nothing they could do. Tom and his wife separated recently after a 30 year marriage, so he is publishing from a different location.

              The well-dressed man told Tom's wife that he knew where her son lived, what line of work he was in, and how many children he had.

              Last night, Tom's son and a friend cruised the neighborhood where his mother lives to see if anything strange was going on. They came across two men in a car a half-block from their mother's home using their laptops at roughly 12:30 AM. When Tom's son and friend approached them, the car sped off. Tom, does not know whether this is connected to his situation, but it is definitely suspicious.

              I talked to Tom this morning and he is getting by, but he's clearly upset. I do not know his plans, but I know he is ditching his cell phone and (I assume) will have to go underground as much as possible. He plans to keep publishing.

              I'll tell you this about Tom Feeley; he is no bull****ter. He is the "real deal" and completely committed to exposing the mob that is presently running our country. He does not understand why, (as he says) "They are reaching down SO far to get someone who just runs web sites". But, the truth is, they are. Someone wants him to "shut up" and they apparently have the muscle to do it. He knows he is in danger.

              I will probably only hear from Tom infrequently from this point on. But I will update information as I get it. Tom, knows some of the best writers on the Internet---many of them speak out regularly and forcefully on issues of civil liberties and war. Anything they can do to draw attention to Tom's situation will greatly improve his chances of getting through this ordeal safely. Beyond that, I have no idea of what can be done to help.

              by john riggs (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 363 comments) on Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 12:19:49 PM

              __________________________________________________ ___

              [the ** asterisks were added by me, Jib, but the rest was pasted as posted by John Riggs]

              Scary, huh? Please pass it along to the other forums you visit. Our best defense is spreading the news far and wide whenever this stuff happens. If these people ever get caught doing this... They will deeply regret messin' with us


              • #22
                Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                Lemme resurrect this thread a bit since the below may not merit it's own thread...

                Here is something i recently read about on Op-Ed News as a comment, and which needs to be widely circulated in my opinion. This man Tom Feeney is a good alternate journalist and vocal opponent of the Bush regime, and some of my friends whom i trust know him personally. This is no BS.

                From the comments under OpEdNews :
                __________________________________________________ ____

                My friend Tom Feeley is in Big trouble. He runs the web site which updates "news you won't find in the corporate media" every day. The site is strongly anti-war.

                Tom has gotten his share of death threats over the years, but what happened this week is a lot more serious.

                Two days ago, Tom's wife found three well dressed men in their kitchen. The man who did all the talking, told Tom's wife (I won't give her name) that Tom must "Stop what he is doing on the Internet, NOW!" As crazy as it sounds, he pulled back his lapel and showed her a gun of some kind which she could not identify. Like I said, Tom has been threatened before, but nothing like this. 4 years ago, he was in a parking lot at Long's Drug store in Southern California and when he tried to open his door to get out, a man in a car next to him opened his door at precisely the same time which prevented Tom from getting out. Then, a 40-ish year old man got out of the passenger side of the vehicle and approached Tom saying, "You need to stop what you are doing on the web".

                Tom said the man was overweight and had his shirt untucked. Tom was taken aback, but (after collecting himself said) "What the f**k? Who do you think you are telling me what I can do?"

                The man answered, "Tom, I'm just giving you some good advice. You should take my advice, Tom."

                This is all I know about the incident. Since, then, there have been occassional death threats, but nothing like what happened on Sunday. Tom's wife is hysterical and has not returned to the house since the incident. She contacted the FBI but the FBI said their was nothing they could do. Tom and his wife separated recently after a 30 year marriage, so he is publishing from a different location.

                The well-dressed man told Tom's wife that he knew where her son lived, what line of work he was in, and how many children he had.

                Last night, Tom's son and a friend cruised the neighborhood where his mother lives to see if anything strange was going on. They came across two men in a car a half-block from their mother's home using their laptops at roughly 12:30 AM. When Tom's son and friend approached them, the car sped off. Tom, does not know whether this is connected to his situation, but it is definitely suspicious.

                I talked to Tom this morning and he is getting by, but he's clearly upset. I do not know his plans, but I know he is ditching his cell phone and (I assume) will have to go underground as much as possible. He plans to keep publishing.

                I'll tell you this about Tom Feeley; he is no bull****ter. He is the "real deal" and completely committed to exposing the mob that is presently running our country. He does not understand why, (as he says) "They are reaching down SO far to get someone who just runs web sites". But, the truth is, they are. Someone wants him to "shut up" and they apparently have the muscle to do it. He knows he is in danger.

                I will probably only hear from Tom infrequently from this point on. But I will update information as I get it. Tom, knows some of the best writers on the Internet---many of them speak out regularly and forcefully on issues of civil liberties and war. Anything they can do to draw attention to Tom's situation will greatly improve his chances of getting through this ordeal safely. Beyond that, I have no idea of what can be done to help.

                by john riggs (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 363 comments) on Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 12:19:49 PM

                __________________________________________________ ___

                [the ** asterisks were added by me, Jib, but the rest was pasted as posted by John Riggs]

                Scary, huh? Please pass it along to the other forums you visit. Our best defense is spreading the news far and wide whenever this stuff happens. If these people ever get caught doing this... They will deeply regret messin' with us
                Only three? Better be glad they weren't in my kitchen; IF they got out they would have been easy to recognize!!!
                Tell Tom to keep his powder dry.



                • #23
                  Dry powdery substance

                  Hey Jibb and Al
                  No matter what side of the aisle you may be on, the jack-booted thugs invading a home should be shot on site. Jibb, get a pistol or rifle and learn to shoot it. Safety is not a constitutional issue. Al, why don't you post a nice fat diatribe why weapon owenrship by responsible people is a good thing. You are more eloquent than I.


                  • #24
                    Hi Jib,
                    Thanks for the interesting info!
                    I'm with AL & Dan on this

                    Only three? Better be glad they weren't in my kitchen; IF they got out they would have been easy to recognize!!! Tell Tom to keep his powder dry.
                    the jack-booted thugs invading a home should be shot on site
                    Well put fellas


                    • #25
                      The Truth About The American Civil Liberties Union

                      Hey Ingram;

                      Try this link for info on the real intent of the A.C.L.U. founders;




                      • #26
                        Thanks Al,

                        In regard to our previous conversation about police state tactics, you may find the following link interesting

               - Centre for Research on Globalization


                        • #27

                          Using bogus "law" in our favor:
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #28
                            An current example of illegal implementation of federal police powers domestically.

                            Army combat unit to deploy within U.S. -


                            • #29
                              Am I correct in my memory of the Constitution prohibiting the military from EVER being used against the citizenry of the US? (I know that whole 'Constitution' thing was a 200 year fad and all)
                              I deleted the following five hundred word essay on "conspiracies and thier nuts that love 'em" and Pared it down to a simple set of Ideas. Know yourself and you will surely know your enemy. Our darkest hidden selves are not so hidden in others yet not dissimilar. What you would do without your conscience is what they do for fun. Never underestimate the depths of evil in ourselves, lest we fall prey to its design.
                              And never drink the kool aid.


                              • #30
                                [QUOTE=Ingram;25929]Hi Jib,
                                Thanks for the interesting info!
                                I'm with AL & Dan on this

                                Only three? Better be glad they weren't in my kitchen; IF they got out they would have been easy to recognize!!! Tell Tom to keep his powder dry.[QUOTE]

                                the jack-booted thugs invading a home should be shot on site

                                Hey Ingram; just had this sent to me. Thought you would find it as interesting as I did.

                                YouTube - Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment!


